330481 tn?1309488243

Teachers - where are you at? Role call!!!

I just read an interesting comment and had to post. The comment said that they had noticed a lot of teachers on the forum and stated that this may be an indication that our job is stressful. Oh GOD! There are no words for it!! My kids this year are NUTS! They are so immature and NOTHING IS EVER THEIR FAULT! I teach 7th grade science.

What about everybody else? And how long have you been trying (over 2 years for me) and what treatments have you had? (Metformin, clomid, injectibles and BDing here)....

God bless all of us and especially the teachers dealing with crazy children! SSBD to all!
25 Responses
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That is too funny...I noticed that too. I, too, teach, but on a little lower level. Third grade...but the stress is there still the same (but no hormones, yet!)  w/ testing (ya...at that age!) parents (very demanding!) report cards, prof developement, etc...etc! So...next year...no more!! I am lucky enough to be staying home...yipee! But duty will call again, soon, soon...so will enjoy the time at home w/ two sons. (which all in all ttc for 10 years...whoa...that dates me a bit!)
Good luck to all you ttc and teaching (and others, too!) only 5 more weeks until our summer break!
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294043 tn?1354207946
I teach college, undergraduate courses.  Trying for over 2.5 years with not a single BFP.  I think that teachers are more likely to postpone childbearing till after they finish schooling and start ttc later in the lifecycle.  In fact most people here are quite established in their careers.  That's my hypothesis.  
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381606 tn?1242090749
I teach undergrad and graduate courses in psychology. Trying for one year (almost) and moving to IVF. I start teaching summer session tomorrow and will be off in August - counting down the days!!!

Good luck and SSBD!
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453798 tn?1262633421
I am the teacher that made the comment.  :)  I am a 2nd grade teacher.  This time of year is so stressful.  It is close to the end of the year for us.  My district has 27 days left after today.  YaHoo!!!!  Plus, there is a lot of testing going on in our schools.  2nd grade is not as stressful as 3rd and so on.  They have the state standardized testing coming up.  However, the children are just crazy.  I call my class the ADHD dumping ground.  Hee!  Hee!  It is probably difficult for any of us to conceive at this time.  I am praying for all of us though!!!  Come on babies!
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453798 tn?1262633421
BTW-we have been trying for 9 months.  Due to my age, I told them we had been trying longer.  :)  I am glad I did because we found that I had an issue-elevated FSH.  I was hoping to be having a baby this month.  Oh well, I strongly believe that what is meant to be will happen.
Yall are all great!  Enjoy your kids!
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405370 tn?1332206110
I am also a second grade teacher in a low-income school with many ESL kids and parents.  Our school is constantly in danger of not making Annual Yearly Progress and we have had two re-orgs in the five years I've been here.  Next year I am being reassigned and I've decide to not come back and stay home.  My DH and I think this will create less stress for me.  I guess I'll be travelling with him...I'm looking forward to it, but I wonder if I'll miss teaching???
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453798 tn?1262633421
Ah hah!  See, it is the profession!  I think I called it right???!!!
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330481 tn?1309488243
You totally called it right!!! I didn't even have troble conceiving when I was in the military and having PT every morning and drills in the afternoon!!

Our school never makes AYP - we are in a rural/poor area. My kids have no parents at home to help with homeowrk so they only get what I can give them at school. I go home and barely drag my a s s into the house and collapse on the couch! I am so tired! Only 18 days left for me! YAY!!!!
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400358 tn?1320234443
Yeah I am a special education teacher in a self contained CI classroom for high schoolers.
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369912 tn?1229650090
Oh great!  You guys have filled me with such hope!  Just kidding.  I just finished my MA and planned on teaching p/t at the undergraduate level in the fall to supplement my career in Theatre (which contains stresses that are ridiculously unique to its field).  
I know from T.A.'ing that my students, for the most part, will be mediocre and require games to understand the simplest of concepts.   When I marked the final papers for a course in Postcolonial Shakespeare class, one girl wrote that Shakespeare died in 1867. She had sat in class for eight months!  Perhaps it was a lapse of Canadian nationalism and she mixed up our Confederation with the Bard's cultural authority?  Who knows. Maybe I should re-consider waitressing.  
Good luck with the horrors and splendors of teaching, ladies!  And, of course, with ttc!
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We have been ttc for just over three years (metformin, clomid, IUI's since August).  I teach third grade and am counting down the days until a stress free summer---13
days left.  We are really starting to get silly. Hopefully with our stress level down we will have many many more BFP's over the summer.  
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330481 tn?1309488243
I am also hoping this next month is a BFP month. I totally think stress is a baby-makers worst nightmare and I have about 9 and a half months of it a year. The good thing about the end of the year is state testing so we get to relax a bit as far as stress goes. No more working at home if at all possible.

