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Too much porn/masturbation cause ED?

Hi I m a 28 year old and suffer some degree of ED in recent. I start masturbated since I m 19 and usually use porn as a form of visual stimiulation. I have observed that I have lost the ability to maintain erect during intercource or I only get weak erection. My question is: does masturbation in association with porn will "exhaust" my interest towards sex and create a negative impact on my ability to get aroused in real sex? I m worried cause I think I m still young to have physical cause  for ED. Any thought?
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you dont necessarily need to have sex to recover, remember that recovery can be do **, hj, or other. that is not your hand or porn. Yes, hopefully, i completely stopped the DPH, because it had way too many side effects, since its anti-cholingernic, it screws up with your brain(literally), it affects blood pressure, if you have a condition. just a warning any kind of medication that affects bp, or heart rate, should be considered.
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Hey, I think the erections will be stronger and orgasm more intense, based on what I remember when I was at that stage.  That's because recovery was happening.  When you start wanking/fapping/mb-ing again... your brain will get a high, as well as it may cause an increase blood flow to the penis.  "Your Brain on Porn" will explain more about that if you read through some of the articles.

PMDER1, I think a good long rest will do you more good (rest without testing how much you recovery).  I hope the medication clears up the skin condition, and then you continue to recover from ED.

Just want to let everyone know that I got a slight erection just by holding hands with a girl today.  Over a 100 days ago, this would not have happened. Now I am getting reactions to simple touches. I think I am coming along fine, it's a long road, but these little things encourage me to continue.  I don't think about or fantasize about porn, the only way I end up seeing those pics, is if i go on a site that has some side links that usually tempt me to take a peek. But apart from that, I have no urge for porn or to mb. I cant believe I really went 90 days without an orgasm.  I think I can go another 90 days. (unless I get a girl friend and something happens hahaha)
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i dont know why he dislike the word fapping, since it beats typing masturbating eveyrtime, i dont think he know what it means. fapping is the sound you make when you beating it. sadly im still a virgin, but i doubt i will get the erections like that when i was a teen.
Recently i have suffered some medical setbacks, unrelated to porn, but can make ED harder to recover. i have contact dermatitis thats been going on since i came on this forum, and i also developed loss of smell and taste, thats slowly coming back, still trying to find out the trigger. furthermore i took some OTC for the allergies, which did little, and i notice that some of the side effects can cause ED.
I just want to point out that illnesses can lead to ed, as well as medication using to treat all sorts of issues. In this case Diphenhydramine, also known as benadryl wreaks havoc on your body, if you dont build a tolerance, affects erection, by screwing up your brain.
same goes for anxiety and depression. Even though i stopped watching porn, i have a strong urge to think about, and watch, sometimes its fanatasizing, but i never go to the sites.
I have a question for everyone, when you stopped mbing, and failed later, did your erections or orgasm become stronger?  Exercising promotes blood flow especially to the groin area, it can help with recovery, but may also cause erections, in which case it does almost all the time. my penis used to be floppy and weak, with erections, now that is gone, and my erections are stronger. I also know my urge to thinking about sex is also stronger(since i dont fap that often anymore). I think your in recovery if you feel your penis is in weak, while being erect, stronger orgasms, stronger response to stimulation.
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Greetings everyone, I know I dont post a lot, so I am just going to pour out everything I wanted to say in this one post until I come on again.

there is a website called YOUR BRAIN ON PORN
here is the link to the main site http://yourbrainonporn.com/
these two links below will help to give more information on how to handle the process.

With that said I want to give a quick shout out to Sammy, nice to see you staying the course bro and staying above the influence again for another long stretch.  

AnonymousSA  , Goldenboss - i am happy you have found the this forum and made the decision to start the process in regaining your full health and recovery from this personal addiction and self abuse.
Did you all know masturbation was called self abuse? think about that, that was the original meaning before they changed it to whatever it is in the dictionary today.

