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My retarded stomach problem


Im writing this because I have no idea what is going on with me. Apparently though, none of the doctors I've been to do either. It could be because I went to an urgent care and a county hospital because I don't have health insurance at the moment, but then again, after reading some of these questions/stories I've come across, Its highly doubtful. So anyway lets get to the point.
About 3 or so months ago, I noticed I was having like a gnawing type pain to the left of my bellybutton. This has since gone away, leaving me with a couple bouts of liquidy diarrhea. When the diarrhea happened though, it wasnt like I was going 10 times a day. In fact it was more like 1 liquidy episode one day, and a couple weeks later it was like 1-3 times max for about 4 days. I went to the urgent care doctor I normally see, he ran a CBC test which he later explained to me was "nothing but re-assuring". He prescribed me ciprofloxacin in case of a bacterial infection, and i seemed to be doing okay a few days later. I mean, I was no longer having the diarrhea-like bowel movements thats for sure. But still, I didn't feel like myself stomach-wise, so my mom took me to the county hospital to see if I would get a different result in diagnosis. The doctor I saw asked me some questions, felt my stomach a bit, and deemed it dyspepsia. I was told to take simethicone which is equivelant to Gas-X, but I've taken every last one and my stomach discomfort still persists. This discomfort is not like the gnawing pain I explained earlier, but it feels like I need to go #2 sort of. Its relieved by burping or passing gas out the other end sometimes, but it still lingers. It also is accompanied by strange bowel consistency that Ive been having recently. Like it comes out solid when I go, but It breaks up easily, almost into a liquid type form when I flush it down. Not to mention I see some air bubbles as it sits at the bottom of the bowl. It doesnt look healthy though, bottom line. Other than that, its greenish in color sometimes, but mostly brown. no blood in the stuff, at least from merely looking at it with the naked eye. Its pretty regular too, I mean, I always go in the morning at some point with little to no struggling, and sometimes at night too. My stomach gurgles a lot too, but I figure thats a normal thing with most people. By the way I used to eat really bad for myself. Like lots of burgers and fast food and stuff. Since my first visit to the doctor I've eaten out a couple times at In n Out :), but other than that ive been eating cereals like wheaties, cold cut sandwiches from subway, chicken, and just all around somewhat better foods. I just thought I might add that as I figure that plays an important role in this stupid situation I seem to have. Basically I would like to know if this is something that seems
like a REAL stomach problem, or if Im just going bonkers letting my mind run amuck.
Anyway this really concerns me. I mean if someone like a doctor told me I had IBS or something at least I could come to terms with it. But I get nothing from nobody, so its been pretty frustrating. Im definitely open to suggestion, and I also know I should probably go back to the freaking doctor. What a bummer. Yeah im pretty bummed.
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And just don't eat out till you have a handle on your symptoms.  You just can't get the same control of your diet or successfully isolate the things that are triggering your symptoms.  

Another doctor and more testing can't hurt anything, but my experience so far has been that you just have to start figuring out how to manage your symptoms on your own as soon as you can.  There are a lot of things doctor's just don't have all the answers for.  

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It is not normal to have diarrhea.  The doctors you saw should have done stool testing, you should get this done.  Also with diarrhea you need to make sure that you are getting enough to drink.
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