My kids are NUTSO! I think they have literally lost it! I don't know if I can last another 18 days. They are all over the palce and going crazy! I can't write them ALL up! So, we are just bracing for the next few weeks of hell. Then I will be able to go to all of my doc appts, no asking for permission to be late because of an U/S, no driving 90 on the highway to get back to school by the time by kids get back from related arts, no extra stress from administration...GOD I CAN NOT WAIT!!!
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453798 tn?1262633421
That is SO FUNNY!!!  I am going through that right now.  I have 10 hours of leave left.  I went for u/s today and was able to get someone to cover my class without taking leave.  I have the best PE and Specialist time.  My kids go to PE at 1:55 and return at 2:40, then they pack-up and leave by 3.  So, I try to get 2:30 or later appts. so I can just get an assistant to pack them up and walk them to the bus.  That is the ultimate.  On Tues. and Thurs. they have Art/Music from 1-1:40.  So those are really good days.  I can actually leave at 1 without having to get a sub.  So, I go to u/s today.  They want me to come in tomorrow for another u/s and the only time they can see me is at 10.  UGGGHH!  Then we have scheduled IUI on Thursday and Friday.  They have not given me the times on those, but I begged!!!  Don't they know it puts you through more stress.  So, scienceteacher79, just as you said, I will be racing down the freeway at 9:30 tomorrow and racing back to take as little leave as possible.  I will think of you tomorrow and laugh.  :)
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i am sure it will be nice to be able to schedule without worrying about work! i am so jealous!  i am an attorney and just tell my re - no that date/time cannot work due to my schedule -- this is when i am available, and he makes it work. thank goodness.  no subs permitted so i have to make it work.  it stinks!
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422823 tn?1229736847
I just saw your post, I am a third grade elementary teacher, it is an interesting concept!
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330481 tn?1309488243
How are you doing? Feeling good? Any appts in the near future? Keep us updated - you are in my thoughts, girly!
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422823 tn?1229736847
Thank you for asking. I am exhausted and I am growing landforms on my chest, but loving every minute of it!!  DH is just thrilled to the moon. Mostly I am just nervous and on edge, all signs point to things being great though,  I will have my beta repeated thursday and see the doctor, and hopefully he will give me an u/s soon!!!  I will keep you updated, anxious to see if there is more than one in there.
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330481 tn?1309488243
Hey fellow crazy teacher! I used to have afternoon planning time last year and loved it but am glad I have morning now! My U/S tech is only in til 10am so I always have to have morning appts. Drives me nuts. My principal always looks at me like I have two heads when I ask to come in late so I just started to email him instead. He turns beat red when any woman asks him anything so the thought of telling him I have to get a wand up the crothch is actually starting to look like a good idea! It would be fun to se him almost pass out! HA!

I am counting the days and almost will be counting the minutes those last two weeks. This year has really felt like it has gone by fast but now it is slowing wayyyyyyy down. Driving me bonkers. I wish state testing was earlier in the year - they have lost it by the time the test comes. I was reviewing today and all they did was stare at me - LIKE THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD THIS INFORMATION BEFORE!!!!! I mean, COME ON!!! But I have this week to finish up reviewing and then testing and then we all get to relax a bit. We plan fun stuff to keep them busy - I just bought the series "Planet Earth" and my kids are sooooooooo excited to watch it. Me too. I haven't sat down and watched them because I wanna watch them with my kids. Ugh... Going to take a bath and read. That is my favorite part of summer - I have a little time to actually READ! YAY!!!

