1086168 tn?1285353444

Urethral herpes? Please help.

Hi all, I'm a mid 30s male that recently came down with some symptoms.  I've had a feeling I need to pee for the last three weeks and around two weeks ago I had a descent amount of stinging at the tip of my urethra.  I've never had any sores but just inside my urethra it was a bit red and irritated for a while.  I don't have any discharge and I feel perfectly healthy other than a soreness at the tip of my penis and a very mild burning sensation after urinating and sometimes in the middle of the night.  I've tested negative for GC and chlaymidia.  I'm waiting on the blood test results for herpes, but the concern over what is wrong is driving me nuts!  Any information on if this sounds like urethral herpes will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for taking your time to help out.

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I have exactly the same thing, my urine tests showed no infection, std tests for everything clear but waiting on herpes results. When I open the penis tip it has a small white mark inside the urethra...the sensation is a stinging one (a sharp pain) at the beginning of urination and eases out as I urinate. No other symptoms...the only thing I can say is that it eases with the more water I drink although the amount I'm drinking ATM is far too much to keep up!
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Did you ever get the results back??
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I have exactly the same thing, my urine tests showed no infection, std tests for everything clear but waiting on herpes results. When I open the penis tip it has a small white mark inside the urethra...the sensation is a stinging one (a sharp pain) at the beginning of urination and eases out as I urinate. No other symptoms...the only thing I can say is that it eases with the more water I drink although the amount I'm drinking ATM is far too much to keep up!
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I know I should have stayed out of medhelp but just had to take a peek at what's going on in the herpes community. Reading larry's tale has me really scared. I've had 3 IgG tests after my encounter at 3,7 and 13 weeks and I'm planning to have a "final" one at 4+ months, which I have to take as "conclusive".

All tests have been negative, I didn't get any values except for the 13 week test, where my values were

HSV-1 IGG 0.093

HSV-2 IGG 0.064

I don't want to go through my story or symptoms again but anyone interested can find my posts easily.

Unlike a lot of people in this thread however, I don't have any ongoing symptoms. I have been feeling 100% normal and my last symptom was a red rash at the tip of my penis at about 5 weeks post encounter. None of my symptoms have been classic and my doctor thinks the rash at 5 weeks was balanitis due to the fact it healed in two days and did not itch nor was there any pain whatsoever.

I've been also been seeing a counselor and my next meeting is tomorrow. I've almost fully recovered from my nightmare but now seeing larry's story with the negative tests, even WB negative but still being positive via swab has me nervous again.

My doctor has ordered a final herpes test for me at my request, he feels no need to test after the 13 week test but just for the sake of following the 4 month+ rule I plan to have a final one at around 20 weeks post encounter (I'm now at week 17). I have no option to have the WB as it's not available in my country so I'll just have to go by those results.

However, after reading larry's story (and I believe I've seen others here in medhelp) and seeing that the tests cannot be trusted 100% I plan to practice safe sex with my partner, even if my last test comes up negative. I had unprotected intercourse with her once after getting the 13 week negative test but so far looks like she wasn't infected. I can't risk it and now seeing larry's story I think the least I can do is practice safe sex. If I start showing genital symptoms, see a doctor asap and hope that they can diagnose it via swab.

One thing that's giving me a little hope is that my titers for the last test were really low, below 0.1. Terri has sometimes commented that truly negative people show really low titers and those who are about to become positive via bloodtest have higher titers such as in the 0.5 range in the weeks after becoming infected.
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I've been watching this thread with hopeless abandon as I have the exact same symptoms.

I've had 13 IgG tests now, all negative.  I also had a Western Blot, negative.  Last week I was cultured positive for HSV1.  Doc gave me antivirals for the first time ever, most of the symptoms resolved in days.

