392207 tn?1200687184

Leg pain after heart bypass

My husband had quintuple heart bypass surgery one year ago today. He is experiencing increasing amount of pain in his left leg where a vein was removed. He describes it as a squeezing pain below the knee; like his leg will be squeezed in half at times. Doctors don't seem to be able to find the cause, indicating that it may be nerve damage. Pain management medications don't always seem to ease the pain either. Anyone else experiencing this or does anyone have any insight?
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My dad just had a triple bypass and is suffering from the same excrutiating pain at the area you have described. He had to go to the ER and they thought it was a blod clot, they did an ultrasound and did not find anything, Thank God! but, the pain still there. They gave him meds for pain, told him to elevate, walk and ice it. None of it seems to be helping.
Were you able to find out why this happens?
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I had bypass in 2010 they took veins from both legs from ankle to groin on left leg and from ankle to knee on right leg, I get most of the leg pain at night it wakes me up several times a night, have to massage them or walk, then can go back to sleep,But  this happens several times a night, so never get a night that I can sleep without pain,

Also they start hurting if I sit to long. I don't want to take pain medication every night as it looks like this is a permanent thing.Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I to have had a quadruple Bypass a year ago and have suffered with leg pain where the veins had been used . It is the most horrible pains and the strongest of pain killers do not work at times.My legs swell also . I cannot stand my husband rubbing them im in tears. This is so hard to try and get through I wish at times That I had no legs :(
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I had a triple bypass 3 years ago and was cut from ankle to groin on both legs. Nobody I have seen in the medical profession will confirm it is nerve damage caused through the harvesting of the veins, because as soon as they do, I would probably have a case to sue them. The pain is excrutiating at times and I've been given many different pain killers. But of course, they only hide the pain and don't get rid of it. None of the medication I have been given has worked so I'm having to just live with it.
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My Husband is 45 and 2 years ago he had a triple bypass and is experiencing the same as you as of now he is scheduled to see a vascular doctor because he has taken Gabapentin at a high dose and it has done nothing for him ; his pain has become so intense it has come to the point that he will have to leave his job because of the type of work he does if nothing can be done for him; and  his dr. told him too that if the nerve hasn't healed by now it will never heal ( that it is an angry nerve)
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Believe it or not.. 2-3 tablespoons of Frenches yellow mustard will stop the cramps in 60 seconds!  It contains magnesium and is like a miracle!  I had triple bypass 4 yrs ago and started having leg cramps in the leg where they removed my vein.  No meds helped but now I keep pkgs of mustard from fast food restaurants in my purse at all times.  It works!!!
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