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Leg pain after heart bypass

My husband had quintuple heart bypass surgery one year ago today. He is experiencing increasing amount of pain in his left leg where a vein was removed. He describes it as a squeezing pain below the knee; like his leg will be squeezed in half at times. Doctors don't seem to be able to find the cause, indicating that it may be nerve damage. Pain management medications don't always seem to ease the pain either. Anyone else experiencing this or does anyone have any insight?
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I am a 50 year old male.  I had sextuple CABG in July.  Veins were grafted from both legs, ankle to knee.  Post surgery, I was experiencing a lot of pain in my legs between the incisions.  After consulting with my cardiologist, he stated that this sometimes occurs, and that it will get better, but may never go away completely.  He offered but I refused any pain medication, and began a cardiac rehab program, which consisted mainly of walking on a treadmill.  I kept pushing myself to get stronger and at the end of rehab, I could jog for several miles.  I had to have my upper limit heart rate adjusted twice, as I would always push up against the ceiling during the workouts.  It has been 8 months, and the pain has pretty much gone away.  I will only get the pain if I put pressure on certain parts of the leg, but it is not nearly as painful as right after surgery.  I have continued running, at least 3 times a week, but usually 5 times a week.  My medication, has been reduced to minimal levels, and I have started upper body strength training, including pull ups.  I have lost 25 pounds, and am back to a 34 waist jean.  The cure for the pain for me, was to keep the legs moving.  My advice, is to push yourself, to work through the familiar leg pain, and you will heal.  I say familiar pain, because if you feel a different pain, anywhere else, you should consult your doctor to ensure all is ok.  Good luck!!
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I had my surgery in May,still have leg throbbing,shooting pains
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Early days for me yet because I had the triple heart bypass on Sept 1st 2015.
They took the vein from my left leg from ankle to just above the knee.
It is now Oct 23rd 2015 and although I have been suffering with the because I had an infection and hurt like hell.
The leg now after 3 courses of antibiotics (allergic to penicillin) is doing well but still a little painful and stings a lot.
Since the operation I have had awful lower back pains and upper buttock numbness. This I was told was caused by the operating table and I am wondering of this has anything to do with the leg pains.
When you think about the operation and how major it was there are bound to be pains and some pains some time after too but from what I have read here some of you have had severe pains and I am fortunate enough as not to have had them (YET) but it is early days for me. I have had pains yes from the infection but only for weeks and not years as some of you have.
Also the vein from the leg is the main vein that feeds the leg and foot with blood. When the vein is cut out it is deep and the cut then is stitched in layers from he inside ( I was told it has 4 or 5 layers of dissolving stitches. After the layers of stitches the final layer on the outside is stapled (like mine) or stitched depending what hospital and who does he operation.
My operation was done at Glenfield Hospital in Leicester UK.  
I would like to know where some of you had your operations??
I suppose I was lucky because Glenfield Hospital has some of the best heart surgeons  in the world and one of them is very famous (he did mine).
My heart bypass was an emergency operation and nearly 8 weeks on I am feeling fine although the numbness in base of spine is still there and I struggle to get comfortable in bed and sitting but also seems to be getting better by the day.
For some of you people who are still suffering I think do have a case and do need to do some research into why on earth you are suffering like you are.
I know the chest closure is a 3 to 6 months healing process but I can lay down in bed now and sleep pretty well on my back on on both sides.
As I say it has been 7 weeks for me now and I am not suffering like some of you who have suffered for many years.
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I had quadruple bypass 28 April 2018 in university hospital Coventry uk, I am now getting severe night time pains in my lower leg and feet like growing pains I'm diabetic 2, but didn't have this pain until now
I had quadruple bypass 28 April 2018 in university hospital Coventry uk, I am now getting severe night time pains in my lower leg and feet like growing pains I'm diabetic 2, but didn't have this pain until now
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Update:-  Discussed with my family Doctor  ( called a General Practitioner) in UK who was firmly of the view that the symptoms were indicative of muscle injury rather than anything seriously wrong.  
Will arrange an appointment if pain continues
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The pain I had was like I had worms in my legs with heat and when the SUN goes down it really starts hurting like a really bad sun burn does after dark is when a bad sun burn really hurts the most. get a prescription for Gabapentin  It will help a lot with the pain you will all ways need it for the rest of your life.
That Dr. is full of it he is dead wrong it is nerve damage cause by the vein removal for the bypass surgery. there is a lot of quack Dr's out there that could not find there a$$  and the only reason they can is because they have they head stuck up it.
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Thanks for posting the information about you Dad.  It was very helpful to me - especially concerning the fears about the blood clot were unfounded. As a newbie not sure if this thankyou will show beneath your message or underneath my more detailed comments
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Was thinking of going to casualty with the suspected equivalent of deep vein thrombosis!  However my main vein in the affected left leg was removed for quad bypass operation!

Here's the full story - it might provide some suggested answers to other questions raised in this discussion.

Arrived here after numerous Google searches associated with recent onset of worsening cramps in leg from which vein was removed nearly two years ago for quad bypass operation.

Feared it could be something like threatening like deep vein thrombosis and was thinking of going to hospital casualty!

Less dramatic approach was to think it was associated with muscle strain following gym session  as I had done leg lift 10 x 80 plus 10 x 90 and 10 x 100 kilograms but I have being doing these numbers and figures regularly without previous problem.  
Cramps came on several days after gym session and whilst I had been sitting (with leg extended and supported) watching a long concert on television.

Reassuring posts in this forum suggesting it is a frequent problem but no explanations given.    

Seems logical to me there might be the equivalent of traffic problems after removing a motorway (the main vein) but why should this be OK immediately after the closure?
Hmmm maybe need to talk to someone about whether to reduce beta blocker dose of 2.5 mg daily as resting pulse rate is 59 bpm and even 15 minutes on gym bike and then rowing machine did not increase rate much over 100 bpm and maximum was 110 after leg lifts.

OTH when I started swimming regularly I was out of breath before one length of crawl and now can do several but then boredom becomes the issue!

So perhaps the problem for myself and others is linked to long term medication?

I am also on STATIN  (simvastin) 20 mg daily.   Initially started on 40 mg several years ago but there seemed to be side effects and Doctor reduced to 20 mg and this resolved things and is achieving good results from cholesterol follow up tests.

Perhaps I should mention I am a 75 year old male from the UK
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