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Left Side Abdominal Pain

My problems started when one day just out of blue I had an attack of sharp, cramps on the left side of my upper abdomen. The cramps were happening every 3 minutes and would last for about 15 seconds. This was going on what seems to me forever, before I soacked myself in a tub. Painkillers did not do anything. This was 4 years ago. Ever since, I have been feeling pain that spreads from that area to my back, under my left ribbs and sometimes in the lower back. I did all kind of tests: endoscopy, colonoscopy, abdominal CT, spinal MRI, ultrasound, X-ray, bood test. I also tried chiropractor and acupancture, and finally trigger point injections in my back and abdominal muscle area. And my pain is still there as it always has been. I feel the worst pain in the morning, and in the evening. I can only find peace if I am constantly moving, as soon as I sit down and relax, it comes back.  WHAT COULD IT BE????

This discussion is related to pain on left rib,side and back.
10 Responses
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try to do the heloc bacteria  test, you breathe in a baloon and they take to lab, but the treatment if positive needs antibiotics which is not good for pregancy.
It happened to me.
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I first came upon this site with your question and the related stories as I was to having the same symptoms as all of you. I could never shake them and continue to get worse as the months have worn on. I am 27 years old, very healthy and active, just had my third child and chauked it up to being overtired, worked to the bone, and the fact my husband is a fireman and gone alot.
I felt when I found out what was causing my symptoms, that I must reach out to you all to encourage you to have a CT Scan and MRI with contrast. I have been diagnosed with Thymoma. Please read on it and speak with your doctors as this is ofter overlooked as it has many symptoms that are of the nature that would lead the doctors to believe it was something else. I remember feeling at one point nervous going to the doctor so many times with all of my pain stories as if he would start to think I was a crazy person or hypocondriac - turns out I am sane : ) Wish you all the best and prayers for an answer to your pain.
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I am going on over a year with pain on my left side.  It is located just under or on my lower rib cage primarily on the side.  I get painful muscle spasms on my left back side around the back of my rib cage. It has not progressed to what feels like an extreme case of butterflies in my stomach and goes up my right side of my shoulder.  I have also had blood tests run 3 different times as well as an x-ray on my left side, ultra sound (abdominal and pelvic). On one of my first visits they found I had an enlarged spleen and an increased level of white blood cells so they put me on an antibiotic.  Subsequent visits have indicated my spleen is no longer enlarged and they have no longer brought up anything about an increase white blood count.  I continue to have the pain I have before here mentioned.  I struggle with this both physically, mentally and emotionally as it is difficult to have the kind of life I want.  I go to work and give it my all even with the pain but by the weekend I am exhausted and have spent many weekends in bed trying to recuperate for the next week.  I tried ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen and I have experienced no relief.  I am also seeking an answer that will help me resolve this health issue.  I wish and pray all of you who are experiencing this and answer soon as well.  
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If you haven't already, you might want to look into Celiac disease. It often goes undiagnosed and can be managed. Hope this helps.
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I have been suffering from evening abdominal pain and EXCESSIVE gas for almost two years.  I have this problem EVERY SINGLE night and a lot of times the pain is on the left side of my abdomen.  I have had all sorts of blood work, an abdominal ultrasound, a pelvic/transvaginal ultrasound, an abdominal and pelvic catscan, a pelvic MRI.  Fortunately or unfortunately all those tests have been normal.  The only tests I have not had done (and can't right now because I'm pregnant) are an endoscopy and colonoscopy.  I don't suffer from nausea, poor appetite, diarrhea, or black or bloody stools.  I do suffer from occasional constipation, I am lactose intolerant, and i have suffered from reflux since I was a college student.  I am DESPERATE to know what could possibly be wrong with me!  I live with pain and gas every single night and can't take it any longer.  My doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong with me.  My father thinks this might be a psychological problem, but believe me, this is not psychological.  I have a true problem and I worry that it might be a more serious problem like cancer.  Please help!!  Your suggestions will be greatly apreciated.
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i had the same symptome in my left side : pain under my sholder in the left side and sharp pain under my left breast exactelly under the sternum that goes all the way to my back  and left sholder , can anybody help me please i had his prob 5 y now i'm tired to see doctors ,i need help please.
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Is there a test that can diagnose problems with diaphragma? Long time ago (20 years ago) I had a doctor overseas tell me that I had an inflamed diafragma.
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hi, you might have a diaphram rubbing disorder, it comes on depending on how your sitting or laying down, it can be relieved by getting up and walking around, to eliminate this problem, you need to excercise light weights once a week, cheers.
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All of my doctors that came up with some kind of diagnosis think that I have a muscle problem (chronic muscle strain - T12). They suggested trigger point injection, which I did, but the pain did not go away. For some reason, I think that it is a gastro problem as well as muscles.
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With all those tests, I imagine that you ruled out any problems with your pancreas, gallbladder, such as stones, or hiatal hernia (which my doc suspected even though I had almost completely left-sided back and side pain - & under the left ribs).  The docs know more than me, but I wonder, did they say they ruled out any possibility of stones in any ducts?  If there are any stones in ducts, the stones might not show up on ultrasound.  And if they are NONcalcified stones, they might not show up on CT scan.  Perhaps they ruled out the possibility of stones in ducts in the other tests that you had.  I don't know enough about those other tests.  I know that some tests with contrast media may be able to show.  One test which may show is an ERCP, which is a procedure which has some risks (but I've had to have it done twice with only mild complications of pancreatitis, having to stay overnight in hosp).  Maybe someone else will have insight as to whether the other tests would show noncalcified stones (if that could possibly be the cause), or ideas as to other problems that may be causing this pain.  I hope you feel better soon.  Please keep us posted.
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