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627839 tn?1226346299

waiting for ablation

I am waiting to have a EP/study-catheter ablation  to be done.  Scared out of my mind! It's all I can think about.  The EP Dr. tells me it is a relatively safe procedure but I can't help but worry.  Would love to hear from anyone who has had this procedure done and how they are feeling now. Diagonsed with v-tach caught on haltor monitor.  Was a healthy 42yr old who had the occasional pvc.  One night felt my heart race and almost passed out. I am freaking out about this whole thing. Feel very alone.

32 Responses
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What are the multiple ablations for?  If it is for A-Fib then I'm not sure why the EP is recommending it.  For EP the odds AT BEST that ablation will fix the problem are 60% - i.e. 3 to 2.  For subsequent ablations the odds are 50/50, dead even - a coin toss.  If your atrial diameter is above 5cm the odds on the first ablation aren't even as good as 3 to 2.  Above 5.5 forget it.  Just before my 2nd ablation I found out my atrial diameter was 5.7 cm.  Think similar odds to the Kings sweeping the Lakers in a 7 game series.  I opted for a pacemaker.  Ain't the best.  Have to take warfarin and watch my PT/INR like a hawk but I'm alive and functional.

If your ablations are for something other than A-Fib then the odds I posted above DO NOT APPLY.  As was said more than once above, trust your EP.  If you DON'T trust the one you are seeing now GET A DIFFERENT EP.  And make the EP sit down with you and tell you what the realistic odds are.  If they won't do that then FIRE THEM and get another EP.  These people have your life in their hands.  If you do not feel you can trust them then reassess.  
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967168 tn?1477584489
you may want to start your own thread so it's a new and updated one and ask your question..I know there's a few who have had more than 2 done =) hopefully someone will see this and answer you; you may want to put in your thread what's wrong and why you're having another one done
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Has anyone had more than 2 ablations? I'm scheduled Oct 31 for my 3rd?
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I am a 22 year old Male who was diagnosed with SVT. My first major episode landed me in the hospital with a heart rate of over 200 bpm. I had problems such as heart palpitations, chest pain (which would radiate down my left arm), and the sweats. The only thing that ever seemed to break my attacks was dipping my head into ICE COLD water. Even then it would only bring it down temporarily. If an attack occurred it usually meant I would be going to the hospital soon after.

I made an appointment with a cardiologist and after looking at my EKG's from past occurrences he recommended me to a electrophysiology specialist. The specialist suggest I do the EP study and ablation if necessary. So we set a date to do this procedure.

Today (Aug 24th, 2010), I had my EP study and ablation done. I am actually sitting in the hospital as I write this. At first I was really nervous and about the entire procedure, especially the complications that could potentially arise, however, once I was in the OR the staff was very nice and gave me fentynol and versed to take the anxiety and pain away. After receiving both doses of that I really do not remember a whole heck of a lot. My procedure lasted roughly two hours and I spent an hour in recovery. Technically, most doctors at this hospital let their patients go after they are able to eat a small meal. But, my doctor is one of those ones that like to monitor their patients over night so here I am.

As for whether the ablation worked or not as of right now I would have to say it did. I feel wonderful other than my leg being super sore from where they put the catheters in at. My chest feels a little weird but they say that is from the surgery. I have yet to experience any fluttering or irregular heart rhythm since I have been out. It has nearly been 8 hours.

As of right now I would definitely recommend this procedure for anyone suffering from SVT. If you have the right doctor and staff performing the procedure it goes very smooth. I will continue to post on here to update you all of my experiences from here on out.

If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me!

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627839 tn?1226346299
mabebesc it may take all of you to get my A_ _ in the car to go to the hospital!
Can you by here by 6am. LOL

RickDG you are a brave man. I can't take the feeling of a stactic shock on my hand let alone that. Agggggggggggggh. I am glad to hear they will fill me with meds if I ask:) and trust me I will ASK! again and again.

Thanks for all the support!!!!!!
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Depending on the particular case and how hard they think it will be to induce your arrythmia, they may tell you that you have a better chance with low or no sedation, however, the choice is ultimately yours and believe me, they won't withold sedation if yo ask for it.  Many of ablations can be performed under heavy sedation, it's all a matter of how quickly you can be induced into your VT.  If it's done under sedation, I can't imagine it's all that unpleasant an experience.  For me it takes forever to be induced and since I want to be done with the procedure as quickly as possible and I don't want to go back again for more, I choose to go without any sedation (not that the theory has worked very well, my procedures are long and I have had three so far and I'm not done yet).  The standard procedure, unless you opt out, is that they will give you some sedation beforehand, and during the procedure if you need it. They're always asking me if I need something during the procedure, don't worry that you'll be forced to go without.

