507875 tn?1423160261

AGP - The Sisterhood of the Travelling Eggs

Happy Hump Day!!!

74 Responses
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439903 tn?1380137882
whoop whoop numba 1 (well 2)
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507875 tn?1423160261
Good morning! What a dope I am...I spelled traveling wrong..sorry!! ;o(
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398459 tn?1262186144
Juana, LOVE the title!!!

I just posted on the other thread, but did the ol cut and paste and added it here as well.

Morning all of my AGP'ers!  I will try to update the list best I can, but please make corrections and don't get all hurt and offended if I forget you...I am senile!  Here we go...

The oldies, but goodies…
Miky- going on vaca in Florida!  Waiting on AF to start BCP, cycle in Sep.
Rgh-transfer in October?
Magda-she’s back!!!!  Appt on 8-16 (day 11), FET a few days later
Jen-on BCP, AF ~8/21, stims cpl days later, retrieval ~9/6
Savanah-Natural cycle, AF due Aug 8th-9th then lap on 14th
Sally-CD 29; got “wanded” yesterday (yeah, no cyst!), cycle in Sep/Oct?
Latice- ??
Sam-Natural cycle (yippee!); on 28 days of BCP, retrieval ~9/11 (currently whooping it up with the bears somewhere!)
Krista- beginning estrogen patches on 8/16, Ganirelix 8/17, retrieval ~9/1 (please please please!!!)

Currently in TWW h*e*l*l…
Juana- Beta 8/18 at 7:15 AM CST (but who’s counting?)  Fingers, toes, nose hairs, bb’s (if they were big enough) and anything else we can cross (except our legs-ha ha) for you!!!

Welcome to our newest AGP’ers…
FaithNHim-recovering from tubal reversal (feel better!)
Wanting4-day 4 DPO, doin’ it au naturelle!

And of course, our success stories…
Helen-preggo (~17 weeks)
Heather-preggo with Henry and Cadence (~28 weeks)
Kari-preggo with triplets (~14 weeks)
Kele-preggo (~11 weeks); master of the RSSBD!
Amberlee-preggo (~13 6/7 weeks)
Glenda- newest AGP with a BFP! Congrats!

Whew!  I am tired after that big ol' roll call!

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216278 tn?1308861082
Thanks, Krista!! It was nice, as a newbie, to see the sum-up of everyone!!  

I'm trying my best to relax through this tww, but dang, it's so hard!!! Every hiccup, twinge, icky feeling gets analyzed and over-analyzed!!  But I am going to have the 7dpo tests and that should help tell me where things are going!!

Thinking of everyone and praying that BFPs start landing all around the world!! :)
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501096 tn?1320874932
Morning all.

Specifically I am 4w today.

Got a good one for you.  We haven't told anyone yet (except my internet sisters), but my 4-year-old brings me a drawing she's done and says it's a picture of ONE of the BABIES in my tummy.  I asked her if it was a boy or girl baby and she told me it was a boy, but she was going to draw the girl baby.  Then she laughed and said "not in your real tummy."  Does she know something I don't?
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165701 tn?1342627584
He ladies...

Krista, you forgot me!!!  Im doing well still having some brown spotting but hoping its still that sac passing through.

Juana I cant wait for the 18th, i know you will get your BFP.  I go to see my new doctor on that day, as I had to change my OB's.  My old doctor felt more comfortable withme being in a office that had ultrasound for likely every appt rather than milestones. Probably since I'm a nervous wreck.

I'll hit the 10 week mark tomorrow....2 more to go and out of this trimester...right

Glenda sounds like your daughter is preparing you.......!

I hope everyone has a good day... we are so close to Friday and being able to rest  AHH!!.
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458090 tn?1256321162
LOVE the name Juana.. Have eggs, will travel!

Thanks for the roll call Krista.. that was a long one!

Glenda.. Thats funny about your daughter.. she psychic!

I *think* I am anywhere from 8-12 DPO.. am really clueless, but my B/W yesterday showd that I did O, and my natural progesterone is >20. (Ok, if I can make this on my own, why do I have to shoot myself in the butt w/such big needles.. sheesh)
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216278 tn?1308861082
Hi Glenda - I have heard a NUMBER of stories of children knowing that their mommies were pregnant before they even did!  Sounds like you might want to prepare for twins!! :)

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507875 tn?1423160261
My haven't we grown!!! Our sisterhood is awesome!!!!!!

I agree with everyone else Glenda! You have to keep us posted on that one!!

