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what causes this

any idea what would cause esinophilic folliculitis?
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this is frustrating every 6 months i lose another15% of my hearing.and they wont even monitor my son.i know that when i take the penecilin feel like a human again my stomach feels better and my eyes do not hurt.
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it just seems to me there has to be some method of detecting things in the throat and the sinuses .is strep the only thing they can find .how is it  when a throat culture for strep is done they can see more than white cells?
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I don't understand your question. The culture for strep is done by a throat swab that is placed on agar media that the bacteria grow on. The white cells are seen on a slide that the swab was smeared on then stained. They then look to see if there are white cells, epithelial cells and what types of bacteria. But a regular throat swab they won't check for anything but strep , unless it is a throat cutlure for everything it depends on how they order it. So then they can find other bacteria such as G.C. (old way of doing it and it is not really done that way any more because it is not accurate) they do molecular, Chlamydia (same as for GC) , arcanobacteria sometimes present, and can cause sore throat, other beta hemolytic strep which can cause sore throat like Beta strep group A (causes the usual strep throat), B, C and G. They can look for Haemophylus influenzae (but it doesn't cause too many problems in adults) , Neiserria meningitidis. That is about it.

A swab of the sinuses would be separate. They can use a Calgi swab and look for B. pertusis or viruses, But usually they use a regular swab and look for Staph. aureus and sometimes pseudomonas sp. Those are the usual culprits. The ear is usually not done they go by symptoms. If they suspect something they can do one but it would have to be done surgically. Otherwise, if you have an ear infection they treat based on the pressure in your ear and pain, fever and symptoms. The best thing is a humidifier, and anti-histamines. then antibiotics if those don't work.
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why is it drs will not test my throat for anything other than strep .they lie to me and tell me they are checking for gono and chlamydia but when the records come back they say strep test.how would they ever find pharyngeal problems if they are not willing to look.?they somehow manage to avoid any test that will tel me what is in my throat.my sputum test came back as retest test not performed it contained squamous cells and they said it could contain bacteria that would not be that of lower respiratory infection.they just will not do any test that will show the infection.
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The laboratory checks to see if the sputum is spit or actual deep enough actual sputum by reading the stained slide and looking for the number of PMN whilte blood cells per high power field and how many epithelial cells. If there are too many epithelial cells they will reject the sputum as being "spit" and that is how they tell. So it is not personal. It is how we designate a good sample.
The laboratory checks to see if the sputum is spit or actual deep enough actual sputum by reading the stained slide and looking for the number of PMN whilte blood cells per high power field and how many epithelial cells. If there are too many epithelial cells they will reject the sputum as being "spit" and that is how they tell. So it is not personal. It is how we designate a good sample.
My lyme friend said that the regular lyme tests are often false negative. So you would have to send your sample to IgeneX to get a accurate test for Lyme and co-infections. I think it is a really good idea. She said you could get a nautropath to agree to send the samples there. I don't know where you find that kind of person but that is her recommendation. She is a chronic Lyme person and has Bartonella and Babesia. She is very knowledgeable about it.
i believe  she is but i have already done the igenex thing .do you think i need to do it again?why when the drs take a swab from my throat for gono and chlamydia and send it to a lab why does it come back negative for strep 3 times this has happened we are not testing for strep .3 swabs and no negative for gono or chlamydia wich meens to me they did not do the test we were supposed to do ?it was very difficult to get anyone to do the blood draw the llmd i went to didnt do blood draws and i had a hell of a  time getting a lab to do a courtesy draw.
So your results were from IgeneX? But did you get tested for the co-infections such as bartonella and babesia and then they have some new strains of lyme? I have to ask my friend about the results then. Since she has it she knows all about that. As for why your test is coming back as strep negative. I never heard of that. The doctor or lab is getting the wrong test ordered. I don't get it.
So your results were from IgeneX? But did you get tested for the co-infections such as bartonella and babesia and then they have some new strains of lyme? I have to ask my friend about the results then. Since she has it she knows all about that. As for why your test is coming back as strep negative. I never heard of that. The doctor or lab is getting the wrong test ordered. I don't get it.
i am taking augmentin it is helping to clear  my throat infection only recieved a ten day course if this is from staph or h. influenzae or m. catarhalis .then i would at minimum need a 28 day course you would think an ent would know that .you cant just leave people with severe sinusitis for 2 years when it is causing hearing loss .the gram stain should have been done a year and a half ago.a swab should have been taken from the nose.and the sputum should have been done.they could have avoided  the hearing loss and vision loss and the severe pain unbearable pain in the sinuses.they know this stuff .sinusitis is generally fairly easily treated .just identify the pathogen.what a bunch of retards.i cant get them to do it for my son either the symptoms are so obvious sneezing coughing clearing throat fullness in ears pain behind eyes and pain in temples .who cares if theysuspect another type of infection as well just treat the gosh darn sinusitis instead of letting people go deaf and blind.i cant get them to do a gram stain on my son they are letting him lose his hearing.i swear i had menningitis also .my whole back of my head when i touch it was inflamed it was like any sound i heard was trapped there you the fullness in my ears was connected to it .why not do a gram stain ?what a bunch of zipperheads.my digestion is starting to improve as well im starting to feel better and stronger .even when i started to irrigate with peroxide i started to feel much better if i get this stuff out of my throat it may just alleviate much of my problems.it all started in my throat .i told these jackwagons 100 times but they just didnt listen or look there they looked everywhere else but .we knew it was not strep throat .but that is all they would test for .i kept telling them we have had a cold for a year and a half.if it was one of thier children i gaurantee they would handle this differently.
what are the tests i can do in and around the ears ,nose and throat that will show what the heck this is. i know the sputum but that seems hard to get a pure sample i dont .know how you get stuff from your throat to a container without picking up saliva.wcan they swab my throat and do the gram stain.i know that certain bacteria like pertussis can affect glucose levels and protien absorption and cause malabsorption wich would in turn would cause muscle loss .all of wich i have . the drs say it cant happen if you get an infection you never get the effects from them and you can do a strep test and detct every other infection from that one test alone .wtf
Well, I know you are angry but M. catarrhalis, Staph aureus and H. influenzae can all be normal flora in the throat. Also, there is no protocol for doing a gram stain on a throat specimen you don't do that. There is no point except to look for white blood cells. So, really you may or may not be getting the right treatment. It may just be clearing up something else you have. Rifampin and Zithromax are the treatments for Bartonella. If you have that then its possible the augmentin is helping. Not sure since it is in a different class.

