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299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: (You have our continuing support & prayers!!!) Blood test 5/11!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 35 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 30 weeks!!
ArmyPrincess - 28 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 22 weeks!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 17 weeks (u/s 5/12)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!!-6 weeks! (2nd u/s 5/11!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
naf38:  Welcome Home!!!
mrspace:  Kya's a mommy!!!  Check out the pics!
Guesito: FET 5/20!
Keyan:  Last Lupron shot tomorrow!!! lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)

Mommyin10:  CD5 (blood test tomorrow, consult 5/15)
Hannah:  CD12
wishandaprayer:  CD13
Lina:  CD15
rachjas:  C19
Pyar:  CD45

Candie: 4dpo!!
dnikki:  5dpiui! (beta 5/12)
jmh2005:  10dpo
Keyan:  Yay!  Your last Lupron shot is tomorrow!!!  I'm so excited for you & so happy you're yet another step closer, my friend ;)

Vortex:  It's great to hear from you!  Congrats to you & dh!!!  And welcome little Sahana =)  Can't wait to see pictures!!!  Take care, mommy ;)

Michelleinhawaii:  Hey, that's wonderful news!!!  I hope your numbers drop to 0 & you can enjoy your 30th b-day, a relaxing summer & continue moving in a forward direction ;)  Best, best wishes to you!!!

Stacey:  Yes, definitely good preparation! ;)  I can imagine it's pretty exciting that Jake is keeping you on your toes.  He's an active little guy! ;)  I hope you had a nice weekend.  Thanks for the note :)

Candie:  Wow, you're 4dpo!!!  Woo-Hoo!!!  I'm excited to see you on that part of the list ;)  Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you! Thanks for the note ;)  I had a great time, but it was just me, not dh.  So, I missed him & was so happy once the plane landed ;)

Luvkayln:  Thanks for keeping up our thread!!! How are you feeling?  Sounds like you had a busy day!  I go in for my blood test tomorrow morning, hoping to see my numbers have dropped down to 0 on their own...  I guess I could be getting close to O again ;)  Thanks for the note.  I'm glad to be back home.  We live right by a super tiny airport, which is where I flew into & dh greeted me with Carmelo! ;)  What a nice warm welcome home!!!

dnikki:  How are you doing in your tww?   Hey, your beta is just after Mother's Day?!  That's not too far off & what a great treat that would be ;)  Good luck!!!

Arlotheslug:  How was your weekend with your best woman?!  I bet you guys had a great time ;)  I'm sorry about the birth mom.  I hope you're feeling a bit better about it & that she still loves your dh! ;-)  Take care!

Hannah:  How fun that you're redecorating! :)  Sounds great!!!
103 Responses
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: (You have our continuing support & prayers!!!) Blood test 5/11!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 35 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 31 weeks!! (sonogram 5/11)
ArmyPrincess - 29 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 22 weeks! (appt 5/25)
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 18 weeks! (u/s 5/12)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!! 7 weeks!!! (2nd u/s 5/11!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
Keyan:  lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)
Mommyin10:  Consultation 5/15

Guesito:  Started Estrace, u/s 5/14, progesterone 5/18, FET 5/22!

jmh2005:  CD4
Mrspace:  CD7
Hannah:  CD16 (+opk!)
wishandaprayer:  CD17
Lina:  CD19
rachjas:  CD23
naf:  CD36
Pyar:  CD49

Candie: 8dpo!!
dnikki:  9dpiui! (beta 5/12)

luvkayln:  Happy 7 weeks! =)

