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bad smell

Two months ago i was diagnosized with malabsorption in the intestines, after having gas problems. I was prescribed on Flagyl and hyoscyamine/ levbid, which has made my stomache smell and yellow urine. i dont have any more gases but has developed this horrible smell from ma stomach not the skin. I cannot stand this smell any more, i feel uncomfortable esp where i work because all eyes are on me.
I need your suggestion, this is my 5th month in USA. I have never had this problem before, i am almost regretting why i came.
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540266 tn?1214654841
Wel cn97, it is not my field, but you put wrong message as result of stool test indicated ALT level in Blood. Do not make wrong impression to other people. Level of ALT in blood could be determined by blood test.
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Thank you for your advice. It has made me accept my problem. Be blessed
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I had my stool tested in the lab. The results were: abnormal ALT and bacteria. I was given the medicine to treat the bacteria. I have not taken any medication for ALT, i really dont have an insurance not even my family members here.
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I just want to add something, while you're arranging to visit your doctor again, which you must do.  

Anytime your digestion is goofed up, the smell is going to come out of everywhere, including your skin.  However, you may think all eyes are on you just because you are a new arrival in USA, but this is not true.  Try to remember that we are "a nation of immigrants," which a former Governor of New York said in a speech during an election year at the Democratic Convention.  

Unless you live in a very small town, there is really no such thing as "outsiders."  People are not going to focus on you just because you are from somewhere else, or speak differently, or look different.  Likely they are just curious about you and want to know more, so you can break the ice by smiling at people and talking about the weather (always a good topic of conversation).

Now, I am past my 50s, so I have learned that when I am standing near someone who has an odor, which only nearby people notice that sort of stuff, I realize they are probably sick and I do not hold it against them.  Therefore, if you are having to work within arm's distance of a few people in your group all the time, just come out with, "By the way, I apologize, but I have been feeling sick lately, and so if I don't seem normal, please excuse me."  You don't have to talk about your odor or any other details, although they may ask.  If they ask with further questions, you can just reply to any inquiries with, "Well, I just wanted you to know that."  They will back off.  

Very young people might go nuts and gossip and carry on, but that's young people.  I ignore those people.  You can't do a thing with them.  Also, I definitely think you should take the time one day to sit down with your immediate supervisor and the supervisor above that person, and explain your health issues.  In this manner, you will be taken off the list of people to scrutinize on account of some silly thing like an odor.  LOTS of people stink from not being able to take a shower because the water line burst in their neighborhood, or from smelly shoes, or sweating on a hot day.  This is known as "the human condition."  

Those who are not accepting of other people's differences are the ones who need to grow up some more.  At least you are concerned about other people's feelings, which shows you are mighty grown up indeed.  So, I hope that helps you psychologically live with your health issues until you can find out and resolve the medical problems behind them, so go back to the doctor and keep pushing for some answers.  Doctors WANT to help you, if they can.

By the way, I think I told you or someone like you before, but I have visited and lived in foreign countries, and I ALWAYS get a huge tummy upset when I go somewhere else.  The food is different, everything looks different, it's all such a blur when a person changes cultures.  And taking on a new job or going to a new school, even in a familiar country, is always pretty wild.  It's just your jet lag has lasted longer than average, so that's why you have to look at this thing and go at it from a medical point of view.  You have a health issue, so please return to your physician or try a new doctor, and get to the bottom of what's causing your disturbing symptoms.
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...and of course from the food rich in sulphur, if there are many sulphate-reducing bacteria in your gut.

So, either go and have stool test for bacteria/parasites and stool fat test, or...

...exclude sulphur containing foods from your diet for few days.
Sulphur-rich foods:
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Can you describe the smell? Do you have loose stools and what is their color?

Stool (gas) smells usually from unabsorbed fats or from C- diff overgrowth in the colon.
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