The way to collect a sputum has to be a deep cough not a swab. A swab for a sputum specimen is useless. They have to use a special swab for the pertussis and also special media. It won't grow on regular strep media.

Most of the time the standard treatment is not to use antibiotics they have you steam or use a humidifier and breath that in to oven up the sinuses. If it is Staph aureus they might treat it.

Well, that is all I can say.
take care,
Well, I know you are angry but M. catarrhalis, Staph aureus and H. influenzae can all be normal flora in the throat. Also, there is no protocol for doing a gram stain on a throat specimen you don't do that. There is no point except to look for white blood cells. So, really you may or may not be getting the right treatment. It may just be clearing up something else you have. Rifampin and Zithromax are the treatments for Bartonella. If you have that then its possible the augmentin is helping. Not sure since it is in a different class.

The way to collect a sputum has to be a deep cough not a swab. A swab for a sputum specimen is useless. They have to use a special swab for the pertussis and also special media. It won't grow on regular strep media.

Most of the time the standard treatment is not to use antibiotics they have you steam or use a humidifier and breath that in to oven up the sinuses. If it is Staph aureus they might treat it.

Well, that is all I can say.
take care,
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i did a western blot and have the p41 p31 and p58was indeterminate.wich is usually considerd a positive but my titer was .2
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What was the range for your test?
by range what do you meen?
i really get a kick outta how everything is set up to convince you that your problems are not real.its very unnerving the way drs gamble with the lives of the masses and just take a shot in the dark guessing at diagnoses .everything they cannot find must just be a herpes virus and they are all considerd to be like a  common cold to .many of these people walk away thinking great i dont have hiv or great i dont have syphilis .then have a lifetime of health issues that eventually lead to heart attacks and organ failures .im watching it happen and have seen it happen time and time again.

thats good medicine.
Every test has a reference range as to what is positive. So if you say the test was negative what was the cutoff to make it positive?
You still have the yeast infection if that doctor was right. That has to be treated.
I have to ask my lyme friend if low values like that can still mean a positive lyme. She may say yes and you do have similar symptoms. I wonder if you just took doxycycline for a few months if you got better if that would help. I don't know if you have the money to pay for a Lyme literate doctor or LLMD. They could figure it out. I can give you the link if you had the money. They cost a lot and insurance doesn't pay for it.
Every test has a reference range as to what is positive. So if you say the test was negative what was the cutoff to make it positive?
You still have the yeast infection if that doctor was right. That has to be treated.
I have to ask my lyme friend if low values like that can still mean a positive lyme. She may say yes and you do have similar symptoms. I wonder if you just took doxycycline for a few months if you got better if that would help. I don't know if you have the money to pay for a Lyme literate doctor or LLMD. They could figure it out. I can give you the link if you had the money. They cost a lot and insurance doesn't pay for it.
Also, I just talked to my friend who has Lyme and Bartonella, and also Babesia and she thinks you could be positive for Lyme as it doesn't show up on the regular test and also Bartonella. So you should get your doctor to send your labs to Igenex You can go to their website at www.Igenex.com  They explain the lab tests and coinfections. Do you have medicare or regular insurance? She says that medicare will pay for IgeneX so maybe the regular insurance will if you have the doctor send in a approval to the insurance. I would call the insurance and see if they would allow it. If they say you need doctors approval then you have to do the hard work to get one of them to sign for the approval. We can talk about treatment and so forth and/or you can talk to the Lyme forum.  But she says she has symptoms that are like MS too but she doesn't have MS. Your son and if your wife has symptoms should be tested too. If you had an animal or went hiking or grass in the yard any of you could have been bitten by a tick. Now they are saying fleas could be a carrier. I haven't read that yet so I don't know. But ticks are for sure.
hey mkh9 i wrote some posts but i guess i wrote them to myself .they are all in this discussion .they follow this comment if you would like to see where i am at .they were intended for you but i posted as an answer and i didnt put your name i guess.
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sorry about caps it makes it look as though im yelling .
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No problem. I didn't think you intended on "yelling at me".
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THERE ARE ONLINE SITES WHERE YOU CAN ORDER TESTING.I diagnosed someone else i met on this site we corrrespond via texting and his symptoms are identical to mine.so i told him to test for hhv6 because i thought his symptoms were so spot on to what mine were and the evidence that displayed during were uncanny.so he did and he came up positive .meanwhile i was busy ruling out other things but when i heard that he had tested positive i knew from the type of symptoms we have that i would most definately test positive for this too .pretty interesting since we have never met in person.