Keyan:  Yeah, I honestly think I will do my opks! haha  =)  I'm just so used to doing them.  Luvkayln is right, then I will know exactly when AF should show & for once, I'll be anxiously awaiting her arrival ;)  I started Pilates & spinning again & feel much better.  Yes, AF has stopped.  I expect to O early next week.  I'm glad you're feeling a bit better.  We'll all be hoping & praying for positive results for you in June ;)  

mrspace:  So we do have the same issue.  My RE is talking about putting me on meds that hopefully will thicken my lining.  We'll find out more at our consultation next week.  I'm excited to move forward & hopefully find a solution ;)  When will you find out more about the endo?
Helpful - 0
102073 tn?1309549099
MrSpace: Oh my! I am sorry about the tornados and glad you and your family is ok. Sorry AF is still giving you a hard time. Hopefully when you do go to the new doc, he will help you with the cramps. Thanks for the update on the puppies, I always like to read about them!!
Helpful - 0
102073 tn?1309549099
Candie: Hi! you and all of the other girls do make things better, just by sharing this journey and talking it makes me feel better! so thank you!! Friday is just one day away! YAY!! I am soo happy you did O, it is always good to get some reassurance that things are working as they should! I am looking foward to my anniversary trip this weekend!

Mommyin09: yes, it was kind of a BIG stop to my excitment to start TTC soon, don't get me wrong, I did knew this might happend, but I was focus on start TTC again over the summer. but you are sooo right, I am working on getting a healthy environment to conceive and hold for 9 months my baby!! thanks, that's a good way to think of all of this and to help me keep positive thoughts! Your appt is just a week away. Is AF gone? Just go with the flow, I am sure we all here know when we O without doing any OPKs or temp, we just do them to make sure we are correct...just try to relax and you will see how great your upcoming appt will be!!

Stacey: thank you! yes I am praying really hard that I won't need the c-section type of surgery (cause even if is a LAP it will be a lot of work, but it won't take as much time to heal, you know?) ...I was thinking that by having so much work done in there, I guess taking a few months off and also having the lupron shots to avoid the endometriosis to build up before I am completly heal from the surgery to start TTC again, is a good idea....by October I will be heal and ready to TTC without any endometriosis issues to think about. I am sorry things at work aren't happening as you would prefer, but just focus about Aug 14...that's great you will take a whole year off to take care of little Jake! Can't wait for the belly pics!!

Luvkayln: Thanks!! I know this is what is best for me and to help dh and I have the family we wish for, so you are right is not an option not to do it. as I said above, I just need to focus on the fact that I will be ready by october and just maybe by this same date next year, I will be very pregnant and ready to meet my little one!! ...your u/s is just a few days away, I can't wait for you to experience hearing this little one's hearbeat and to see how much he or she has grown!! and then read your update ;o))

well I have to get back to work now...I won't be back until next monday so I wish you all a great weekend and for good news to start rolling and keeping our list very positive!!
Helpful - 0
688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone.

Sorry I was gone yesterday. I've been feeling icky all week, but I couldn't justify not being at work.  Until yesterday. I got up with possibly the worst headache I've ever had in my life.  I tried to get ready for work but just opening my eyes made me nauseated.  So since I had a hard time opening my eyes and walking from one room to another, I took a day off.  Probably not smart, I need to work, but I felt miserable.  In a weird act of fate, they switched dh's schedule (without telling him) so he was home yesterday too.  I felt much better by mid afternoon, although my headache never fully went away.  

We had a severe tornado warning mid-afternoon. So that was fun.  A few tornados touched down (like 4) about 15 miles from us.  So we got to move Kya and all the puppies to the basement.  That was a feat in itself let me tell you.  The storm passed quickly and we're all fine.  So that's good.  Oh!!  And we have puppy news!  The puppies are starting to go to the bathroom on their own, which is a little gross, but that's okay.  And we have two beautiful puppies with open eyes!  The lighter black one (a boy) has open eyes with a bluish tint, but we think he'll have black eyes.  We can't tell yet.  He also is getting some serious wolf coloring.  He is gorgeous.  He looks like a dark timberwolf, really.  He's got the silvery tan fur that's all tipped in black.  It's stunning.  Then the little girl, who looks like a chocolate lab, has light blue looking eyes.  She's gorgeous.  Their eyes can change as they open and adjust more, so we'll see how it turns out.  I'm excited to get home today and see how many more have open eyes.  They are SOOO cute with their eyes open.  All of the others have "cracked" eyes so far, so any day now they will all have open eyes!