Re the cardioversion during the procedure, that's pretty rare from what I'm told. They happened to induce SVT by mistake during my second EP study even though my arrythmia is VT (RVOT like yours). The choice was that I could take meds to get me out of the SVT, but that would have ended the procedure for me right then and there.  They were already in my heart and I didn't feel like scrapping the procedure and waiting a couple of months to do it again, so I told them to zap me.  The first one didn't do it so they upped the joules and it worked the second time.  I couldn't really tell the difference despite the fact that they doubled the joules on the second jolt - they both sucked but at least I was prepared for the second one.  It's pretty intense but it doesn't hurt for long.

There are just as many people here who say that their ablations were a piece of cake, they were well sedated, ect. and you can probably expect that more than what I wnet through.  It wasn't until I came on this site a few days ago that I realized not everyone has the same difficulties I have, and some have had it worse.
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Just wanted to tell you that the view on the other side of the mountain is magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I couldn't wait to see it and now that I.m SVT free(YEAH!!), I'm enjoying this view every single day!
Hang in there-you'll be just fine and you deserve to be VT free.  I was so scared beforehand .   I really didn't know how I was going to get in the car the morning of my procedure.  Thank goodness I did-it was the best thing I could have done for myself.
Just come to the forum and all of us we'll get you through this. o.k.?!!!
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Hi, I know your fear.  We all do.  It is not unreasonable either.  Anytime you think about messing with the heart it will be scary.  BUT these EP Dr.s see this all the time.  They know what to do.  When I had mine a couple of years ago, I was scared also, but the thought of going through my episode was a lot more scary.  I almost passed out each time and was terrified it would happen when I was in the car driving or something.  I didn't want to hurt anyone else.  It also put my family more at ease.  It is worth it!  Make sure you have a good Doc.  Just think of it as a chance for Dr.s to take a good look at your heart also.  I am so relieved I had it done.  The only thing I had to deal with was the pressure they put on my groin after having had to go into my femoral artery instead of vein.  They also went in through my neck for the same reason and there was very little discomfort from that one.  Laying still on my back was the most difficult.  But we all get through!  And you will too!!!  Good Luck!
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627839 tn?1226346299
Boy did I feel it!  Dizzy, heart racing took me to the floor. Went to GP who put a halter on me while I was wearing it had another event and was taken to ER. They keeped me overnigh but nothing was seen except for  a few pvcs/pacs.

Cardioi Dr sent me home with beta blockers when he got the report of my halter he saw the v-tach.  He sent me to the EP Dr. Was put on Varapermil (prob spelled wrong)  I have nott had another event since the one that sent me to the ER  Thank GOD!!!!I Do not even have PVCS/PACS . I think the drugs are working for me. I don't mind taking them, they really do not have any side effects for me. Just having some trouble staying asleep. Wake up about 4 in the AM but I think this is my nerves getting the best of me. When I first wake up I need time to talk myself out of my panic.

EP Dr wants the ablation. I am waiting to hear what time and when. Right now the only time is oct. 31st and I am scared enough!!!!! That date does not sit well with me.
I def. do not want to feel another v-run, . I hope you are right about my ablation. VT free yay!!!!!!!

I would love to vacation in AZ and visiting with my brother that is were (hopefully) I will be till I eat my Turkey sadwich that hear so much about. LOL.

Thanks!!!!!! I feel better already!!!!!

Everyone on this site is a  Blessing!!!!!!

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21064 tn?1309308733
Try not to get yourself too worked up.  I know how hard that is, but try to stay busy and focused on other stuff (at least some of the time).  

I'd had arrythmias and a leaky mitral valve for at least 25 years.  I was in for a routine echo for the valve and the doctor diagnosed cardiomyopathy.  NEWS to me!  Anyway, long story short, I developed PVC-induced cardiomyopathy.  My choices were anti-arrythmics for life (I was 46) or try ablation(s). I tried the meds for about 7 months, but was bothered by side effects.  

I'm also high anxiety so I totally get where you're at!  Freaked out, scared outta my mind.  Once I got to the hospital, I actually felt better.  The staff is wonderful at helping nervous patients to relax.  I'd be willing to bet you will be given the same drug combo as I had, and you will rest comfortably, AND go home VT-free!!  You may have PVCs for a bit since the heart tends to feel "agitated" by all the catheter manipulation, but it tapers off and you'll feel wonderful.

