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Can these symptoms be GERD? thanks much in advance!

59 y/o male. I have had gas for many years but managed it ok with antacids. On Dec 16 I had abdominal pains with it that were unusual. It would get better but then return and Christmas eve it was so bad with gas, cramps (abdomen and chest) and an overall sick feeling that I went to the ER. They took some x rays of chest and abdomen that they said were clear and suspected acid reflux. They set me up for a barium swallow which is tomorrow. Thos few days around Christmas were about the worst I have ever spent.

Since then I have good days and bad, have been on prilosec for 11 days now. I get gas attacks and cramps and lots of stomach churning and growling - BUT not that horrible systemic sick/poison feeling I had before. At this point I would be very relieved and greatful if someone could tell me "oh yeah, that sounds like a typical severe GERD onset." I say that because I am very paranoid about it being something worse like a cancer.

A few other details - I have intermittent diahrhea, no blood in stool ever, no vomiting, some mild nausea. I really appreciate any feedback, I respect the opinions of this commnity more than the medical advice I am getting.
6 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
It's quite common to have a combination of IBS/GERD.  I thought of this, because of your colon symptoms.  Usually, if something makes one better, that something will help make the other one better, too.
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620923 tn?1452915648
U r welcome...please keep me posted on how u r doing.

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Yeah, I think relaxing is my biggest problem. I know I'm making it worse for myself by conjuring up visions of every kind of cancer. Even though I doubt there is any cancer with a sudden onset of all these symptoms. Thanks for the advice! woof!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Sometimes u need to know what the root of ur reflux is...post nasal drip can cause u to have reflux and be nauseated and  if u treat the PND, u also treat the reflux.And PND can cause IBS in some people.

I have a hiatal hernia since I was in High School....and let me just say I was able to go many yrs with out meds for reflux as I was able to keep it in check with diet......I do get flares from time to time...stress induced and sometimes med induced, but I know once all settles down I can get it under control again......

Follow what ur dr says and report ne new issues to him/her.....and try to relx.

Good Luck

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Thanks! I am now aware of foods to avoid but when the severe stuff started I wasn't. I ate a lot of spicy foods and they never seemed to bother me. In fact back then when I had gas attacks, it often seemed as if eating made it better.

One thing I didn't mention before is the cramps started right behind the navel area, but more recently they are all over the abdomen even up to the ribcage. One Dr said such generalized pain is an indication of acid reflux. I am curious about diarrhea and why acid reflux would cause that. Anyway, I'm in the position of really hoping it is "just" acid reflex because I figure I can deal with that. Any other comments are greatly appreciated!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi...yes it can very well be gerd with those symptoms...having the barium swallow is a good indicator for what could be the root of it...such as a hiatal hernia...some lye dormant and stress can trigger them....

Also, what did u eat around the time this all started?...did ur dr tell u to avoid certain foods?

Please see the Health Pages for a list of foods to avoid and foods that r safe as well as lifestyle tips.

Good luck\
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