Hugs to all and SSBD to everyone too!
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237300 tn?1231454718
He girls another teacher here!  I'm a third grade inclusion class teacher.  I'm the spec. ed. teacher in the room..which I'm sure you will notice by my grammatical errors...LOL.  Talk about stress..AGH!  I used to be a self contained teacher and this year decided to try something new...bad idea.  I love it but my principal and I had a falling out and I'm not being tenured....STRESS!  I will be happily leaving.  My last day is the 27th of June.  Yeah, we stay in school forever up here!  I'm probably going to do homecare with early intervention children who are on the Autism spectrum.  I guess it's what I'm best at and I get to make my own schedule.  I'm working on IEP's and annual reviews.  All of our state testing ended in March.  My kids did well so I was really proud of them.  By the way, one of them asked me if I was pregnant today...sweet 3rd graders!  I told her," No, just fat."

By the way, I noticed that there are a lot of teachers at the RE's office too!  So strange...
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330481 tn?1309488243
Ha! The old "Are you pregnant?" question. I had two people (one was a kid of mine) ask me that the other day. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? Liek adding salt to a wound. UGH! I just say the same thing"Nope, not preggo, just FAT!" UGH. GOing to eat Ben and Jerry's and wallow in all of my fatness....
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237300 tn?1231454718
It was so strange b/c she had heard it from another teacher.  I do homecare for our school district and he brother receives homecare.  His teacher knew I was pregnant so she asked the little girl if I was and the little girl said she didn't think so.  Then the little girl asked my co-teacher...Then I went to check my email and I got an email that told me how many weeks I would be...out of nowhere...weird???  Hoping it's an omen....LOL
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361454 tn?1312054856
Hello ladies!  I'm a kindergarten teacher who has been tryin for over 2 years now with no luck!  It does seem like it's a teacher thing!  There is 2 others at my school in the same situation... kind of crazy us people who love kids enough to teach them can't have any of our own!!! I actually do have one child who is almost 9 from my college days lol... maybe you guys are on to something!  Maybe it is the stress!  I only have 2 1/2 weeks left then I get to enjoy my nice well deserved break!  =)
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330481 tn?1309488243
Hey girls - quick note - it is ironic we spend our lives teaching and can't have kids! Go figure!!!

rxyrxx - I have a daughter that is almost nine too! Didnot have a problem at 19 getting preggo with her!

Side note - poosible temp rise this morning. I say possible because I got burned all the heck last night in the tanning bed! OUCH! I think that may be why I had a temp rise. We will see tomorrow if it goes higher! Monitor still says High and not Peak! Going bonkers here! Gotta go to work!!

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453798 tn?1262633421
Look at my next post for my update.
3 things though:  You are a hoot scienceteacher79.  I truly get a giggle out of your posts.  I am the same way with humor.  It makes it hard teaching 2nd grade because a lot of times they do not understand my humor.  However, there are some that are really catching on.  Like yesterday, a boy kept hitting himself in the head with his water bottle.  I said, "Now do you do that at home?  Do you walk around your house hitting yourself in the head with the bottle?  Do you see anyone else in here hitting themself in the head?  Am I walking around here hitting myself in the head with my water bottle?  Maybe that is why you keep doing it because the first time you hit yourself, you knocked a screw loose and your brain is telling you to keep doing it".  Some children laughed.  Then I said, "You look silly, stop doing it".  I know that may sound harsh to some people, but sarcasm tends to work with kids better now days then being sweet and kind.  :)
2nd thing:  There is another school teacher with me having the same problem
3rd thing:  I have a daughter that is almost 6.

Oh, by the way, I used to be in law enforcement, so I can come across harsh.  My kids enjoy my class though.  I have brought a lot of them out of a slump.  Crazy to think that 2nd graders can actually be in a slump.  :(
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