My guess is a majority of you have HSV1 and you'll never see it on a blood test for the same reason I never did, which I'm not sure why.
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Did you ever find out what you had?
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It's crazy this has drug on for so long.  I have many of the same symptoms as you.  At some point we have to ask what could keep recurring like this?
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Thanks for the website. After my visit to the urologist a few months ago he believed I was dealing with CPPS and if you had the same symptoms and negative test I'm going to try my best to get hsv out of my mind. I was doing so good until a few days ago and I just have a "strange" feeling going on down there right now. (perinium area) what's weird about it is sometimes its almost like when I ejaculate it feels like it doesn't all come out. (weird) I pray to God its just some issue with my prostate. Thanks for your help.
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Yes, I've had everything you mention above.  I hadn't experienced pre-cum since I was a teenager and I've had it a few time in the past few years.  What's more noticeable is the post ejaculation sperm that can come out hours after and the incontinence (dribbling after urination).

Check out this symptom survey and I think you'll be surprised how your symptoms fit.

I'll be here if you have any other questions.
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Congrats! That's great news for you. I do have a question for you if you get the chance. Did you ever have pain while pressing on your penis on the side (underneath) where the urethra is located? Also do you still experience mild discomfort around the area of the perinium? I've noticed that since my encounter that almost anytime I get an erection that I have Precum leakage whereas in the past that would only happen rarely. Did you or have you experienced that? I'm not sure if I dealing with some prostate issues or not. I just pray to God it isn't herpes that wasn't picked up by the test or doctors. I've had colds sores in the past so I'm hoping I don't have hsv1 genitally too or hsv2 that wasn't picked up by the blood test. Again never had any blisters just dull pains. Im hoping that when they describe pain that it is from the lesions that hsv produces and not just dull pain throughout the genital area. Hope to here from you and again congrats.
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Typo: GSH = HSV
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Here's an update to this thread.

2 1/2 years post encounter I just tested negative for GSV 1 and 2 via herpeselect, both results less than .9

This test is enough for me to finally close the book on the question of herpes as a cause.

I'm going to try the rapaflo and see if it helps with the CPPS symptoms.

If anyone is going through a similar condition as this post, here's what helped me.

Hot baths or jacuzzi that release the pelvic floor muscles

Cutting out alchohol and other drinks foods that cause inflammation.

Swimming with an emphasis on kicking

Wearing cotton boxer briefs vice the old baggy boxers I used to wear

Staying positive.

Thank you to all that have helped me out and as Grace keeps saying, not everything beneath your legs is herpes.

God bless,


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1086168 tn?1285353444
One last question.  Have you tried viral suppressives and does that help your symptoms?
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Good to hear from you, I just wish it was over better circumstances.  
So, let me get this straight.
You were negative for 2 years via Western Blot, yet tested positive for HSV via PCR swab?  And you had no other sexual partners between the one that tested HSV 1-2 positive and your partner of 25 years?
Have you retested via WB?  Since showing positive via PCR?
What symptoms ate you having?
Sores, burning only, etc.

How did you self swab for HSV? Who did the lab work?

It would seem if you do have HSV, it defies all the rules that modern medicine had come up with for this disease.

I'm sorry to hear about your partner... I take it she tested positive?

My partner that I have been with is negative and still not showing symptoms after 2+ years, but if I did have it and tested negative, my biggest fear is I could give it to her.

If I'm negative via this latest test, I'm going to seek answers that are not herpes related.

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It has been awhile since we last spoke. I am sorry to here this is still lingering for you. The problems have also continued for me as well. Why I ask well the answers was because it keeps coming back. It is herpes. I have it we believe in three locations genital oral and on my fingers/forearm. I tested 11 X through serology. Herpeselect, Immuoblot, Captiva, and  Western Blot 2X's. All were negative. I also did a week of PCR swabing and was negative. I still could not let this thing go. Unfortunatley before I did what I am about to mention, I gave it to someone else. When my long time partner of 25 years started to have regular symptoms always around her period well she tested and guess what. The problem was I still tested negative. I finally did a bunch of daily swabbing. This cost me a small fortune in time and effort and I found out what I had suspected I have GHSV1 and OHSV1. The only thing I could not confirm 100% was what the blisters I had on my finger and forearm a couple years ago when all this was happening. Never thought of getting them swabbed back then. This one the doctors and I are guessing is herpes.  