then i saw the symptoms in my son develop and i had to force his dr to test him and he was positive so i found it for three of us if i could get my  wife to test im willing to bet she has this as well.but this goes to show if there was a dr who practiced this type of diligence they might actually be able to help their patients.

when i go to the drs they all say that since you have so many things going wrong you dont need help .it must be anxiety.so if i had no symptoms then i still wouldnt need help.so its a win win for the drs .i dont beleive i will ever get help.ive been to two of every type of dr but none of them care .i have the gp who was the jerky one he gave me some antibiotics because i told him i probably have another six months of hearing left if im lucky.but he does not know what to test for there are a few ideas that i have but he wont listen to me i know i will find at least one more thing on my own after all i am the one who found the candida in my blood as well

my sons immune system has been weakend by this apparently he was exposed to lyme at some point because his titer is just below being positive and his hhv6 is active again .it came up current infection.so if his immune system is weak could his lyme disease be going in and out of active infection and doing severe damage.i dont think drs know enough about hhv6 .because the knowledge they repeat to me does not correspond to the information i have obtained from the hhv6 foundation.what i dont unnderstand is why they do not try acyclovir when people with encaphalitic symptoms due to herpes .it could help gain control to limit the amount of damage done to the patient .also why isnt there a study being conducted on antiretrovirals for the treatment of herpes when we know that acyclovir helps fight hiv.it would make great sense to test this theory and possibly lead to a cure for herpes .hhv6 is a very bad form of herpes wich can cause ms, dementia, hodgkins ,cancer,and even aids .

i will just post and whenever you can get to it you can get to it i am thankful and greatful for your help .i know that you have your own issues going on and i understand .you have helped to give me the strength to keep driving on when the pain gets to be too much your ideas give me hope and for that am very greatful.hope you are doing well thanks mkh9.
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Hi, I see regarding the testing for HHV6. That is interesting. I have had the same response with doctors regarding when things get too complicated their eyes glaze over. LOL. I actually read a new study that said that when you go in as a complicated person (meaning you don't act dumb) the doctors are 25% more likely to misdiagnose you. I think that was the percent should be higher. So if you don't follow what the doctor says regarding treatment, or if you ask a lot of questions etc. they get distracted and thing about the patient's personality instead of the diagnosis. They tried every angle to get them to not do this and they can't help themselves. So, I guess I won't talk the next time I go in. But I certainly won't take every drug my doctor gives me because by now I would be on valium, Cymbalta, Sevilla, antidepressants, and I don't remember what else he said. It turns out even though he said I have "some kind of fibromyalgia"  My master trainer at the gym has "cured " it. So either he is a miracle worker or I never had it. The Physical therapists all said I had SI joint dysfunction and I don't have that either. So, my back pain has magically disappeared with exercise and stretching. LOL. It is a long story. Also, my doctor said I must have some type of autoimmune disease because I am allergic to a lot of topical antibiotics and things and also have tendontiis. So I should see a Rheumatologist. I said no thanks. I know they like to do a lot of testing and give you a lot of drugs. My best friend was misdiagnosed by a really high end one with Lupus and she went blind from the medication and it turns out her dermatologist said she never had Lupus! So I am careful not to go there. Sorry I am ranting today.

Anyway, I am wondering if you all having HHV6 is not more common then they think and maybe it is common in those that are immuno-compromised or something.

If your son has early Lyme he needs Doxycycline for about 2 months straight. The best lab is to have his blood sent to IgeneX unless they did diagnose him for sure. They can do a western blot to confirm. I still wonder if you have it.

I'm not so sure about acyclovir for treatment of HHV6. It is supposed to be for Herpes simplex. I think for other herpes but I would have to look that up if necessary.

So, anyway I guess you should follow up with the university hospital or ER even whomever will treat you for the yeast. If you have that it is serious as I said. You need to get on the right anti-fungal. Get your blood tested as well.

take care,
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