Anxious, I hope the bleeding/spotting stops soon, that has to be bothersome.

Okay, Ihave a questions, the last ime I had a Beta, they just told me it was negaive..no numbers...nothing...sooo What questions should I ask the doctor when they call with the results?? Until I stumbled upon you wonderful ladies, I didn't even know that test was called a "Beta".

Today I am feeling much better. This morning I was attacked with nausea and hot flashes...I am sitll having back aches and mild stomach cramps. My AF was due to visit yesterday, but there was no sign of her..Hopefully she is going to visit Miky and Savannah!!!  I don't want her here with me!!!

On another note, the kitchen remodel is going great!! Seeing the transformation when I arrive home each day is amazing!!! I am hoping they will be done in the next week. My appliances were delivered yesterday and my cabinets will arrive on tomorrow!!! Yippee!!! I can't wait until its done, my "new" kitchen is a card table with an electric skillet and eletrice griddle on it! LOL Needless to say, we have been eating take out quite a bit!!

On a sad note, I really need for you guys to send up some prayer for my favorite Aunt Carol, she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer on yesterday. They are really confident that they will be able to treat it before it spreads...she has a really positive attitude which I know is also important...

Thank you all for being the wonderful women you are!!

Later, Gators....
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398459 tn?1262186144
Sorry Anxious2!  Like I said, I am senile.  

Glenda, that is crazy about your daughter!  Hey, if you have twins, can I have one of them?  :-)

Ok, here is the updated roll call (same as the first post with just a couple of changes and additions!)...

The oldies, but goodies…
Miky- going on vaca in Florida!  Waiting on AF to start BCP, cycle in Sep.
Rgh-transfer in October?
Magda-she’s back!!!!  Appt on 8-16 (day 11), FET a few days later
Jen-on BCP, AF ~8/21, stims cpl days later, retrieval ~9/6
Savanah-Natural cycle, AF due Aug 8th-9th then lap on 14th
Sally-CD 29; got “wanded” yesterday (yeah, no cyst!), ~8-12 DPO, cycle in Oct?
Latice- ??
Sam-Natural cycle (yippee!); on 28 days of BCP, retrieval ~9/11 (currently whooping it up with the bears somewhere!)
Krista- beginning estrogen patches on 8/16, Ganirelix 8/17, retrieval ~9/1 (please please please!!!)

Currently in TWW h*e*l*l…
Juana- Beta 8/18 at 7:15 AM CST (but who’s counting?)  Fingers, toes, nose hairs, bb’s (if they were big enough) and anything else we can cross (except our legs-ha ha) for you!!!

Welcome to our newest AGP’ers…
FaithNHim-recovering from tubal reversal (feel better!)
Wanting4-day 4 DPO, doin’ it au naturelle! (also in TWW!)

And of course, our success stories…
Helen-preggo (~17 weeks)
Heather-preggo with Henry and Cadence (~28 weeks)
Kari-preggo with triplets (~14 weeks)
Kele-preggo (~11 weeks); master of the RSSBD!
Amberlee-preggo (~13 5/7 weeks)
Anxious2-preggo (9 6/7 weeks)
Glenda- preggo (4 weeks); newest AGP with a BFP! Congrats!
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398459 tn?1262186144
Prayer on its way for your Aunt Carol...
xoxo, Krista
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270512 tn?1333177636
Good Morning Ladies!!!!!   We is back from playing with the fish and da bears! :-))

I am in the process of trying to catch up on everyones' posts.......geez I leave for a couple of days and two new threads get posted.... whew.... y'all been busy!!!

Wanted to say Hi and to let y'all know I was home....

The weather in Seward for the Silver Salmon Derby was awesome!  Four days of sunshine and 3 days of overcast with one day of rain.  I went out fishing twice on the boat with the 'boys' and other than catching silver salmon, we also caught halibut, black bass, rock fish, and one cod.  For wildlife.... we saw: eagles, puffins, mountain goats, bears, whales, ...... and tons of seagulls.....

Tijuana - still sending frost your way! Keeping everything crossed! (even the parts that aren't big enough to cross - but trying :-))
And the frost comes with lots of prayers for your Aunt. I know what you are going through - My mom-in-law was diagnosed in September of 2006 - scarriest 6 months of our lives for chemo and radiation. As to date - she is doing well. God Bless you!!!!

Will catch up with the rest of ya later! Back at work and buried in the sh!t.....

