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Odor from nose after surgery

I recently had Deviated septum fixed along with two turbinates removed. It has been two weeks since surgery. Seems to be healing fine except now i have a terrible odor coming from nose.I am continueing to use a sinse rinse.Occasionally throughtout the day i am having a green discharge from my nose very little.Does anybody know if a bad smell from nose two weeks after surgery is normal? Also do you know if night sweats are a part of the healing process?  
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Hi everyone, i signed up here in order to share my experience with the same issue. I was so worried and then i found this forum, so i understood that the bad smell from after nose surgery (i hade turbinate reduction 4 weeks ago) is caused by some leftovers of the blood and mucous which cannot get out during cleaning with the saline spray. I started having horrible odor after 2-3 weeks after surgery, it was a smell of dead animal, i was really desperate, by husband could not sleep in the same room, saying that all the room smells like rotten animal. I felt that odor in every breath, i could not smell anything else apart that awful death smell. I was crying non stop. I was cleaning almost every half an hour, but nothing was coming out. One week ago when the smell started but was not so strong yet i visited the ENT and he tried to clean the pieces from my nose, but it was a bit painful, he noticed the smell but said the pieces will go out by themselves. So they didn't and yesterday i went again for a visit, and this time he really took them off. WOW these were so big, each one from each side, and they had that bad smell. I was so happy, i could feel that smell for a while after the visit but then it completely disappeared. The doctor said there are still few small pieces left so if they don't go out themselves i come again and he takes them off. I want to encourage everyone who has that problem, just go to the doctor and ask to take it off. I am a bit disappointed that the doctor didn't tell me i might have this issue before the surgery, so i would not be so stressed. But thanks God the issue was resolved, i am so happy.
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Did you recover from your turbunate reduction?  I need hope.
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Please let me know if you recovered.  I need hope
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I had a turbunate reduction done 8 weeks ago along with a tonsillectomy.  I went to the ENT for the tonsills with no problems breathing.  She said my turbunates had to be reduced because my nose was 85% blocked (I feel so guilty for trusting a doctor who has been in practice for 22 years with no complaints).   I am struggling with a dry and burning nose.  I feel that my nose too wide open.  The bad smell and taste have gone away.  I wonder if I will heal.  I hope I don't have Empty Nose Syndrome.  I am trying to find support in Colorado.  Let me know if you know of anyone.
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hello if you have symptoms of dry nose try to use a humidifier (specially in closed places during winter). It will help ALOT! i use one in the office and one at home (even while i sleep) and my nose is keeping the moisture
hello if you have symptoms of dry nose try to use a humidifier (specially in closed places during winter). It will help ALOT! i use one in the office and one at home (even while i sleep) and my nose is keeping the moisture
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I had my turbinates trimmed by 50% and a septoplasty as well about 2 months ago. My bad smell started 5 days after the surgery when they removed the splints from my nose. The smell was so bad, people were complaining about it. I have to cover it by chewing gum all the time. It has continued to improve over the past 8 weeks. It is still not gone and after doing some research and learning about empty nose syndrome, I'm really worried this may become permanent. I encourage anyone that is going to have these surgeries, especially the turbinates reduced, talk about it with the doctors and weigh your options.
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I had similar surgery several weeks ago but not as extensive, deviated septum repair and turbinate trimming.  I have a funny smell coming from my nose.  It is not a bad smell, sort of medicinal or minty.  It's more annoying than anything.  I did not start having it until after my two week examination and numbing spray was used.  Did you seek treatment for this condition?  If so, how are you now?
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email me i'm serious..i've been and done all that..it sucks
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Colts, contact me at ***@****

i think your problem is more than just an infection did you say he removed your turbs which ones on both sides..just email me and we can discuss i had a partial resection of my inferior turbs and my life is hell..trust me your going to be for a long haul of battling and suffering with no cure in sight sorry to say...

ask your doctor about empty nose syndrome he'll look at you as if your a fool..

contact me if you'd like some info
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I agree with alchris. Call your surgeon, they may want to see you and do a culture on the drainage. Also, the faster you get more meds(if necessary) the quicker you will heal. Don't delay. Best wishes.
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please talk to your surgeon you could have an infection
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