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Been diagnosed with pvc's and told they are nothing to worry about (yea right). Why is it that some days I don't have many and yet some days, like today, I feel really good before I get out of bed in the morning but the minute my feet hit the floor and I start doing the morning thing, getting dressed, getting  my breakfast etc., the pvc's kick in and the heart rate goes up as does the anxiety level?Can't figure out a pattern as to why some mornings I do and other mornings I feel great.  Any suggestions?
Best Answer
1616038 tn?1315954103

I deal with both PVCs and PACs on a daily basis. Over the last 8 months, my PVCs have transitioned from an "episodic" nature to a daily nuisance. I get isolated PVCs/PACs all day, varying in frequency hour by hour. Tinker330 - I also find that my premature beats are very frequent in the morning, minutes after I wake up...I am confident that the anxiety that arises from the anticipation of the ectopics contributes to their arrival. Once my day is in full swing, focusing on daily events will distract us from hyper focusing on our heartbeat...mkh9 - I am not sure how many consultations you have had with your cardiologist, but 104 PACs over 24 hours is far from an alarming number. As you research the topic of premature beats, you will find lots of troubling information on the net...The best place to seek reassurance is on this site, as there are so many members who have suffered from benign ectopics for decades...

My journey has taught me that there are good days and bad days...some people suffer 1000's per day and feel every one of them...it can be very debilitating at times.

Finding triggers is like a needle in a haystack. I stopped any consumption of caffeine for 6 weeks, and my PVCs/PACs were even worse. The list of possible triggers is endless, and you will end up driving yourself crazy searching for the answers..

My belief - it is all about acceptance. Benign ectopics are extremely common. Some feel them, others don't notice them even when they are dealing with several per minute...it is all about how we are wired, and our ability to manage anxiety when it pertains to our health.

If you have had the necessary tests, and been given a clean bill of health, then you have nothing to worry about. Teaching yourself to ignore the sensations of PVCs/PACs is the real test...when you let yourself hyper focus on your heartbeat, it is a slippery slope!!

You are not alone, and there are some great people and resources on this site who can answer your questions, and help you navigate through your struggles with ectopics. Rest assured, they are almost always benign, just uncomfortable sensations that create unwanted stress and anxiety.

Be well, good luck.
19 Responses
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1701959 tn?1488551541
I couldn't agree more, make them so I can't feel them, and they wouldn't be a problem for me to accept either lol
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I too have suffered for almost 20 years with PACs and PVCs.  Had every test and they all said "benign"  I have thousands a day some days, up to 30,000 or more with long, non-stop runs at times.  (for hours on end) Stress does make them worse, being in a heated discussion with someone will almost always bring them on.  Exercise. (during or after)  I did find that birth control pills actually alleviated the worst ones, the hard thumping kind.  So, I thought maybe either the fact that my blood pressure is a little higher now (not high, but it was always freakishly low before) that they are better, or else less hormonal surges since I'm on a steady does of estrogen/progest. now?  Xanax used to help the long runs of the thumping kind, but I didn't want to take that long term.

I do also take Atenolol and I have no idea if it helps or not.  It has helped the rapid runs (SVT) but I can't tell if it affects the PVCs because I've been on it for so long.  

I do know that I"m still here after 20 years of this and my heart..I've been told...is healthy despite having millions  of these PVCs.  Difficult to ignore if they're really bad and strong, but I have many I don't feel at all---I know I do though because I feel them in my wrist or neck---I feel pretty normal those times...I only feel short of breath when I can feel them in my chest which doesn't make sense so it could be anxiety that makes me short of breath and not the PVCs.  

I think a great invention would be a masking device of sorts for those with benign arrythmias.  Something like a white noise device people use for their ears when they have bad tinnitus.  Maybe there is some sort of acupressure points in the body or sensory desensitization points that could be overstimulated or something. Like it could sense one coming on and give you another sensation so you don't feel it anymore. Would make someone very rich!!   Its not that we're crazy, but it's like trying to fall asleep at night with someone constantly tapping your chest hard.  Would annoy the heck out of anyone.  
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Yes I am the same way with not wanting to take drugs. Which one did they give you? I tried Xanax and it was ok in my twenties but didn't work for my migraine variant. But now that I've been on another benzodiazepine for years the xanax was terrible and I can't take it at all. My husband can't take xanax either. But everyone is different. If you are worried about addition if you take it for a day or two to see how you tolerate the side effects and if it works for the anxiety then it won't cause addiction. If you take if for a long time like months then you may have a problem getting off anything. I hope someone here on this site can answer your question about the echo. You should ask your doc if the stress echo looks at structrual issues as well as blood flow. If it does then you wouldn't need the other echo. Although, my FP told me originally to get both the stress echo and the regular one. Then because of my back problems he said just get the regular one and look for structural issues. The PVC's I think rarely cause problems. They are really good on here and answered all my questions. I honestly think the PVC's are mostlly benign but it is best to rule out mitral valve prolaspse via the echo. If the stress echo did that then that is great. I guess your doctor can talk to you about the PVC's and what the chances are of having any issues from them especially if your echo is negative, though they are generally considered benign. I got off of caffiene and sugar (mostly) and hardly feel any symptoms now. Stress/anxiety doesn't help the PVC symptojms.
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1670856 tn?1316773768
But whats your take on the Echo non Echo thing?