As for me, AF is still kind of going.  Just enough to annoy me.  It stops for several hours and then all of a sudden (usually as soon as I remove the tampon or liner) it starts again.  Always on the light side though.  Also, I keep having these crazy cramps.  I swear it feels like someone is trying to pull my uterus out of my body through my lower back.  I've always had bad cramps but they just keep getting worse as I get older.

mommyin10- Yes, my doctor is concerned about my lining.  He actually wants dh and I to continue using protection until we can come back in (in another week and a half ish, hopefully) to figure something out.  He thinks that it might be a big part of our problem.  But he also thinks that there is more going on.  He is really wanting to talk to us about endo.  So we'll see how that goes too.

luvkayln- I'm so anxious for your u/s. I hope you are feeling great and I hope the time flies until then!!

stacey- I'm glad that you and Jake are doing great!  I know that your next appointment will hold great news for you.  You get a whole year off?  I'm jealous! It'll be an amazing year for you.  I'm so excited and I can't wait until your little man is here!

guesito- I am SO SO SO happy that you found this news out.  I'm not happy that you have it, but I'm so glad that you know what's going on and that it's fixable.  I couldn't be more thrilled for you!

dnikki- I'm sorry you weren't feeling well.  I hope that this next week flies by because I am anxious for your beta!!!

candie- Kya and the puppies are doing really well.  I will probably post some more pictures tonight or tomorrow.  You won't believe how unbelievably cute they are with their eyes open.  They are all starting to walk around like toddlers.  Walking a few steps, then falling down. Usually a nose dive. It's so cute!!!
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Guesito:  Yes, that is crazy, but it's good that you took off to Puerto Rico, enjoyed yourself & got the testing done cheaper ;)  Good for you!  I'm glad you're getting some answers!

Luvkayln:  Hey there.  I thought about temping, etc., but I think I will know when I O without doing all that...  it's kind of nice not temping & I also feel strange knowing when I'm going to O & not doing anything about it, if you know what I mean!  I have this bad feeling that I'm going to skip this cycle & then my doc's gonna say that he decided I don't need meds & then I've wasted a cycle...  I know, I'm just freaking out a little bit.  I'm sure everything will be okay ;)  I am excited to start the meds & our consult is just a week away ;)  Hey, I'm glad you're feeling sick!!! Haha!  Funny to say, but I know what you mean.  For the short time I was pregnant, I was so happy to feel that wave of nausea ;)  It made me feel comforted.  Your u/s is coming up so quickly & I can't wait to see your pics!!!

Stacey:  Thanks =)  I sure hope so!  I'm glad Jake is doing well & your next appt will be here soon.  Hopefully his little kidneys are doing better ;)  I can imagine how you feel being at work, with everyone knowing you won't be there much longer, but hang in there!  Hey, they're probably just jealous!  Hee-hee ;)  I can't believe you get a full year off!  Woo-Hoo!!!  That is awesome =)

dnikki:  I'm glad to hear you're not in much pain, aside from the other night.  Don't read too much into how you're feeling.  Each pregnancy is different ;)  When I got my bfp, I felt completely different than I ever expected I would.  Not one of the "pregnancy" symptoms that I normally look for.  Haha!  You'll be testing soon ;)  Best wishes!!!

Hannah:  Come on, +opk!!!
Helpful - 0
574521 tn?1313495146
Lots of hot flashes with Estrace and light headed. Other than that I feel ok. Just got off the phone with my Dr. My test for Protein S was very low.. Which means serious blood clotting. He says its correctable... But who knew I was that sick! So bottomline

-Tested Positive for Lupus Anticoagulant (Blood Clotting)
-Protein S too low. (Serious Blood Clotting-Prone to Thrombosis) They say Estrogen causes it... Birth control, Fertility meds, Ect.

I will have to inject myself daily.. I will have a consult tomorrow to determine what med and how often... Oh well

Anyhow... If you experience M/C's this is worth looking into. The test are a little expensive ($3000 dollars) if you don't have insurance But if you go to Puerto Rico like me It was only $340 dollars.. Can you believe it was also Quest Diagnostics?? Have no clue why it is soooo expensive here. Same people as a matter of fact the test where sent here to Tampa, FL from Puerto Rico... Isnt that crazy?
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