Ask Betty about the view from this side of the mountain!  It's gorgeous; you will be so glad you took this vacation : )

Let us know when you're going in.  My nurse anesthetist and I planned a "vacation" just prior to the versed injection.  I told her I was going to the Bahamas....I came back rested, but no sunburn : )

How was your VT picked up?  I'm sure you felt it, but was this something new for you?

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627839 tn?1226346299
Thank you all for sharing and making me feel much better. I am still nevous but I guess that is to be expected.

Momto3 thanks for all the advise I will be asking/taking any drugs they offer me!!!!!!! I will be sure to write done and tell the Dr about the fentynl and versed. How did they find out about your condition?

twinbee  and maybebesc I hope my story is just like yours.

I am a little scared about all this talk about no sedatioin this will not be good!!!!!  
Very high strung!!!!!  I have a had time sitting still to get my nails my done for 30min. let alone up to  6hrs not gonna work.

Still waiting for Dr office to call with time and date.  
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627839 tn?1226346299
Ok, I have VT (seen on my halter). They tell me they think the problem is in RVOT. If they do not sedate me I feel bad for everyone in that room!  I am a South Philly Girl!! Poor Drs.HaHa.

I have warned them and my Dr tells me he is giving me something.  I am still very nervous I am not excited about all this cardiovertion I am hearing. Does this happen to everyone?????  How are you feeling now?????
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I had my ablation done at Boston Medical Center.  Hope you're doing well!
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Thanks for the explanations.  You guys are lucky that you could go into your rythms so quickly.  Takes them forever for them to induce me - they just won't give me a cigar and a coupla beers, even though that's all it'll take, lol.  Have heard that the SVT procedures can be a little less intense.  Mom, I don't have an ICD... they actually cardioverted me internally with the catheter.  Felt like I jumped a foot off the table.  When they upped the joules on the second jolt, the nurse said most people can't tell the difference.  It wasn't until after that she said that I was the first person she ever did it on without sedation, lol.  It was a choice of getting shocked or taking anti arrythmics to get me out of the SVT they induced (they were going after my VT, I don't have SVT).  If I took the antiarrythmics then I would have had to end the procedure before they did anything productive but after they put the cath in.
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569980 tn?1228329485
Hi.  I wasn't entirely asleep.  They got the first catheter in there and it triggered my arrhythmia.  It honestly scared the **** out of me - I was very anxious, sweaty etc, but they assured me that everything was under control and it was a GOOD thing that they were able to trigger it so easily.  I recall the Dr. requesting that they up the meds (Versed and fentanyl) and my recollection of the rest of the procedure is foggy at best.  I also remember them pacing my heart but at that point I was relaxed and it didn't really bother me.
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21064 tn?1309308733
YIKES!!  You are definitely no wuss!!  I can't imagine laying there for all that time, just wondering what I might feel and when the ICD would go off!!

In my case, the versed would calm the PVCs.  Every time they'd increase the versed, my heart would calm down. So, they'd ease off again. Even with that, I have no recollection of the pacing, wires, tachy, etc.  
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You were all asleep?  Dayum, I think I went to the wrong docs, lol.  No wonder I keep reading these posts about what a piece of cake it was.  I was beginning to wonder if I was a wuss or something.  Yeah, they seemed pretty long, especially on my back, legs and shoulders which would all tighten up after the first couple of hours.  Feeling them pace your heart is an interesting sensation, but after three times I'm used to it now.  Being shocked twice during it wasn't any fun either - I let out every expletive I knew, and a couple in foreign languages as well.  I wish they could have knocked me out but because my VT is so hard to induce, no meds at all for me except numbing the groin.  My understanding is that with some of the SVT's, there's not as much of a problem inducing them.
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21064 tn?1309308733
I was also "on the table" for 6-7 hours for each procedure.  The procedures were primarily for NSVT, but the doctor was able to induce VT.  Fortunately, I was "on vacation" with versed.  

RickDG, I can't imagine lying there for that long while being awake!  Did it feel like a LONG time?  
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569980 tn?1228329485
Hi.  You can tack me to the list of recent patients with ablation procedures done.  I had mine done almost a month ago.  I'm not big on needles etc and the procedure was optional for me, so I was really worried about the procedure.  It really was a piece of cake and all the folks on this board helped me through my anxiety.  I could probably write a book about the whole thing by now, but basically I went into the hospital at 6:30 am and I walked out on my own at 4:30 pm.  They had no trouble finding my AVNRT and zapping it.  From what I understand this varies from patient to patient.  Nearly a month later and I feel fine.  If you want to talk more about just let me know.