Cause honestly.. . . The PVC dont bother me much other then mentally.
Somehow i need to figure out a way to KNOW ive gotten all the tests needed or not. and thus be able to say "ah one again.... aint nothing."-

i mean.... in reality they come in a second and vanish as fast as before.
(some events they might return faster and there will be a small PVC party going on)-
But yeah. A second. Not that bad.
I just need to figure out a way to KNOW they aint gonna kill me.
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To take the pills or not...I guess I would try them and see if they work.  The possible side effects are probably not as anxiety-causing as the PVC's and if they are you can stop taking them.  Otherwise you know the PVC's aren't going away by themselves...I keep wishing mine would.
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1670856 tn?1316773768
Hi. Well I play guitar, and draw- "mostly figures and tattoo designs"-
But no, have these pills at my side Im suppose to start on, but jsut cant man up to start them. Keep thinking about the sideeffects and how they might effects me.
(my anxiety filled brain keeps reminding me of : what if they make you better and you forget to keep eye on any issues your body may be having..) Crazy i know.
But yeah, have PVC(or extrasystoles as we just call them here. )
and they bug the hell out of me. But never had a ECHO made.
My docs refuse to set one up for me. And maybe with good reason. why im so confused when people say that one is needed.
I only feel a couple of extrasystoles a day normally. But does happen i get more at times. And also stating that, I know there are people who have thousands a day..... and they are fine.
But yeah... It scares the crap out of me. Had one this morning. (BUMP!) it said, and I froze for a minute, then tried to move on. But yeah. Just confused about the whole deal.
Called up a nurse in a "heart section? of a hospital" who basically said there was no need for a echo with the few extrasystoles I had and with the tests ive already had. (Stress-test (bicycle + ekg) and additional EKG. )

Also I try to figure out if they could be brought up mainly from my anxiety.
I rarely get them when I drink. Not that I do so often. . . .But as I drink, my anxiety passes away the more alcohol i get in my blood. So maybe its eliminating the need to give me those "bumps" too.

I dunno. Getting crazy of thinking about it.

But yeah- My main issue is who to listen too.
Some say an ECHO is not needed and some say its almost a must.
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Hi and sorry you still have anxiety. Do you take something for it? I had it last night over a back strain. I hate these set backs, can't seem to go too far ahead. Biofeedback works for me some for overall anxiety. The breathing exercises help bring down your parasympathetic nervous system (flight or flight). But when I'm really stressed about something it doesn't help much. I've tried Xanax and can't tolerate the side effects.  Do you have PVC's? Does the stress echo tell you that you are structrually ok too or just blood flow? If so to really complete the testing you could get a regular echo that checks the structural aspects and checks for mitral value prolapse. It is rare to get problems from PVC's but you could take beta blockers if you really are worried about it. I noticed that you are an artist? I have been drawing since I a kid too. What type of art do you do?
take care,
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1670856 tn?1316773768
Wish I could steal your strength-
Mine still scare the **** out of me.
Had EKG and a stress test both fine in every way-
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Oh that is great that your results came back benign too. I am sure you will sleep well. I lost a lot of sleep before my echo and going to the podiatrist (toe infection). Glad to hear your MRI was ok too.
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So glad your echo results were okay!

