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Sexless Relationship! Plaese HELP!

I am a 34 year old man that has been dating a beautiful woman of 40 years old for the past two and a half years. We have fun with our friends, enjoy shopping together and both work hard at our jobs .

I own my own business and I am the bread-winner , she works in the service industry and hates everything about it and is sure to let me know about every single negative part of her day on a nightly basis. I try and listen ever night and tell her that things will get better, and I never complain about my job, even though I have plenty I could complain about but my job truely supports OUR lifestyle. She has hinted about quitting her job and having a child. My only problem is that WE DON'T HAVE SEX!

I have talked to her about it on numerous occasions, but she has NO desire to have sex ever. She's always too tired or her all time favorite of "I'm too stressed out". I'm sure she has some stress in her job, but it's no where near owning your own business and being on call 24 hours a day , like myself.

I buy her gifts, take her on vacations, tell her she's beautiful and when I get angry about our lack of sex I try and discuss it with her rather than yelling . I'm LUCKY to get laid once every two weeks. Usually more like once a month. And I always have to get things started. The sex (when we have it ) usually consists of her laying on her back and telling me to "Hurry Up!". This totally puts me out of the mood.

I try everything to get her aroused. Take her out for drinks = I'm too tired.
Try to stimulate her orally = She thinks it's gross
Buy her a pretty dress= She won't even put it on when we get home.
I've even tried reverse psych and went a month w/o even hinting at sex and I think she was really enjoying it and wished it would have gone on for ever like that.

She says that all she wants is for someone to take care of her. And I completely appreciate this, but I have needs that need taken care of as well. I help around the house, have a cleaning lady come once a week to do the deep cleaning, and I usually end up cooking dinner every night as well.

I am considering ending the relationship because of her lack of sexual desire. If it was up to me we would have sex every other day. I would love to have sex more than once in the same day, but that will never happen.

Is it wrong for me to end a relationship that is perfect in the "friend" department, but a total nightmare in the sexual department? Please help!
4 Responses
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1281887 tn?1288921108
ooooo sorry to hear about that, you guys need some spicing up in the relationship.. not meaning to sound crazy or anything but i feel like great sex is a must!!! if you are going to settle down with somebody for the rest of your life, you have to both satisfies each others needs..  if you both can not do that then how will it work out? one of yal could feel the urgency of seducing someone else, stuff like that happens... instead of buying a dress buy a dildo, buy oils, burn out candles get drunk if you have to.. i say drunk meaning some alcohol in the system, that sometimes tend to loosen things up.. preform different techniques  kurma surta comes in handy it penetrates the body stimulates you.. let her know that you do not want it to just be a lay down hurry lets get it over with type of thing let it be known u want to make love, if she expects you to keep  doing what you are doing for her then she needs to step it up or you will maybe cheat or call it quits.. hopes it spices up!  
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139792 tn?1498585650
she agrees to experiment, you may try kegel exercises which are for male and female. You may also try kundalini yoga or Taoist yoga. These are for overall health as well. If she is oriented towards self improvement you may encourage her to do some exploration with If health improving exercises which also helps in sexual problems.
If she cooperates, then only these efforts will bear fruits.
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139792 tn?1498585650
Perinium is considere a hot spot. Massaging perinium ( muscle between anua and genital).If lower part is exercised, increased bood circulation woul help to normalize sexual disorder. I am sure you must have tried hormonal therapy.
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80052 tn?1550343332
I feel more in line with shyteen in this too - she will never enjoy sex with you (she may or may not enjoy sex in the future with someone else)  Bottom line - if she wants to be taken care of by you, then she better take care of you as well, and

If she won't fullfill her end of the bargain with joy knowing that she is 40 and getting older and she knows you love her and want to take care of her, then move on man, you'll never get what you need from her!  

Sorry to be so blunt, but that is how I see it - been there.
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