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question about herpes symptoms

In August of last year, I had a potential exposure. I visited a massage parlor with friends and ended up having condom protected oral sex (received) and sexual intercourse with a female who worked at massage parlor.

I did not have any symptoms post that. In Jan of this year (4 months later), I tested for all STDs: syphillis, hepatitis B/C. hiv, chlymadia/gonnorhea.
I was negative on all of the above. Life moved on. In 2016, I had a bunch biopsy done on my penile area which diagnosed me with genital lichen planus. They had ruled out hsv back then.

So, I keep getting occasional flareups of Lichen Planus which I treat with prescribed corticosteroids topical ointment.

In April of this year (7+ months after the massage parlor visit mentioned above), I had a flare up of Lichen Planus which I treated with the topical corticosteroid and the irritation cleared. I then showed the area to multiple dermatalogists and urologist to make sure nothing was missed and it was the genital LP which I keep getting occasionally. And they did not have any suspicion of anything other genital LP>

One unqiue symptom which has never happened before is that this time round, I had burning sensation on the penile glan area since May and it happens every day pretty much, sometimes in a day its more and some other times it is less.


1. Could this be herpes symptoms? I dont have any ulceration but my glans skin gets red and some non-fluid filled pimples occasionally?

2. If this is herpes, how common is it for the glans to have the burning sensation nonstop for like 3+ months now?

3. When I eat sugar or drink alcohol I notice increased irritation on the area and increased burning sensation. Would this be something associated with herpes?

I am otherwise very healthy and do not have an underlying health condition.

3 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
I agree with GuitarRox. The chance that this is herpes causing just burning after all this time is very, very slim.

You had protected oral and vaginal sex. The chances that you'd get hsv2 from a one-time protected encounter are about 1 in 10,000. (We don't have the same studies on hsv1, unfortunately, but it's also assumed to be incredibly low.)

LP can be awful to deal with, and I'm sorry you have to. Here's some pretty basic info about it, but may have things your docs haven't tried (light therapy, allergy testing, etc) - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lichen-planus/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351383

You mention the lockdown for covid and anxiety. Don't hesitate to consider therapy for this. It sounds like you're in a high covid area. I am, too, and it isn't easy. Don't underestimate the trauma we're living through here. Talk to your doctor about your anxiety, get a referral to a counselor, or try one of the online therapy sites, like TalkSpace or BetterHelp. Many counselors that are covered by insurance are also offering phone and online sessions now, too.

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Thanks so much for the reassurance :)

Yes LP is a pain in the butt. Infact, I would argue, based on my learning and reading posts here,  HSV might be easier to maintain than LP and also symptoms wise. Irrespective, yes I am seeking acupuncture and chinese medicines for dealing with stress and anxiety plus therapy.

Stay safe, take care :)
I would agree with you, based on my experience with herpes and reading on LP.

I'm glad you're treating your anxiety, and best of luck. We're here if you need us. :)
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Looks like this forum is dead :(
I was hoping a response from some experts though based off reading other posts, it looks like I do not have HSV but the symptoms could be due to some other reason.

Would have loved a response for some reassurance though.
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I saw this but this is the weekend.  If you are having an emergency, you should go to the ER or urgent care. We're volunteers here.  I don't know the answer to your question but someone will soon, I'm sure.  I do not think you had much of a risk having used a barrier for both oral and vaginal intercourse.  And you sound like you've seen a doctor and had a diagnosis.
thanks GuitarRox. I appreciate your reply. Yes I have read numerous answers here already and it seems that I can rule out herpes at this point. The burning is probably a side effect of lichen planus inflammation. Yes I have seen 5 dermatologists and a urologist twice on this. The covid lockdown anxiety is getting me for sure :)

Anyways, thank you, stay safe
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Also note that I am otherwise in a monogamous relationship and this August incident was the only incident between 2016 (when HSV was ruled out and I was diagnosed with genital lichen planus) that I had with someone of unknown status. I want to get to the root cause of the burning sensation and want to be symptom free. I have read online that herpes symptoms typically never last like 3+months though. So, I needed some clarification from you experts as well.

And yes, I have severe anxiety issues, especially with the WFH situation and social distancing, my anxiety is at its peak.
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Popular Resources
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.