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Severe pain in chest-not heart or lungs though

My wife has started having some pretty intense (6 on a 10 scale) pains in her upper chest.  Pain also radiates into her neck and chin.  No pain when laying down, only when up and on the move.  She's had all heart testing done with nothing showing, chest and cardia CT scans, with notheing.  Went to gastroenterologist, got scoped, and found very little that would cause the pain.  Test results for h-pilori still out, but she was treated for this previously.  She has been on aciphex for two years for GERD.  She has a hiatal hernia, and her esophagus is somewhat twisted, which may be causing some swallowing difficulties.  But nothing which would cry out that 'this is causing the pain'.  Anywhere more specific to look?
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If the pain resembles anything like a gallbladder attack, it's possible that the problems she's having now could be related to the the long-gone gallbladder. Some people continue to have problems due to stone formation after the GB is gone, or sludge or stones that escaped the GB after surgery and got lodged in the common bile duct. Residual sludge can irritate the CBD or the sphincter of Oddi, and cause enough pain to have someone on the floor curled into a ball.

Does it make any difference if she stays away from fatty foods? Is she also experiencing frequent diarrhea or alternating diarrhea and constipation? If so, you may want to read through this: http://hopkins-gi.nts.jhu.edu/pages/latin/templates/index.cfm?pg=disease1&organ=3&disease=12&lang_id=1

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She had her gallbladder removed 3 years ago after some other issues.  I wondered about spasms, but this is a constant pain whenever she is moving around.
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Have they checked for gallbladder issues? The other thing to consider is the possibility of esophageal spasms. They can feel like a heat attack to some and are very debilitating.
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