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299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown.
Michelle: (You have our continuing support & prayers!!!) Blood test 5/11!

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Check out his pics!!!

Vortex: 4/20/2009 Had her baby girl Sahana!!! Congrats! :) Posting pics soon!

Joyce: BFP - 35 weeks!!!
Jessie: BFP - 30 weeks!!
ArmyPrincess - 28 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 22 weeks!
Kaylee_Frye: BFP- 17 weeks (u/s 5/12)
Luvkayln:  BFP!!!-6 weeks! (2nd u/s 5/11!)

Arlotheslug:  Adoption in June!
naf38:  Welcome Home!!!
mrspace:  Kya's a mommy!!!  Check out the pics!
Guesito: FET 5/20!
Keyan:  Last Lupron shot tomorrow!!! lap 6/3
DreamingofaSon:  TR in December
ad_06:  Moving forward ;)

Mommyin10:  CD5 (blood test tomorrow, consult 5/15)
Hannah:  CD12
wishandaprayer:  CD13
Lina:  CD15
rachjas:  C19
Pyar:  CD45

Candie: 4dpo!!
dnikki:  5dpiui! (beta 5/12)
jmh2005:  10dpo
Keyan:  Yay!  Your last Lupron shot is tomorrow!!!  I'm so excited for you & so happy you're yet another step closer, my friend ;)

Vortex:  It's great to hear from you!  Congrats to you & dh!!!  And welcome little Sahana =)  Can't wait to see pictures!!!  Take care, mommy ;)

Michelleinhawaii:  Hey, that's wonderful news!!!  I hope your numbers drop to 0 & you can enjoy your 30th b-day, a relaxing summer & continue moving in a forward direction ;)  Best, best wishes to you!!!

Stacey:  Yes, definitely good preparation! ;)  I can imagine it's pretty exciting that Jake is keeping you on your toes.  He's an active little guy! ;)  I hope you had a nice weekend.  Thanks for the note :)

Candie:  Wow, you're 4dpo!!!  Woo-Hoo!!!  I'm excited to see you on that part of the list ;)  Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you! Thanks for the note ;)  I had a great time, but it was just me, not dh.  So, I missed him & was so happy once the plane landed ;)

Luvkayln:  Thanks for keeping up our thread!!! How are you feeling?  Sounds like you had a busy day!  I go in for my blood test tomorrow morning, hoping to see my numbers have dropped down to 0 on their own...  I guess I could be getting close to O again ;)  Thanks for the note.  I'm glad to be back home.  We live right by a super tiny airport, which is where I flew into & dh greeted me with Carmelo! ;)  What a nice warm welcome home!!!

dnikki:  How are you doing in your tww?   Hey, your beta is just after Mother's Day?!  That's not too far off & what a great treat that would be ;)  Good luck!!!

Arlotheslug:  How was your weekend with your best woman?!  I bet you guys had a great time ;)  I'm sorry about the birth mom.  I hope you're feeling a bit better about it & that she still loves your dh! ;-)  Take care!

Hannah:  How fun that you're redecorating! :)  Sounds great!!!
103 Responses
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478429 tn?1265244387
Luvkayln: Thanks!!! When I was p/g last year, I took a digi and got a BFP then 2 days later I had my beta and I was at 11. So I'm sure it was higher than that initially when I POAS. But maybe I will try a line test first. I'm probably going to pick some up today, but I'm really trying not to test until Sunday. I'm 10 DPIUI today so I'm hoping that by Sunday my triggers will be out of my system. I'm not sure if my bbs have every been this sore though - okay, except after I had DS and my milk came in... but I still don't think they were as sore as they are now. I'm just really really hoping - I know you can understand that!!!
Helpful - 0
688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone!

So this week has been poo!  Last night we had another 'bout of tornadic activity.  We had 2 touch down about 5 miles outside the town.  So that was fun.  We're supposed to have more bad weather tonight, Saturday will be nice, tornadoes on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.  Gotta love living in Tornado Alley.  I'm sure luvkayln understands what I mean!

On some good notes!  I'll be posting new puppy pics at lunch.  3 now have their eyes open, 2 have ONE eye open, and one is being stubborn with no eyes open yet.  We'll see what happens today.  They were cracking well last night so they are probably all open today.   When puppies first open their eyes, I guess, they all have a bluish tint to them, so they look so adorable. 100 times cuter than the pictures I have so far.  I'm not even kidding!  

More good news!  We got our first time home buyer's tax return back today!  It wasn't as much as we were hoping for but it was still over 5000 dollars. So that's really going to help.  I have been mapping out our expense plan for it already.  We have to fence in the yard for the dogs, get tires for dh's car, pay off the wedding (not much left), and dang it!  I want a few things!

Oh and more good news.  I found an upright piano for sale 20 miles away, FOR FREE if we haul it!  So I'm going to call at lunch today and hopefully it'll still be available. I haven't played in almost 3 years.  God I miss it!  I can't wait to get it tuned up and start playing again.  Things I want to splurge on?  I want an Ipod and the Twilight series.  Yup. That's it.  I wish I could get them for Mother's day, but once again, I dont' get to celebrate it.  That's okay.  Maybe someday.

