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Do I have IBS?

Hi all!
I hope somebody can help me! I have had persistent stomac pain for almost one year now. It varies between being chronically painful to bearable but is almost always present.

I have had an endoscopy, CT scan and varius blood tests ~ all of which have not shown up anything. My doctors have now put it down to IBS but I question this as I do not have any other symptoms normally associated with IBS. My friends and family are blaming it all on stress  which isnt helping!

I'm totally at a loss ~ I would be infinitely grateful for any help/advice!
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Finally someone who understands! :) Its is just so hard to make all these lifestyle adustments, it is all a bit overwhelming and well meaning suggestions can just be enough to drive you insane sometimes!!

I will definitely search for that and show it to my family and boyfriend!

Thanks a million!
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Hi Ruby

I've been living with IBS for years, and have heard just about every 'maybe if you..' from very well meaning friends and family.  And of course, I've heard other comments from some not so well meaning people.  Please remember that ignorance begets some pretty outrageous comments and suggestions.

One way to 'educate' these people, is to print out a 'letter' that has circulated on many ibs boards for some time now.  After many years, I printed it out for my mom to read, and she really hasn't tried to 'suggest' any possibilities of cures since. LOL

I don't know that you can mention other websites here, so I'll just tell you to use a search engine and type in "Molly's Brochure about IBS " for people that don't have IBS.  You may have to click onto a couple of different pages, but you'll find it..and it is set up so you can print it out easily.  I tried right before posting this, and it came up easily.

I'm sure if you can educate the people around you, it will do you AND them wonders in dealing with your particular issues.
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Thank you so much for all your advice! I totally agree with you in that everybody around you blaming it on stress does cause you to stress evn more and is definitel not helpful. I have tried various restrictive diets in the past ~coeliac, dairy free etc all of which had no effect on the pain!

Doctors have asked me if I wanted to take mild antidepresssants to relief stress and to see if it would ease the pain. I have up to now refused, do you think it would be worth a try?
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I had all of those tests too. The thing is that there are so many symptoms of IBS, it seems to vary among everyone.  My stomach pain is between my bellybutton and my ribs.  I have learned to control it somewhat with diet and I also take perscription Pepcid or nexium.  All of my family and friends blamed it on stress too and it used to drive me crazy!  In fact, it was causing me stress!  They say that stress can trigger it but diet is very important.  I also felt that it was very hard to keep getting test results back that can't pinpoint my problem.  Basically, if docs don't know what it is they diagnose IBS.  My advice to you would be to read up on it and even scan over some of questions posted in this forum.  It helped me.  I would also try avoiding such foods that are acidic, spicy, fried.  Avoid a lot of dairy and limit your caffeine intake.  It may help alleviate your pain.  Hope this helps somewhat.
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