Handsfield made an interesting point that if the HerpeSelect does not show a positive to the antibodies it is even less likely the WB would pick up on it either. In one of his threads I read the confirmatory testing is even less sensitive. Whether it is or not there is no disbuting the PCR results. I hope your test comes back negative. For me it came back negative on the last IgG test I took at the 2 year mark and then I started the swab testing.

I truly believe many people are positive they just do not have enough detectable antibodies for the test to pick up. This seems to be more prevelant with HSV1 than HSV2.  But I have read cases where peopel with HSV2 have the same issue positive swab negative serology. Remember nothing is 0% and nothing is 100%.

When dealing with herpes you play a numbers game probablilty and statistics. What is the likely hood to get infected on a onetime encounter sure it is probably 1 in 1000 or 1 in 10000 but think how many people are having sex everyday ALOT! so that means there are people being infected all the time. Many probably show up here because everyone is at a loss to what is happening to their bodies.
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1086168 tn?1285353444
You're telling me... Hang in there, things will get better for you.
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This thread is insane.
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1086168 tn?1285353444

I just read your posts.  You and I went through a very similar scenario.

As Grace mentioned before, she hasn't seen one of us with mild skin symptoms and negative tests turn positive.

If mine is negative, I'm going to completely focus on getting rid of CPPS.

There is a study that was released recently on the benefits of an alpha-blocker called Rapaflo in relieving tension in the pelvic floor.

Here's a link to the study, this link is a pharmaceutical company, but my doctor looked up the actual journal and it looked pretty good.


Hang in there and try to relax.  I hope things are good with you and your wife.

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1086168 tn?1285353444
We are not alone in our symptoms, that's for sure.  Hopefully I'll test negative with this last test and can provide a light at the end of the tunnel for you guys.  
I've had the pain described above, but it's the bumps I had a few weeks ago the really worried me.  If the WB is truly 99% accurate, I would hope that it would be enough after testing at the 1 year mark, but with these symptoms, an additional IGG test at 2.4 years will be the final answer.

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Glad to see you are still around. You and I both have similar stories. I had an 11 week negative test for hsv2 and so did the person that I made the mistake with too. After my encounter I started experiencing some of the same symptoms you have been dealing with that lasted for 6-7 weeks or so. From time to time I may have slight pain for a day or so around my perinium as well well as my penis but it only last for a day or two. Everyone on here and the doctors that I've seen in person believe that I shouldnt be worried about hsv2 but is still in the back of my min and I'm afraid to retest due to what I've read about false positives or if  truely positive by now. My urologist believed I was/am experiencing CPPS but it is still, as I said, the fear of hsv2 in the back of my mind. Dr. HHH and dr. Hook said that for us to have urethral herpes that you would virtually always have external lesions, which I've never had. If you get a minute, read over my post and I will definitely keep an eye out for your results.

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1086168 tn?1285353444
Hang in there buddy.  Yes, this has been going on for 2 years now, but I feel I'm at the end of the road finally.  One way or another, this herpeselect test will be the answer.
Hopefully my experience will make your duration a bit shorter.  I really hope you stay negative!
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Dear Lord Borat1!

I just read this entire thread.  I am on a similar journey myself right now.  Sure hope mine doesn't last over 2 years like yours!

I too have had negative tests at 3, 7, and 11 weeks.  But am still not confident in the slightest that I don't have herpes.  I do think my symptoms have been more troubling than yours though, and my thread with Dr. Warren isn't encouraging.  My AB counts at .48, .52, and .35 are a red flag according to her.

Hope your next test is negative and you can move on!
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1086168 tn?1285353444
To help out with others who have my symptoms and are concerned about possibility of HSV, I'm going to update this post.  I've continued to experience discomfort and last month had a few strange bumps on my penis head with some red areas on my shaft.  These bumps went away after 2 days without any blistering or scabbing.  
I ordered an Herpeselect IGG test yesterday and will post the results when they come in.  I have not had any encounters since 2009 that would be at risk for HSV.  
If this test is negative, the question of herpes in the back of my head will finally be answered.
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