My treadmill stress test went fine too. It showed that even if I do have episodes of heart pounding (ahd hearing it in my ear) when I exercise, my pulse rate and blood pressure are in normal, healthy ranges while on the treadmill.  So I can just relax a bit here. II've had an MRI of the ear (with contrast dye) too, and my carotid arteries checked, so apparently the problem is benign.  I still get the pounding at times, but am not worrying about it, And I'm doing a lot better emotionally.
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Thank you and all for you comments. I just got my echo back and it was normal. I am lucky and very happy about it. Glad to have this site as it helped me understand about PAC's and calm me down while waiting for results.
I appreciate everyones input.
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IMFletcher- thank you so much for your comments. I too, have good days and bad and there is no pattern to them. I think the thing that scares me is that I have had them on and off for 15 years. My first experience with them sent me to the ER where I was told my potassium levels were sky high, was told to stop any extra potassium, and was diagnosed with multi focal tachycardia.  The meds I was put on then helped a great deal.  Two years ago I had an acute heart attack.  Had no symptoms at all.  Remember getting up in the middle of the night and don"t remember much of anything ftill 5 days later.  My husband said I collapsed on the bed, he did chest compressions and while at the hospital I almost bled out.  I do remember throwing up blood once but that's all I remember.  A gastro DR. was called in and scoped me twice to find the bleeders.  He almost gave up hope then went in one more time and found 11 ulcers in my stomach that were bleeding.  I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, and everyone that came in said they couldn't believe I was still alive.  The PVC's started really bad just 3 months ago so I can see why having had a heart attack with no symptoms I probable worry about these more now. I have had all the tests-ecoho,stress,blood work and chest x-ray-even an event moniter I wore for 18 days.  After all that is when I was told not to worry about them and that is when I found this site--Thank you every--one for your input. To Red Star- Thank you for the info on magnesium.  Because of all I've heard about your eloctrolites and how your body can be out of whack if they're off- I asked (almost insisted) that the DR. order the tests for me and he did.  Had the tests yesterday just waiting for the results Because of what happed with my potassium and considering my levels are still on the high side of normal even taking drugs that should deplete my potassium, I don't dare take any supplements till I see the results of my tests.  Thank you all so much.  
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IMFletcher's advice to you is right on the money.
Been there - done that and many of us would like to know the answer.  At least my palpitations don't begin until mid morning and seem to run out of steam by early evening.  Hard to believe that episodic palpitations are due to any dietary deficiencies, assuming of course that you don't have any medical reason for them.
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Because we have a large dairy farm nearby that has polluted our well water, we had a reverse osmosis water system installed. The water is very pure, but has no magnesium or calcium anymore.  I had about 8500 PVCs a day in 2009. My cardiologist said to try a low-dose calcium/magnesium supplement.  I started taking 300 mg calcium and 150 mg. magnesium.  in addition to my regular multivitamin/mineral tablet, which had very low amounts of calcium and magnesium. Gradually, my PVCs have lessened to just a few now and then.  

I do have a  new problem, though, and that's a pounding heart that I can hear in my ears and feel in my head, neck and  back a few times each day. The heart beat is very regular and not overly fast, just very noticeable and annoying. I'm having a treadmill stress test tomorrow, but my doctor doesn't seem concerned.  I am though, because I'm out of shape. At 69, my knees aren't all that good, so I don't walk like I used to. (And the pounding heart when I exercise drives me nuts.) Hope I can complete the test despite the throbbing and pounding in my ears.  Guess it's always something, right?

I  just wanted to tell you that maybe you need to supplement with some magnesium.  My doctor said to use calcium with it because taking magnesium alone can give you diarrhea. Taking calcium alone can give you the opposite.  (And I have irritable bowel syndrome.)  The combo I'm taking seems to work out fine.  Good luck to  you with all this.  I know how trying and scary it can be at times.
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Hi Red_Star,
I am taking magnesium with calcium (SLoMag) for my back pain. I take about 650 mg/day of the Mg and Also 100mg of B6 and B1 plus other stuff.  I didn't know Mg, was helpful for arrhythmias. That is useful information.
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Thanks for your comments and comforting words. This site is very helpful. I had my echo today and hope that it is normal. I won't worry about the PAC's if the echo is normal. I should know in about 3 days.  
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1756321 tn?1547095325
"Because magnesium is removed during municipal water treatment and is absent from most bottled water, deficiency of this crucial mineral is a growing problem.

Magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in a wide variety of ways, from muscle cramps (usually calves, toes, and fingers), erratic blood sugars, higher blood pressure, to heart rhythm problems. The abnormal heart rhythms that can arise due to magnesium deficiency include premature atrial contractions, premature ventricular contractions, multifocal atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and even ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation, and Torsade de Pointes (all potentially fatal). Magnesium is important!

Magnesium supplementation is therefore necessary for just about everybody to maintain normal tissue levels. (The exception is people with kidney disorders, who should not take magnesium without supervision, since they retain magnesium.)" - Magnesium and arrhythmia By Dr. William Davis
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Hi, Yes it is scary. I just was diagnosed with PAC's (104/24hours). They said I have to get a echocardiogram to rule out mitral value prolapse.  Do you drink caffienated beverages? It could be that your blood pressure or blood suger (after coffee/tea, or breakfast) goes up when you get up and when you get the PVC's you get anxiety because they are scary. My doctor said to stay away from caffiene, suger, and stress and get enough sleep. Also, to make sure you eat 3-4 meals (include a non sugarey snack). So, I hope this helps. I'm still worried about these too. I seem to get them more in the afternoon and when I lay down at night. Tomorrow's my echo. I hope I don't have anything bad.
take care,
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