3093747 tn?1344655083

Carcinoid tumors?

It started in February when I kept getting bouts of tachycardia even though I have very low blood pressure.  I have been getting hot flushing sensations on my chest and face for a few years now and it mainly only happened when I was drinking alcohol, so I just ignored it. Now it happens pretty much constantly. I have had abdominal pain as well for a few years and also ignored that because I did not have insurance up until a few months ago.  Now my abdominal pain is horrible, my eye sight is getting worse by the day, I can't eat very much because it makes me nauseated so I have lost 15 pounds within the last month.  I get head aches which I have never had before, the veins in my hands and arms bulge sometimes, I get very dizzy and confused a lot, and I have had black stools on and off which leads me to believe that I may have a carcinoid in my small intestine.  I have decreased hearing in my left ear, with numbness on that side of my face.  I had this painful lump on my forehead by my left eye that I popped with a needle because I thought it was a pimple, but after I popped it, my pupils started to dilate and my heart started beating hard.  That's another thing that makes me think I have carcinoids. I have had several tests done, but they have all come back negative: MRI of head, TSH levels, my glucose was a little high even though I was fasting, but my DR. just disregarded it. It was at 100.  I've had my eyes checked by 2 opthalmologists and I've been to an ENT which was a joke because after I told him the symptoms about my ear he just looked into it and it was clear, so abviously I don't have an infection, so he just said it was TMJ.  I think after I popped that thing on my forehead, the cancer spread to other parts of my face including the nerve for my ear.  I have had a 24 hour urine test for catecholamines, an electrocardiogram, and a holter monitor.  My first Dr. said that I had PVST, but I later found out that was a lie from an electrocardiologist.  My original Dr. just kept telling me I'm a hypochondriac and put me on Lexapro which is making my symptoms worse which also points to carcinoids because of the excess serotonin making the liver harder to process it since with carcinoids there is already too much of it. My feet and hands are always cold and fall asleep very easily.  I have lower back pain and went to a chiroprator and he said my spine was straight, but when he took an xray of my lower back, he saw white spots all along my colon, which were probably my vitamins, but he thought it was weird that they weren't being digested. I have a gastro appointment tomorrow, so hopefully I get some answers because this is really frustrating!!! Any suggestions as to what this might be would be very much appreciated!
Thank you!
6 Responses
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3093747 tn?1344655083
I also forgot to say that I sweat profusely even if I'm cold.
Helpful - 0
1340994 tn?1374193977
I would think it might be some sort of thyroid disease, liver disease, or malnutrition from something like Celiac disease.  If you drink alcohol, I think it is possible your liver can't handle alcohol at all, assuming you are not an alcoholic.  

I would try not to sound crazy when talking to your healthcare providers.  I know you are sick, but going straight to assumption of cancer and calling healthcare providers liars is not going to make you sound credible.  I've worked in hospitals and doctors' offices, and I'm just trying to help you get heard.  

Read about hyperthyroidism.  Your eye problem may be related to this:

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3093747 tn?1344655083
Thank you, but I had my thyroid checked and it was negative.  I don't drink very often at all and actually last weekend I had two glasses of wine at a friend's wedding and I felt severely sick and my stomach hurt.  When I used to drink, I felt fine. Now if I have a few drinks I throw up all day the next day.  I know I sound crazy, but I know my own body and I know I'm sick.  I just want to get this figured out, so I can get treatment.  Another thing is that even if I walk up a flight of stairs my heart starts pounding out of my chest and I get really light headed.  I've also had diarrhea off and on for a few months now.  It seems like my food isn't being digested.  
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3093747 tn?1344655083
Thank you, but I had my thyroid checked and it was negative.  I don't drink very often at all and actually last weekend I had two glasses of wine at a friend's wedding and I felt severely sick and my stomach hurt.  When I used to drink, I felt fine. Now if I have a few drinks I throw up all day the next day.  I know I sound crazy, but I know my own body and I know I'm sick.  I just want to get this figured out, so I can get treatment.  Another thing is that even if I walk up a flight of stairs my heart starts pounding out of my chest and I get really light headed.  I've also had diarrhea off and on for a few months now.  It seems like my food isn't being digested.   .
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3093747 tn?1344655083
And you are right, I know I shouldn't sound like that to my Dr.'s but I'm really frustrated.  I think this has something to do with my liver too because my skin has a yellow tint to it and I keep getting random freckles all over my body even where it is not exposed to the sun.  Can that happen with liver disease?
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3093747 tn?1344655083
I am also thirsty all the time and I drink a lot of water but it doesn't help at all.  I also have had very dry skin and scalp, but nothing like different dandruff shampoos etc. seems to help at all.
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