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Swollen lymph node

I have two questions.

1) I have had a swollen lymph node (on my left side neck, just under the jaw) since I was a teenager. I am now 34 years old. Doctors have always told me it is scar tissue from a strep infection or some kind of infection. I still have it. It feels about the size of one of those big grapes, but has the firmness of one of those bouncy balls you get out of gumball machines at the grocery store...if you know what I mean. I can always feel it, but itt seems to enlarge and feel tender whenever I have a sore throat, which is very often lately. For the past 5 months, my sore throat is almost always scratchy or sore. Is there a possibility something worrisome could be going on here?

2) I was scheduled to have a tonsillectomy due to tonsoliths (tonsil stones). I think this may be connected to my first question. The surgery is not necessary, but I was hoping it would help my throat to feel better, get rid of the nasty tonsoliths and make me an all around healthier person. However, right after the surgery was scheduled I was diagnosed with some heart problems and ended up having to get an ICD. Now I'm not sure if getting the tonsilectomy is worth all the trouble (may have to have a Boston Scientific rep present to turn off the ICD). What I want to know is, in your opinion, do you think having my tonsils removed will help reduce the number of throat infections I get?

I do have lots of sinus irritation as well, so this could also be a contributing factor to my throat problems, but not the lymph node I'm thinking. I am just paranoid now after becoming a heart patient at the young and unexpected age of 34 that I'll end up with lymphoma or some other horrible health problem. Thanks for your time and advice!
8 Responses
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766283 tn?1234741748
A related discussion, Swollen Lymph Nodes behind my Ears - 8 weeks was started.
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wookloaf: I agree 100% about the worrying. I'm hoping to get to the bottom of this soon and then I can start worying about some other thing I shouldn't be worrying about. Of course the last time I stopped worrying about symtpoms (heart arrhythmia) after doctor's told me it was a benign condition, years later it turned out to be serious. So, while I was on my way to kicking my worry habit, finding out I'm at risk for cardiac arrest due to a serious arrythmia and heart condition kind of just confirmed that maybe I should worry about my health and get second and third and fourth opinions about stuff. Now, I don't know if I'll ever be able to kick the worry hypochondria habit again! I'm going to start taking Yoga...maybe that'll help.

deblet76...thanks for sharing about your node and your dad's opinion. That helps.

God bless all and may your health improve!

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579431 tn?1217818313
Thank you for your message! I am so thankful to hear someone who has basically the exact symptoms as I do. I have totally been dealing with neck and back pain for the past year at least and just assumed it was from my workouts...maybe it is from my swollen lymph node. My doctor told me I could get it removed, but it could be pricey, and possibly not necessary. I am trying my best not to stress about it, but it is constantly putting pressure on my neck and my tongue. Thank you everyone for your comments!
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Hey, im 22 and ive had a swollen gland unerneath the right side of my jaw for about a year and a half now.  One day i was shaving and i just kinda noticed it there, it didn't have any pain to the touch, wasn't tender or anything. But none the less went to the doctor, pointed it out, he gave it a couple pokes and passed it off as a swollen gland from a fever that i had, had recently. Gave me Penacillin for it, and said it should be back to normal soon. Bout 6 months later went to a different doctor, showed it to him, gave i a couple pokes and passed it off as a swollen gland, so i told him the last guy said that, gave me drugs and they didn't work. so he gave me amoxicillin. and alas that didn't do the trick either. I have had no symptoms from this "swollen gland" no sleep disorders, no pain while eating/swallowing, no facial pains. No nothing..so i don't know if its best to just not worry about it, cause we all know that worry and stress is the worst disease of all.
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Like you, I have had a swollen lymph node since I was a teenager.  It is on the left side of my neck about and inch or 2 below my jaw.  My father is a family doctor and has never had any concerns about it.  

It totally freaks out massage therapists when I see them.  The only concern that I have is that about 4 times a year I get this horrible neck and shoulder pain.  I used to think that it was from sleeping funny but a couple of days ago it started in the middle of the day for no reason.  My masseuse thinks that my muscles are fighting for space with the lymph node.  I have no idea if this is the case.
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579431 tn?1217818313
I have been looking for an answer to a similar problem for years. I have a permanantly swollen lymph node on the left side of my neck underneath my chin. I can feel it inside my mouth as well underneath the left side of my tongue. It makes it difficult for me to move my tongue completely and it is tender and sore almost all the time. It gets inflamed when I eat, but even when I don't it is still swollen. I don't seem to have any other symptoms. The dentist and doctors have both told me that is has to do with some sort of plaque build-up creating a hard like ball blocking my saliva gland or something along those lines. I have been told it should just come out on its own. I don't know how much longer I can handle this. If this sounds similar to you, or you have any advice or information please let me know.
Thank you,
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Is scar tissue on the lymph node from some kind of strep infection common? Are there others, beside myself, who have a permanent swollen lymph node?

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517297 tn?1212078018
1. Is there a possibility something worrisome could be going on here? Difficult to say but a fine needle biopsy of the lymph nodes will usually help determine if there is something to worry about. Before a needle biopsy is done, a careful clinical history focused on weight loss, night sweats, infection, etc. is required.  

2. What I want to know is, in your opinion, do you think having my tonsils removed will help reduce the number of throat infections I get? The indications for tonsillectomy include chronic infection and obstructive sleep apnea. Unless you are missing school or work, a tonsillecotmy should be your last resort. While low risk, it is still a surgical procedure.
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