LOL to all my sisters!!!!
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507875 tn?1423160261
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507875 tn?1423160261
Sam, thanks to you and Krista for the Auntie prayers!! She is like my second mom and I just pray that everythig goes well!!!
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392430 tn?1382904781
Krista-Thanks for doing the list, that was a lot of legwork.

SAM!-nice to see ya! I am holding out for our yearly harvest market at the end of September so I can send you the freshest syrup Vermont can offer. DH and I are addicted to the spicy salmon.

Glenda-My memere (grandmother) is convinced even after 3 u/s's that we are having twins...she is under the impression that if you do IVF you get twins...end of story. She and your daughter should hang out.

Juana-*hands Juana a drink with an umbrella in it* drink this virgin RSSBD margarita! mmmm yummy!

To all mt other sisters-I hope you are all well and happy and either enjoying the natural cycles or happily complaining about BCP and injections. ^_^
*RSSBD margaritas for you all!*

Me-I am trying to deal with financial aid for school...which starts the beginning of next month...oi how am I supposed to do school full-time, work part-time and get through this pregnancy safely? I am kinda concerned...but I love school and really want to get through the next 3 years, work is kinda a needed thing (the paychecks and all), and I don't want to jepordize the pregnancy...ah stress. Sorry just needed to get that out.

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398459 tn?1262186144
Welcome back Sam!!!  You were missed!  We were starting to wonder if a big ol' bear got ya! ;-)

Keli, Funny about your grandma.  She sounds like a character!  Try not to stress too much, although it sounds like your plate is really full.  Soon, your lap will be full too!  ;-)  What kind of school program (I know you told me before but I forgot-sorry)?

Off to have some spicy salmon for lunch!  yummmy!

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501096 tn?1320874932
My OB called today with my b/w.  My progesterone is 42.1 and my hcg is 170.  I'm going back to have the hcg re-checked tomorrow.  Please pray that it has at LEAST doubled by then.  I want to know, but I don't want to know.  He said we could come in as early as 6wks or up to 8 wks.  I went in at 7.5w last time & all was well, but 6 days later the baby had died, so I don't know what to do this time.

Juana, your aunt will be in my prayers.  Breast cancer is getting more and more treatable these days.

Krista, sorry, but I've gone through too much to give away babies now :)

kele, my age alone makes it more likely that I COULD have twins (I'm 40), but I'd think the increase in hormones would have been more apparent by now.  Of course, at what stage do the cells split to make identical twins?  Would it have happened by now?
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439903 tn?1380137882
Glenda, its known that children know that stuff, and like wanting said, often before the mommy does!! sounds great!! as for the identical twin thing, Anxious is pregnant with identical twins, she might be able to help you out more!! if it is identical, your daughter would need to redue the picture, two of each instead of one. good luck!

SAM WELCOME BACK SISTER!!! (ps, my salmon never came) sounds like you had a great time....i wanta vacation!!! to the beach, before the baby!

14 WEEKS TOMORROW, sorry needed to yell that! im so happy, i can not wait till all of you are prego!! you ladies are so wonderful (tears, damn hormones) and you deserve it all so much!! and its so wonderful sharing this with all of you!!

Krista youre amazing for coming up with that, i sure couldnt!!

Kele, thats great!! i hope she doesnt really get too upset one only have one and she doesnt know where the other is!! just say you gave it to your friend (Krista) haha

Juana, im so sorry, youve been having a rough few months, speaking of, how is your cousin doing? *lots of prayer for you and your family* and uh, sounds like the 2nd in our string of BFP is going to be revealed in just a short time here!!! woohoo!!!

Sas, that big strong hubby of yours wont shoot you in the butt with the needles instead? (HAHAHA, if you know what i mean) jk....i had to give it to myself once, it was a little easier but i was too afraid of hitting a nerve, that wouldnt have been good!!

well i love you all and i know i missed some but...EH...your strong, youll get over it!! =) *HUGS*!!!!!!!!
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165701 tn?1342627584
Glenda, I am having identical twins and initially had no symptoms beside terrible lower back pain.  The nausea just really hit this week and I will be 10 weeks tomorrow.  I started off with 2 sacs and one split, the other is still trying to reabsorb.  My numbers were doubling around every 3 days instead of 2 so we thought it was just one baby.  I have a small bump as we speak that im excited about!!!!!  My breast aren't sore and havent been.  

So you could have twins in there and not have the exaggerated symptoms.
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501096 tn?1320874932
Thanks for the heads up.  I was sick before the BFP with my 1st and not until a week after with my 2nd.  I can't remember at all with my last DD.  I just hope my hcg has at least come close to doubling by tomorrow.  I know I shouldn't worry, but I just can't help it.  My last pg looked so good at 1st and ended so badly.  I wouldn't mind having twins, but I really just want 1 healthy baby boy (I'd settle for another girl, but my DS is lonesome & praying for a brother).

