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1954289 tn?1332602519

Ok im real confused and not sure whats going on

Ok this all started in 2009.Up until then i was healthy with a few health problems like uncontrolled diabetes which i was in denial about and figured this is where my Gerd and total lack of energy and fatigue came from.I guess i had diabetes for 8 years but i choose to ignore it.But in 2009 i was also bitten by a tick in a dog park in Deland Florida and it was engouraged.I brought the Tick with me after i removed it to the ER.I had no rash around the bite and the doc just simply took the tick dont know what he did with it and sent me on my way with a Antibody Lyme test and told me he would call with the results(at the time i didnt know how unreliable they were).So in the next couple of weeks i broke out in hives after a pain in my chest at that same dog park and went to the ER again and was given over the counter histimines and the hives went away in a week.Over the next few months the fatigue became increasing worse.
13 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
It may also be the meds you are taking for the blood pressure and diabetes. I was given metformin hypoglycemia ..It made me very sick also blood pressure meds..I am still not certain if I have Lyme .it always came back negative ..when they gave me the meds they also wanted me to take statins ..i said No to that ..Check out if some of the latest symptoms are med related
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1954289 tn?1332602519
Been throug 2 anti test and 1 tithers test all came back negative.But i want a test from igenex to be 100 percent sure i dont have lymes then i can get on with my vestibular rehab which i need and to take care of my diabetes as well
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Another idea...ask your doctor if the two tests were a Western Blot.  If so, ask for a copy of the details, not just whether it was negative or positive.  The tests show a series of bands.  You could look up what bands you have and see if any are Borrelia specific to see if there's a chance you do have

Despite all the "official" documentation, people who have been sick over a year frequently test negative, as the spirochetes prefer to move out of the blood into tissues and organs. As the bacteria level in the blood drops, our bodies make fewer antibodies, sometimes too few to test "positive."

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Please don't give up!  Instead of drugs and alcohol, use that money to pay for a Western Blot or even a fuul Lyme panel from IGeneX. Go online to their website and order a blood test kit.  They'll ship it to you, but you need a doctor to authorize it and a local lab to draw the blood and spin it.  I convinced my GP to do this by saying that I was paying out of pocket so there were no insurance issues.  Surprisingly, my insurance company later reimbursed me over half the money.

Also, look up your state's public health department's website to see the reporting of Lyme.  In my state they list quite a few statistics about cases by county and even where infected ticks were found.  This, with the Western Blot, could prove to your doctor that you have it.  It worked for me.  My doctor actually gave me an out of network referral to an LLMD because she agreed with me that there weren't any doctors around in our network that was an expert in Lyme. (It's uncommon here, too.)

Fight back!  Your life is worth it! It shouldn't be this way, but it is. Do what you need to do to get a diagnosis.
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1954289 tn?1332602519
I think Coke will eliviate my dizzyness so time for a party lol
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1954289 tn?1332602519
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1954289 tn?1332602519
My insurance doesn,t include a LLMD,i have my primary doctor who wont consider Lyme cause his 3 test he ordered 2 anti and 1 tither didnt come back positive.I dotn know what to do and adding insult to injury my insurance deemed my VNG test as not medicallly nescessary and won't cover it so its 300 out of my pocket.I am lost and just have no idea what to do and all my Docs have dismissed Lyme 2 have said it dont exsist in Florida i dont know,i will have to die of this disease which will be labeled something else and this disease and its sufferers will have to suffer i guess.Im not sure where to go anymore.The dam doctor in 2009 should have gave me anti biotics no matter what and he didnt and i gave him the tic,should have had the tick tested,that would have been a definitive test and i shoud have been put on antibiotics immendiatly
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I ditto Jackie's sugestion to see an LLMD.  It can be difficult to get a Lyme diagnosis in the south, as many doctors believe it isn't there, or it's so rare, they'll never see one in their career.  Also, many doctors don't recognize the later, disseminated symptoms, such as neuropathy, hearing problems, floaters and vision changes, dizziness, tremor, GERD, and tachycardia.  Lyme can even cause permanent nerve damage.  

Many people who have had it more than a year will also test negative.  Unfortunately, many doctors erroneously believe the tests are perfect.  The CDC just last month changed its website to say that a negative test result should not be used to exclude Lyme, and that it is a clinical diagnosis that takes history and symptoms into account. Only a doctor experienced in Lyme will know how to do this. Check out a local Lyme support group to see if they have any recommendations for you.

Good luck!

A useful document that was intended for doctors, but also includes a thorough symptom list.
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A visit to a Lyme specialist, an LLMD, is what I would do -- so I agree with you.

Lyme is a tricky infection, and it often brings other infections along with it that confuse the diagnostic picture, which is why an LLMD may be able to sort it all out when others can't.