One of the reason that got me serious and gave me the initial motivation I needed was KNOWLEDGE.  I went on the site I posted above Your Brain on Porn and I read almost everything about what was happening to my brain and my body.  That knowledge changed my perspective completely.  I knew I had to make up my mind to recover or keep damaging myself. Knowledge is power!  when you are armed with the knowledge on how to over come this habit, the struggles and the hardship becomes a battle you know you must win.  Others have passed through the same time and feelings we went through and are still going on. Heck, there was a time I didnt know I could ever make it this far, but I did it. One day at a time.  

The posts on here really helps to motivate, so I come back and read up every once in a while to keep the fire going.  

I lost count of how many days I have gone, I will see it on the sticker when I post this comment.

My recovery so far has been good, school and work is more manageable and easier to deal with, I am less irritated, not as tired as I was months ago, I am developing a better focus.  My HARD morning erections are still not back as yet but I am giving myself a few more months, because I started looking at porn from a child so I understand my recovery may take longer. Some mornings I get a slight erection but it doesnt last long.  My erections overall dont last very long.  I got an erection just from thinking about laying beside a girl fully clothed recently, thats a big plus for me. I think my brain is changing now. Conversations with females are easier for me, I am more confident in my speech. I used to be shy around pretty ladies, now I like to look into their eyes speak to them and make them smile because I am not feeling sad inside or fooling myself with self pleasure.  hmmm... what else...  I woke up one night, half asleep, out of a dream and was trying to force myself to ejaculate by rubbing up on the the bed. I fell back into sleep before it happened, but when I fully woke up in the morning, I was wondering what the hell I was dreaming about, and why my brain tried to get my body to do that while I was half asleep.  I am still having problem eliminating nude/bikini images completely, tend to give in to those and view  for a short while but close them down before I even get an erection. i know this hampers my recovery and I must not fool myself into thinking that because its not PMO it wont affect me. Every piece of nudity on a screen does! If it aint real, I should avoid it, thats one of my motivation.
Another thing, I am noticing things around me I never used to pay attention to before. For example, the movement of the breeze over a grassy field, the look of the skin on a girl's neck, her hair texture, you know... simple things I never thought of as important.

I just want to give a WARNING! do not masturbate and delay ejaculation. that is very bad for your recovery.  you are sending a whole lot of dopamine into your brain and making the levels even higher by extending the "pleasure zone" as i liked to call it.

Well just making a post, I will check in again when and see what's happening on the forum.  Hey everyone, stay strong, stay focus! Remember you have control over your body. Know what you want to achieve and view everything that is preventing you or trying to hold you back as the enemy you need to overcome... and sometimes we can be our biggest enemies.

Peace and love. JagaJM
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Classym4cpl, why is yours the only post that I have the option to report as spam or abusive ??

What you said about the time it takes to recover is interesting, and I hope and WANT it to be true... I started masturbating to porn when I was like 12, and I had sex for the first time when I was 28 ! so I guess I am going to need at least 5 or 6 months to recover, according to what you stated... but where did you get this info ? or how did you come up with it ? what are your sources ?

Also, why don't you want people to refer to masturbating as fapping ? who cares what you call it, since at the end of the day it refers to the same thing ?
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Another day went by another small victory toward this horrible habit.

Thanks to Classym4cpl for your post, I am finding my way through this process, getting to know what works and what doesn't is by far the thoughest part of it all.  
I am getting to realize things are not as easy but that the longer you go through the reboot process the better I feel about it.  What I began doing 2 days ago is to start working out before or after work and that is really helping me redirect most of my urges.  I am finding more time for my loved ones and getting to realized that I am such much better person without porn.  I have been lucky so far in life and I can't keep on taking it for granted.

I finally got to sleep through the night without feeling any urges to PMO, which feels great, but I am also getting to the conclusion from reading the posts in this forum that relapsing by itself is not as bad or as important as the actions you take after.

Writing about is for sure helping me, and I am very thankful for all of those in this forum that are serious about fighting this desease, thanks for sharing your experience, thanks for sharing your comments, thanks for sharing your journey through this process, you are all an inspiruation in my life, and knowing that I am not alone in this world to fight against PMO has made a gigantic difference.
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