Congrats and best wishes on 2 healthy babies.  BTW, don't let anyone tell you that you can't breastfeed twins.  Unless you have other issues, you can do it, if you really want to.
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507875 tn?1423160261
Amberlee, my cousin is doing great. He is scheduled for surgery in a few weeks to have the bullet removed. He starts back to school on the 21st and is back to business as usual. The incident didn't effect him as much as it did us...Thanks for asking!

Again thank you all for the kind words and prayers for me and my family!
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270512 tn?1333177636
to all my sisters!

Here fishy fishy fishy.... I sent y'all a pm at our place for salmon call.....
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413852 tn?1317308712
To All My Ladies...

Dropping a quick one today...getting to bed early for surg tomorrow.

Saaaaaaaaammy BAby: Welcome Back...missed ya boat loads! ;o) I know you had a blast & what a sweeheart w/that new Salmon Call. WE Luv ya & not just for the Salmon. ;o)

Magda: Welcome back...glad you enjoyed your Canada trip & am looking forward to sharing wit ya. Feel like I already know ya. I've read some post & we both posted on a different kinda journal entry. ;o)

Glenda: Congratulations. Wow...we need your "secrets" lady. Oh wait...it's the crockpot dish. I'm going out right now to buy me one...going to start on some recipes tomorrow. ;o)  

Miky: OooooooooowE: Enjoy your vaca w/hubby. I hope AF doesn't spoil the party either ole' bat. ;o) Oh wait...AF is our friend... as I rub her ole natty hair. ;o)

Krista: Thank you for the update chicky-baby...almost that time for ya. Yuck, but the bennies are going to be ALL worth it. ;o)

Tijuana: Soooooo looking forward to your BIG day on Monday. Sending up prayers for your Auntie's healing & speedy recovery from treatment. Is that your mom's twin? Ooooowe...speaking of twins. ;o)

Keles: My Gurrrrrrrrrl...how did you know I be NEEDIN' a HUGE Margarita? I had to guzzle my 1st one down because of this massive headache fr. AF bad trip pms symps...I'll need another right away. ;o) I prob need that EXTRA POWER kick special too. (ha) We have worn you out with all these request hun?...go lay yo' body DOWN. I mean, doing all your manic dance moves...kicking up dust wit da BIG OLE fan & what not. ;o)

Sass: So glad no cycst...time to get it started woman. ;o) I'm not sure when I ov'd either, but no way I could give my own shots...I rather like getting a "tude" with hubby. ;o)

Amberlee: Big Congrats on your "14" Lady! ;o) YaY--

Faith & Anxious: Welcome Ladies!! Anxious...dropped you a Congrats pm/note when you 1st shared the news...BIG CONGRATS with your twins. ;o)
Faith: Hope you are recovering well...at least you can look forward to the END of that six weeks soon.;o)

Wanting: Thanks so much for the prayers.

Me: Ladies...no AF yet! Did pre-op b/w...neg preg as of last Friday(8/8). I've never missed a cycle or been this late unless I was on meds. Not sure what is going on, but hope all is well. Had to do 2nd bw for preg...results tomorrow b-4 surg. I also did hpt this morning...BFN. So...I guess AF heard me talkin' bout her & now she is really going to take her time. ;o) As far as I know...surg will continue if b/w neg. in am. So...probably will be off the boards for a short, but will be back in the swing soon as I recover. ;o)

Watch out...FIREHOSE coming IN...FULL of SSBD for ALL the Ladies...Oh, forgot to mention...it's w/o water so...WATCH out there...liable to start these cycles with some serious POWER!!! Kele...I'm giving you the HOSE to spray...a Lil bit of relief fr. the Manic Dance...working your body down to the ground move. ;o) Groovy...I know. ;o)

Cheers All~
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501096 tn?1320874932
Savanha, if I thought that roast would do the trick, I would have done it a long time ago.  Maybe I'd better warn all the ladies at church who might have eaten it....

Seriously, I don't think anyone wants to walk my road to get to pg.  TTC for 8 mos., pg., m/c, and TTC 4 more mos. is NOT fun.  It's especially scary when my biological clock is running down fast.

Well, I think my pg fatigue is kicking in and I'm going to get ready for bed...if I can convince 2 little girls to be quiet and go to sleep!
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