Good luck - you'll do great!
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I'm also in MA, South of Boston.  Did you have your ablation done at Beth Israel?  I had one done at RI Hosp and the last two at Beth Israel.
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I had my ablation done at the Univ of Penn in January (I also linve in NJ). It took me two years to have the procedure because I was too scared. After it was all over I thought to myself "what was I thinking?'. I would not hesitate to have it done again. Good luck, and I hope you will soon be enjoying NSR for a long time to come.
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Hi rb,

I had my third ablation in four months this past Thursday.  It's normal to be aprehensive beforehand, I don't think anyone can say they weren't.  I don't find the experience particularly pleasant but it's not the end of the world either.  They type of arrythmia you have will determine how the procedure goes.  In my case, I have Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) which is difficult to induce, therefore my procedures lasted 6.5 hours, 5 hours and 4.5 hours each.  Because I'm difficult to induce, I did all three of mine without any sedation or pain meds, except the numbing of my leg.  During my second ablation they induced SVT and I had to be cardioverted (shocked) twice while on the table - no meds.  

If I made it through, you can too.  The worst part for me aside from getting zapped is being stuck on my back for 10 - 12 hours (you have to lay on your back and can't bend your leg for at least 4 hours after the procedure, in my case six because they went up both sides and had to use a large catheter).  

If you have SVT or PVC's, it can take far less time and you can often be sedated or take pain meds.  Walk around as much as you can beforehand, they may even let you walk to the operating room.  Pee if you can too, just in case you end up being in there a while.  Don't be afraid to ask them to numb your leg again if it gets uncomfortable, which it shouldn't unless they have to switch sheaths halfway through.  

You're not alone, there are alot of people here for you.
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I'm not sure if my first post got on or not so I'll repeat it just in case.  I know just how you feel.  I had a successful abalation done on Aug. 4th and I was scared to death..  I was up for the whole thing and I have to say the ablation  was very easy for me.  I felt no pain and I was only in the lab about 2 and 1/2 hours.

  It sounds like you are in excellent hands.  It is so normal to be scared- we all were before our ablations.  I really got myself all worked up for nothing!

It was the best thing I could have done for myself. You are defintiely not alone.  If you have any questions, ask away.  We are all here to see you through this!

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21064 tn?1309308733
We're glad you stumbled upon this site also.  That's how I found it too!  I was scared and looking for answers and support.  You'll find lots of both here : )

My first ablation was for RVOT; the second was for LVOT.  I'm told the RVOT procedure is less complicated and most people do very well!!  I was multi-focal, so it took more than one procedure.  

Glad to hear you are going with a "pioneer" at a major PA hospital!  The highly trained doctors are experts in this field and you will be in good hands.  You may, or may not, have to stay overnight.  Seems to be about 50-50.  When you first arrive, you will be given a lovely gown (not quite what you might have wanted...lol), perhaps a pair of matching slippers, and an I.V.  The I.V. does not hurt, just a little pinch.  I also had a foley (bladder) catheter, but they must have done that when I was out, never felt a thing.  

Just prior to going to the lab, I was given an injection (through the I.V.) of versed.  It's a wonderful drug that is used to put the patient in a "comfort" zone.  It has an amnesiac effect, so you will have lots of gaps in your memory from the procedure.  In the lab, you will be moved to a cold table (the lab is very cold, but you will have blankets) and you will be hooked up for EKG, BP and oxygen monitoring.  I don't remember this stuff, but I heard about it....versed!  The only thing I really remember is some pressure (manual the first time, a plug-like device the second time) when the doctor was closing off the main catheter entry site (groin).

Then, off to recovery for a turkey sandwich (standard hospital fare....lol).  I had to lie flat for six hours (propped up just enough for the sandwich), vitals were monitored...went to sleep.  Woke up the next morning, monitors removed, and outta there.  Oh, I was given fentynl in the lab for pain (another great choice).  Demerol tends to make a lot of people nauseous, so you might want to ask for fentynl (if they're ok with that, I'm pretty sure it will be fine).  

Try not to worry.  We'll be right here if you have any questions or concerns.  OHHHHHH, be sure to let the nurses know if you are feeling anxious.  They're wonderful!!

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