620923 tn?1452915648


Welcome to our Gerd Community!

If you are here it's because you, a family member, or loved one suffers from GERd.  It could also be because you're trying to get information on what you believe to be your issue. We're not doctors here, but we do have an expert forum for questions you may have for a professional to answer.

I hope you become an active member of the Gerd Community and share your experiences and support. This is one place you can come to vent or just know you are not alone and someone does understand.

Our number one goal is to provide support to each other...it is in giving that we receive!
Please feel free to look around the forum to get familiar with the options on your personal profile.

There's an option to view the 'community archives' located next to the green 'post a question' button. In it you will find the forum’s past questions and posts regarding Gerd and some of the possible treatments you may have had or would like to learn more about. If you have suffered from Gerd issues, check out the 'health pages' option in the upper right corner of the forum. You will find some great, resourceful information on symptoms and the different options available to treat your pain as well as research, testimonials.


You have many options on your personal profile. You can change your My MedHelp theme, add a 'Baby Page',  'add' friends, send 'private messages' and post 'notes' to the other members of MedHelp, as well as add Trackers .

We have a Gastro Tracker is available for you to use.  This tracker will be especially useful for those with Celiac Disease, GERD, IBS, and diverticulosis.  You will be able to track your bowel movements, related symptoms, any treatments you may be taking, and you will be able to write journal entries to record your GERD's progression.   Follow this link to start tracking today:


Other trackers available can help you manage your weight, medications, and flares of symptoms. These trackers can be sent to your doctor prior to a visit.  Follow this link to get started:  http://www.medhelp.org/land/health-trackers

You'll also find you have a 'Journal' on your profile. You can write anything you like in your journal and chose to make it public for any other MedHelp member to see, allow only your friends to view it or keep it private for only you.   You may also want to fill out a little bit of information about yourself on your personal profile so we can all get to know more about you as you post and comment in the community.

We're so glad you have found us here and really look forward to getting to know you better, as we learn how your condition has affected you and your lifestyle.

Please stop by our Health Pages for some suggestions and helpful information how to help control GERD / Acid Reflux Symptoms:


Welcome to the GERD Community!

CL-GERD Community
29 Responses
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I am not sure if i have gerd. The doc said i might have gerd but never really diagnosed me with it. I have stomach inflammation few months back. This few weeks, i feel there is acid in my mouth when i wake up in the morning. I have also experienced left chest and upper back pain. After a meal, i normally feel slightly dizzy, nausea, instantly diarrhea. I went to see few docs so far, but it doesnt reduce the acid in my stomach I can feel it keep coming up to my mouth even as i am writing comment.
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1551963 tn?1302292732
Oh, my grandmother died at the age of 103  last year and she told me that i should grow my own garden and learn the old ways of life. I'm really considering that option even though it sounds like alot of work. It might be worth it sense she never had stomach problems and she lived longer than anyone else i know or knew. I let you know how that turns out.
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1551963 tn?1302292732
Hello, I have had acid reflux since i was 25 and 2 years ago i developed high blood preasure at 33 yrs of age and now i have a skipping heart and light headedness quite often. I'm starting to think in the process of trying to bandage one problem with meds, i have gained more problems. I am very active in martial arts and jogging but i am still slightly over weight, which is kind of strange to me and my energy level keeps dropping rapidly. I eat healthy, only drink beer occasionally and i'm still on prilosec and have been taking it religously for about 4 years. The only thing that gives me any relief is ice cold water and i crave that all the time. i probably consume about 2 gallons a day and no doctor can give me an answer to fix it. they say just take this pill and it will keep it under control well i'm starting to believe conspiracy theories about the food and pharmasutical companies have some kind of sick, greedy plot to keep us sick and make billions off of us. Don't the doctors get some kind of commision off the meds too...Hmmm... makes me wonder, how bout you?
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I have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure from the stress of a job and it also made me start having acid reflux, im on metoprolol succ, er 50 mg once a day. Im trying to work on my reflux with diet and exercise does anyone know if im working on getting rid of my reflux will  the blood pressure stop me from healing PLEASE HELP ME
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1444187 tn?1315421510
Hi i wonder whether you can shed any light on what i have as my doctor thinks im in another world. Not sympathic at all :(( Right here goes i have been feeling really nauseas and it comes and goes thru out the day but is worse when i need a bowel movementor after i have eaten. I am finding that i am pooing at least 4 times a day, the poos are thin almost like snails at bottom of toilet. I am constantly feeling hungry also and on and off dizziness. I am crying alot but i think cos the doctor not helping its getting to me alot being like this!! I hope someone can help me and i can get better......thankyou :)
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi...there is a condition called silent reflux and u would not feel the heartburn....so, it can very well still be an issue for u.

Antihistamines can cause stomach pain...so u should call ur dr to see if what u r experiencing could be a side effect or allergy to the med.

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You are reading content posted in the GERD (Acid Reflux) Community

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