Okay, I'll be back in a few, gotta work!
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
dnikki- We were posting at the same time! :) OK, my bbs are STILL super, super sore, especially my nipples...OMG! :) And they're huge! If you're having the same signs, that's a great sign!!! I hate to say, but I didn't really pay any attention to any symptoms b/c I just figured it would be another bfn cycle! I guess really though, I had absolutely no symptoms, which is funny b/c every other bfn cycle I have SO many symptoms! :) I had spotting at 7 dpo, and like I said before, I took a test at 9 dpo, but I really wasnt' sure if it was from the shot or really from the baby. But I really think it was from the baby! :) I didn't take another test until 13 dpo, and that's when I did my beta and it was pos! :) I didn't really have side affects from the injections, so maybe/hopefully what you're feeling is from pregnancy! Oh, my ovaries are super sore, not as bad now as what they were when I first found out I was pregnant. And it's b/c in early pregnancy, your ovaries become large. I don't know why though... that's just what the nurses said at my RE's office when I called and asked about it. Another thing I noticed after my BFP was that I had headaches like every day, and still do. I really think everything you're feeling is from pregnancy! Everything you're feeling, I felt and still am feeling!! :) I heard though that the digital tests are less sensitive the the lines tests, so maybe try with a line test first. Oh, by the way, the test I took at 9 dpo was the answer early brand, and the test I took at 13 dpo was a dollar tree test, and I only took it b/c Mommyin10 wanted me to! LOL :) So thanks to her, I knew a couple days sooner!! ;)
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Guesito- Oh no! Why?!! That seems rediculus to me that they've finally figured out what's been causing the m/c's and they aren't gonna do anything about it! Don't they usually put girls with blood clotting disorders on baby aspirin? Well, I guess not always b/c I know this girl who's pregnant and has a blood clotting disorder and she has to take a shot everyday for it. Man, I'm sorry! :( You need to call them and demand this, because you're about to go through a FET, and you want it to work and you're paying them to help make that happen! What's folic acid gonna do???

dnikki- I saw your mood today! :) Did you cave in and test???!! How many dpo are now? I know I initially tested on 9dpo, and actually got a +, but I just thought it was from the hcg trigger shot. But who knows b/c I had spotting on 7 dpo, and my beta was 86 on 13 dpo, so it doubled every 2 days so my beta should've been around 20 on 9 dpo, hence the spotting being from implantation! :) Just don't test too early! I don't want you to get your hopes up, and see a false negative! Good luck!! :)

Stacey- Oh my gosh, I do the exact same thing! I usually have a late lunch everyday, like around 1:00 b/c I snack all day long after breakfast. So by the time it's time for me to leave work at 4:00, I'm hungry again so I always make a pb&j ( which I only want them when I'm pregnant! I did the same thing with Kayln! :) And then when dinner's ready at 5:30, I'm ready to eat again! :) The sandwich is just a tasty treat!! Haha!! :)

Hannah- Don't get frustrated over your opk! When I used them, I'd always get a "fade-in" pattern where they'd get darker and darker each day around my fertile time, finally becoming positive when I had my surge. Plus, you always have lh in your system, so that could be why it's still showing faint on your tests, and will eventually become darker when you get your surge. Just bd every other day until you get your surge, and then bd like crazy! ;)

Pyar- Yay!! Congrats on the spotting! ;) AF better hurry up and get here! I think we've all been patient enough for her for you, especially YOU! :) I know you'll be happy once she finally gets here and can go to the other clinic and get a second opinion! :)

Mommyin10- Thanks! :) What are you and dh gonna do this weekend? I have to work tomorrow until 7 or so, which isn't bad, and then I'm off on Sunday (Hopefully it's not bad weather out so I can go see Kayln so she can tell me Happy Mother's Day! ;) And then Monday's the big day!! It's getting here so quick now, and I'm just so nervous!! I'll just be devastated if there's no h/b! :( I have to think positive though, because I haven't had any bad signs, so I'll just be quiet and put a smile on my face now! :) It's pouring down rain here, and we even have tornado warnings just an hour away, so hopefully they don't come this way! I get so scared every time they announce one close to home!! Well, enjoy your day and your weekend!! :)

Helpful - 0
478429 tn?1265244387
Happy Friday Everyone!!!

GUESITO: Can you switch to another RE's office? They sound aweful! I don't know much about the clotting thing, but I would think that is you have a clotting issue then they should do something about it...

Luvkayln: At what day PIUI did you get your BFP? And how long did it take for your bbs to quite hurting from these injects? Mine are still killing me, and I've only been taking my bra off for showering. They still seem a bit bigger. I hope it's not all in my head, but the pain in the bbs def. isn't. But any info you can give me on your side effects from injects and how long it took to go away, I would appreciate it (you know, to help my obsession lol). I know each person is different but still.... I saw you might have some heavy weather coming your way also... ICK!
Happy 7 weeks by the way!! Good luck on your u/s on Monday :-)

Mrspace: Those puppies are soooooo stinking cute!!! I saw them of Facebook! Oh, and I completely understand your obsession with Twilight lol. I'm almost done with Breaking Dawn (**Sniff Sniff**) but I'm seriously thinking about reading the whole series over again!
Hope all is well!!!
Thank you to everyone who is keeping me in your thoughts and prayers yet agian :-) I just really really want to test like NOW lol! I was doing good this morning (I have the day off) and I started cleaning, and now my head just feels funny, and I could go back to sleep. My bbs are STILL killing me. I'm not sure if it's still from the injects or what. Hopefully I will see my beautiful words (digi test lol) on Sunday that I have been longing for for 2 years now... Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
Helpful - 0
574521 tn?1313495146
Im furious right now.... My Dr. decided not to put me on any meds just folic acid even after testing positive for blood clotting!!!  He thinks my clotting is not too bad and with just the folic acid should be sufficient... Im not very happy right now.

By the way.. I have had many issues with my clinic the reason im still with them is my Frozen Embryos....They s.u.c.k!!! I have missed cycles, They don't return calls, Staff is soooo rude you name it!
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