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Blood Clots from Rectum.....

Hi, I am a 32 year old woman mother of two, and I am very concerned because the past month I have been having symptoms that are unusual. At the start of all of my problems I was just passing white mucous in my stool, the stools tended to be skinnier than normal, with a white mucous coating covering the stool. I called my Dr and asked if her I should be seen once I noticed that I had some presence of blood too. She said to come in and she treated me for diverticulitis, and also did a stool sample to check for e coli, and other infectious type strains, It all came back ok, so she told me to continue with the Cipro. So I did, yet the Cipro made me seem to feel worse, I felt weak, nausious, and the bleeding seemed like it was more and more, to the point where it was coming out in small clots. I again called the dr and said that the Cipro was not helping. I also had a severe attack in my lower abdominal area that sent me to my knees. I was contracting as if I was having a baby. The pains were comparable to hard labor. They made me sweat, cry, etc. That pain lasted for about 2 hours, with 5 min intervals. Also I was rushing to the toliet where I was having very loose stool, close to diarea.
The next day my Dr sent me to get a CT scan, the results came back ok. Yet I was still having abdominal irratibilty and bllod clots and mucous. I am so confused as to what could be wrong with me. I also had blood work done to check me for anemia, and to check my thryroid and electrolytes. Those results also came back ok. Something is wrong, but I just cannot figure it out. I have actually taken a picture to show what the clots look like that have been coming out of me. Also sometimes I have a normal bowel movement, then other times I will get an extreme urge to have a bowel movement and all that comes out are these blood clots that also have some mucous in them. I atleast pass on average about 3 blood clots per day.
In the past since my late teen years I have had episodes of what they call Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The attacks were always painful like I explained above. They would happen maybe a few times a year, if that. But it has always been a reoccuring problem. I am a healthy woman, I excerise daily, dont smoke, and occasionally drink.  If you have any help or any advice that you could give I would appreciate! I am scared......
14 Responses
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I have had this for 6 months to the point of squirting blood large clods seriously bloody stools on all medication nothing works told i have lucrative proctitis cant control my bowel movements getting scared to leave the house
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Hi Terrycon.  Sorry to hear you have this issue going on.  We urge you to quickly see your doctor for examination and discussion about this issue. This really warrants immediate medical care. Although perhaps you have been doing so.  Starting your own thread with details regarding your condition would be helpful.  We wish you the best.
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I have had many of the symptoms described by all of you and this has
been happening for many years.  I was diagnosed as having colitis and
I was told what not to eat etc.

Someone told me about this "anti-diarrheal" that they buy at the Dollar Store ( only 1.00 for 12 caplets.)  It's a miracle.   Before I eat anything spicy or acidic that would normally send my bowels into spasms, I just take one of those pills.  It literally stops the colitis from occurring.  Man, I wish
I had known about these cheap little pills years ago.

Of course, anyone should seek doctors advise to be diagnosed. But try these, they are a life saver
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I have been trying to find out for years. I started out as just rectum bleeding, to the point of squirting blood. Had 3 colonoscpys. They only found a couple of plops. Now its gotten extremely worse. My stomach cramps, Im popping blood clots almost everyday. Sometimes i feel like my insides are turned inside out. My lower back hurts afterwards, most times. And somedays, it takes so much out of me that I cant hardly function. Feel week & nasuae.
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Hi I just came across your post and read that you have ulcerated Colitis. My husband had this and it was really horrible. He took pantsa in sachet form from the Doctor, also his Brother who lives in Switzerland sent him powder called fangocur, since my husband took this he immediately found his stools to be firmer. It is a natural volcanic clay and full of magnesium etc...In combination with the Pentasa he is now clear thank god. Since then my aunt got ulcerative colitis and she was given different medication. We sent her the fangocur to take also. She tried for a couple of days and noticed an improvement in her stools but as she was much older she didn't like the taste and stopped. Unfortunately she now has crones disease. My daughter now has the same symptoms, her stomach is aggravated and her stools are bloody and passed a clot yesterday. We actually hope that it is the same so we know how to treat it like my husbands than being anything worse. Tip listen to the consultant, keep diet they suggest and take Pentasa as instructed for as long as it is supposed to be used. Don't take colitis lightly, but there is a cure so very best of luck to all.
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Thank you for the reply everyone, I'm sorry I haven't posted my results. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I have tried several meds to help my symptoms. The last drug I was on was Remicade an iv treatment, that med only worked a short time now I'm on the medication called Simponi, it is an injection one time a month. I pray that it helps! Good luck everyone!
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Hello i have also some symptoms that you describe above..i am diagonsed with proctosigmoiditis...i am on steroid tablet and mesalamine 1.2x2...hope you feeling good...may God bless you..
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You probably have an anal fissure which is literally a small tear at the entrance of the rectum.  You should consult a colorectal surgeon.  They have many options such as nifedipine cream, botox injects, or a surgical option called sphincterotomy.  I am currently in the same situation.  I did the whole nifedipine cream which only helped minimally.  I received the botox injections surrounding the rectum last week and have noticed a small change, but botox takes 7-10 days to show an impovement.  I have been a female pelvic nurse for the past 12 yrs and see a lot of issues with bowel, bladder, and female organs.  I hope this helps!
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I have similar symptoms I am 32 and mother of 3. I have been having difficulty having a bm it often feels like shards of glass but the stool seems soft. I know its gross but my anus also itches. I did notice a white mucus in the bm a few weeks ago but no longer. Today after difficult bm my paper was saturated in blood and I had two large clots. I originally thought that I may have a cut/scratch in my rectum that may of opened while passing a BM but after tonight I'm worried. I have had mild cramping but nothing unbearable. I have been working out and dieting so I thought maybe that could be it too. Please post your findings
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I just passed a giant blood clot that almost looked like some sort of mass. Had my colonoscopy and haven't gotten results just yet. They did take a biopsy but that was 4 days ago and i am so very confused and anxiously scared. What did you find out if anyone has had the same issue i could use some clarification and help asap. Im a healthy occasional smoking 25 yr old male.
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i am looking at the computer now to find out what the hell is happening to me and i come up on your post....thank god that i am not the only one with these issues....although that relieves me i am still extremely scared about what it could be....i have an appointment on Tuesday and will also post on what i found out.....hope you all find questions and god bless
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what have you found out about your bleedy mucus from rectum?
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hoping to here what happened to mrs_teller! I too have these symptoms and am very scarred. Anyone???
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Did you manage to find out what was wrong?  I have all the same symptons that you have listed and am also wondering what it is and what to do about it.
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Thanks I got an appointment for Feb. 3rd. I will repost the findings.... I am praying all is ok, and not serious.
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You need to ask your doc to schedule a colonoscopy despite the fact that you had a CT scan. The doc needs to get a close-up look at what is going on at the lining of your colon. Please call tomorrow and ask to have him set one up.
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