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swollen epiglottis

Every now and then my epiglottis doenst relax like it should. I know the epiglottis works like a flap, so food and water doesnt get into the airway. It tenses up to cover the trachea and when its not working it relaxes and rest agianst the wall of the throat.
It starts with that feeling that there is something in my thoat and I need to clear it,  but I can't. I feel the need to swallow saliva every 5-10 seconds. It normally happens when I am tired due to lack of sleep and have a really dry mouth. I tonly happens late at night. Usually after midnight. I am a smoker and drink a decent amount of soft drinks, which causes my throat to be a little dryer.  I don't have any symptoms that lead me to believe this is serious such as, actual sore throat, fever, headach, or swelling anywhere else. I know any difficulty swallowing is concidered serious, but it only gets so bad, which doesn't impare my breathing, drinking, or eating. It is more annoying then anything. It is hard for me to go to sleep when it is swollen/tense. I end up staying up until I am so tired that nothing can keep me up.  I always wake up in the morning and it is back to normal. I have tired drinking thinker drinks that kind of coat my throat..like milk and thinker juices. I also take a pretty warm bath to breathe in moisture....which really helped while I was in the bath.
I'm just curious if this happens to other people and if anyone may know of any ways to soothe it?
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I've had a feeling of something in my throat, like a growth or blockage and after reading some of these letters I'm beginning to think alcohol might be the culprit. I'll go dry for a few weeks and see if it improves.
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I have some what of the same problem but mines worse.. I have a very bad time trying to swallow foods or liquids, As it makes me feel like I am choking on what I've just swallowed. It started back in December.. I was eating chicken and began to choke on it. I think I may have pushed myself in trying to get it up that I might have swollen my throat in the process, Also I'm having a problem breathing through my nose so it's more likely that what ever I've it's do to with my epiglottis. It doesn't help that fact that I'm a aggressive vocalist or " Screamer". But thanks to this I'll for sure stop practicing, and trying to clear my throat so aggressively.
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I have been dealing with the same issue for the last week .. Not sure if it relates to people here but Ive realized thru reasearching post as well that my EPIGLOTTIS .. Not uvula  .. Is stretched and swollen  , and the lumpy feeling in ur throat causes you to keep bringing up flem and spit . Ive taken some anti inflamitories and stopped trying to clear my throat so aggressiy , i beleive the act of drawing flem out is making my throat muscles pull and stretch my epiglottis making it worse everytime i spit ... Hot tea and being less agressive when clearing my throat has helped greatly .. Not sure if this is the cure but it has made a huge difference for me .
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Most of you are describing the uvula, not the epiglottis; and this often becomes stretched from snoring. Keep your chin away from your chest when you sleep.
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8644359 tn?1401635098
I started out having this feeling like something was in my throat. I'd look and not see anything. Until yesterday. I looked and could see my epiglottis for the first time. It's very visible. I wish we could show pictures here. Anyway, I went to the ER and was told it was normal for some to be able to see their epiglottis. Well I've never seen mine before this and I've looked a lot because of the feeling something was in my throat. My fear is that it's going to get worse and end up killing me or something. But I mostly just want the damn thing to go down and the feeling to just GO! I do have GERD and/or probably something like it. I also have allergies and this does seem to be more apparent now since Spring has began. I also am doing a taper from the benzodiazepine - Klonopin. So I'm GERD, Allergies, AND anxiety. Reading these posts helps some but I'm still concerned. Trying to just relax but it's a constant feeling and I can still see it now just as well as yesterday. Perhaps in time if it's still there but hasn't changed, I'll relax a little. I just wish it would just go back to normal! It's frightening and I am afraid to go out or do anything for fear it will get worse and/or I'll have a panic attack!
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Same feeling here. It started about 3weeks ago. Feel normal every morning, symptom starts after meal when eating too fast. May I ask, for those that have done scoping down your throat through your nose or mouth, is the procedure painful?
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