Sorry not to be of more help.  Best wishes --
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1954289 tn?1332602519
I started to get tremors like my arms would jerk when i was aout to sleep.I know this happens but it was happening for like a half a hour everynight before i went to sleep which is not normal.Then the trunk tremor came.It felt like a twiling in my chest that would end up in my head as a throbbing and at this time my eyesight was getting worse.Floaters and blurryness got increasing worse and a dimming in the darkness occured so my PCP sent me to the opthmologist thought i had diabeteic eye disease.Well the Optho found not 1 thing wrong with my eyes and that was that.Tehn 1 day in Jan12 i had numbess and pain behind my eyes and was sent to the emergency room along with the dizzyness.Spent 4 days in a hospital and varios test were given including 4 Mri's which all came back normal.They had put me on ativan for my nerves and that tremor disappeared and i was greatfull and when i left the hospital i felt better and they said the tremor was from anxiety and was sent off to a psychologist for anxiety issues in which i was prescribed ativan 3 MG a day which i am on now and addicted but ill take that cause the teemor was gone.It had disrupted my sleep for a month and i was greatfull but the other symptoms which i told would go away with better blood sugar control were still there.It is now feb 2012 and my Neoropothy got worse.Bottoms of my feet were numb in spots my thighs would go numb and my pinky fingers so off to the Neoro who confirmed i had neoperthy amd put me on Neorontin but he wanted to see if the dizzyness was brain related so i went through a EEG and Baer test which i passed so he thought the initial diagnosis from the ER was correct and off to an ENT i went March 5th which was this past Monday.He confirmed through a hearing test with pressure and this and that that i had 35 % hearing loss in my right ear and he has now set me for a VNG test but has concluded i have damage to my vestibular nerve and said i got it form some viral infection i never remember having.Well thats my story and im sure the VNG will show my Vestibular nerve is damaged which he almost concluded himself and said ill robaly be sent for VRT its rehab for patients with vestibular issues to let the brain compensate for the injury to the nerve through a supposed viral infection that i never had or remember having.Now its March 8th and i just thinking can this be Lymes,i suspected it from the time i started to expierence the symtoms with the ttemors and eyesight in Dec- Jan or i could have automunic diabetic neoporthy or just simply a vestibular disorder im not sure.I cant get my PCP Neoro or ENT to consider Lymes and i was tested 3 more time(antibodys twicw,once with the tithers since december and all 3 came up negative for Lymes.I just dont know whats going on but i feel i need someone like Igenex to do the test to rule it out cause i have 2 diseases diabetes and lymes that the symtoms mimic each other and im just not sure what to do....any answers?
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1954289 tn?1332602519
Read the rest Jackie please
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1954289 tn?1332602519
From Sept 2009 through Feb 2011 all the symptoms were the same which i contributed to not taking care of my diabetes at all.Then in Feb i experienced tachycardia  for the first time.My heart rate went to 140 and my BP was 180/120 for 4 hours and i sat in the hospital for 6 hours till they let me go when all my readings came back normal through EKG and chest xray.Aftet that incident life was back to normal with the usual symptoms of not taking care of my diabetes which was on me i was in denial till Dec 2011 that i had it when in fact i knew since 2004.Well now back to March 2011 and the day knew something else was going on.I went to the park with my neice and we swung together and al of the sudden i got so dizzy i had to get off and sit down for 5 minutes to regain my balance.I blew this off as i knew from people that diabetics get dizzy from time to time.Life went on with chronic fatigue and this and that for the next 2 monthsThen in May 2011 i experienced the second attack of tachcardia while working in the heat and again had to sit and wait for hours this time.Had a stress test and they looked at my heart with a sonogram all was normal.So about july 2011 i went swimming in my cousins pool and my ears go blocked up with water and for 3 days thye hurt so bad but eventually it went away so again i blew it off.Sorry so long but i wanna get some answers so i wanna be thurough.Then Sept 2011 came and things started to rapidly decrease.It started when i walked at night,felt like i was floating and i seen halos and started to get blurryness in my eyes and would water all the time and i started to get dizzy spells for a few seconds and contributed both to my diabetes.So now i was living with Gerd,Tachcardia,Chronic fatigue,dizzy spells,deteriorating eyesight,dizzy spells and etc.Now 3 weeks before Christmas i finally admitted i needed help with what i thought was diabetes got a PCP and confirmed i had diabetes(210 bsl with a 8.6 glucose and a 140 cholesterol reading and my trys were through the roof)He also put me on BP meds which i needed 170/90 was my BP at time of visit.So that was a Thursday and i finally started to take metformin for my diabtes and lisinopril for my BP and he said the numbess in my toes which im sorry i for got to mention for 2 years was from my diabetes.Then 2 days later at 2 am i awoke to a nightmare.I woke  to a spinning room that would not stop the ambulanace took me to the er where i was diagnosed with Labyrnthithis and given Meclizine and told it would be better in a few weeks just wait it out.So after i got home i was pretyy bad for a week then the dizzyness subsided to a comfortable level and i was getting back to life the best i could with chronic dizzyness.But at this time i started to really get weiord symtoms
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Hi, welcome back, but sorry you need to be here.

Finding a Lyme specialist is the best suggestion I have --

The main organization for Lyme docs is ILADS [dot] org, and their website says if you email them at

contact [at] ILADS [dot] org

they can put you in touch with a doc who thinks bigger thoughts about Lyme than nonLLMDs.

Best wishes -- and don't give up!
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