666921 tn?1254990618

so frustrating

I did a little work in my garden today - pulled a few weeds ,etc; - felt pretty good - so thought I would do a bit towards the new paving area that my 'better half' is doing - I moved a few bits and bobs - suddenly out of the blue I felt really weak and had to sit down - I just burst into tears - I felt so frustrated - we moved to this house 18 months ago and I had lots of plans and stuff I wanted to do to it - I have always enjoyed designing and working in and around the home - today just felt like - aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh -

then I pulled myself together - gave myself a talking to - did some deep breathing - and did something less strenuous.

just a reminder I guess that we just have to listen to our bodies a lot more than healthier individuals

2 Responses
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428506 tn?1296557399
I'm glad you breathed your way through the situation.  Everything you say is relatable.  

I often leave projects/hobbies untouched/unfinished not out of depression, but either because of exhaustion or they don't fit into my "energy budget."  

It's natural to try and enjoy yourself and to help out, and it's natural to be totally bummed when your body doesn't go along with the plan.  I think that staying as positive as you can through this is key to keeping depression at bay.  Listening to your body is a better strategy than bounding on fearlessly.  The later may feel good at the time, but has too high of an interest rate in payback!
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666921 tn?1254990618

yes - like right now I know I should be in bed - relaxing if nothing else - but I went for a nice walk with my 'better half and my partner - HaHa!! - and enjoyed it so much - I am on a bit of a buzz - pay back time in the morning !

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