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Does this sound like MS - Your Experience?


I am a 37 year old woman. I have always been a natural at sports. Most recently, ready to compete in a level one bodybuilding competition about 1-1/2 years ago. I am also a recovering alcoholic - I have three years sobriety and recently picked up my three year medallion.
About a year ago, I would pick up my dog (puppy at the time) and I guess it may have been the way I held her, my back was slightly arched and I would get this extremely painful aching pressure in both hamstrings, enough so that I might drop to the floor. It would alleviate once I put her down and stood up. It hurt terribly. I have also had tendonitis in my right hip from weight training that can act up now and again. It felt a bit numb around this time. I didn't think a whole heck of a lot about it. Went to the family doctor - he looked a little curious. Gave me predisone and said I could check out an Orthopedic. I did so. Orthopedic did lumbar mri (no contrast) and back x-ray. Ortho said spine looked great. MRI indicated a "very small annular tear at L-4 L-5, minor bulding, no stenosis. He said my knees were a little hyper reflexive. Said I could go to Neuro to get checked out or that it may just "go away' and not come back.
One night I woke up with lower abs "vibrating" a little creepy, but I didn't flip out.

Made appointment with Neuro. Before appointment (around new years this year 2009). Before appt. I started having these crazy muscle twitches, all over my body, head to toe. Felt like popcorn all over. Saw neuro, felt like he wasn't really listening. He said "Alcoholic - Magnesium or B12 deficiently). Chuckled when I mentioned MS. Send me on my way to buy supplements. Within a short period of a week or so the twitching mellowed somewhat and I began to have pins and needls (mostly in legs), burning sensation in legs and arms like IcyHot. I now have had cognitive disfuctions, balance issues (walk like a drunk). Floaters in my eyes. I see a shimmering around car lights at night. Had a few days where I was so exhausted I just wanted to lay down and when I did here comes some restless lets and even my right arm. I then started having bilaterial numbness in the pinky and ring fingers on both hands. Bilaterial numbness in the 2 toes next to pinky toes on each foot. Stiffness in my hamstrings from time to time. Feels like I walk funny. Walking into door jams. Oh, before I forget, bottoms of both feet vibrating. Very thirsty. Strange dry, red skin between webs of fingers and for a short while right under tail bone.

Brain MRI showed non-specific lesions 2 very small and one larger. I am now seeing two Neuros, one is an MS specialist and both state that those lesions are not to worry about. Not MS like lesions. Expected some do to smoking and drinking history. MS specialist says "periprhial neuropathy". I thought that would make both feet numb, not bilaterial toes. He ordered cervical MRI (said lesions there would cause such symptoms). Cervical MRI was clean. He does not think MS. I am moving forward with LP because I am scared.

Symptoms seem to be backing off. Depressed, afraid, bloodwork all came back normal. Was malnourished at the time I got sober, but have eaten well since. Can B12 Def. be missed in bloodwork? Anybody have similar?
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you should be asking that very question - if not MS, then what?  ask it to everyone.  Make it their problem too.

Later, Lulu
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Hi Meg - thanks for responding. Recovering too? That is great. That has, in itself been one the hardest and most rewarding things I have ever done. The current experience, as I feel right now is so scary. Sometimes I feel angry, really angry. I am seeing 2 neurologists, one an MS specialist and both say they do not think this is MS. There are three "non-specific" lesions on my brain (migranes, ischemic small vessel disease, poss. demylinating process). They seem to point at my alcoholism and I try to mention each time that I have three years sober. I am taking B12 etc. I didn't get sober to get sick again. How are you handling this? I have always been athletic and artistic, I can write. I feel like saying "if this is not MS, what is it and can you treat it?" I have considered going into the hospital to have every test run in the book. So far I have had the brain MRI with the non-specific lesions (both neuros say not like MS), cervical MRI w and w/o contrast - clear. I am now scheduling the LP. What were your MS symptoms like and your reports, if you don't mind me asking. Thanks Meg321!
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620048 tn?1358018235
Congratulations on your 3 yrs sober !  I am also are a recovering alcoholic.  I had all kinds of things going on when I got sober but I am the one who blamed it all on my drinking and drugs.  Its good you even know somethinh is wrong.

Even if its not MS it may be another disease, there are so many symptoms that are the same. I was fortunate to see an MS Specialist in Neurology Dept at UCSF and while they were taking tests they were checking for MS and anything else it could be so they ruled out everything else and are pretty its MS (just one little thing left) bu I was so grateful they checked for everything.  

If you can get into a large hospital where they will do that, you may find out what it is.  I am not sure if it always works that way or not, but I was very impressed with them.

I pray that you find it, its worth the search...i gave up a few times before i finally got bad enough that I had no choice. I may have had help earlier.

hugs, meg
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I really appreciate your feedback. Trying to stay positive can be so very difficult. I want to be happy, to enjoy my sobriety (such a gift). They have been checking B12, Magnesium, Lyme etc. Brain MRI - 3 nonspecific lesions (both Neuros said not to worry, not MS like and could be attributed to smoking, drinking, migraines etc.) Cervical MRI was clean. Strange isn't it? All billaterial symptoms for the most part, that was reason for cervical MRI. Cognitive and drunk like stumbles here and there, that made me think of the brain stuff. Wow, you know? I heard the all over body twitches were not typical either. I am taking high quality B12, Magnesium, Multis etc. I am feeling better today. Almost clear of most of it. Can B12 be low, even if blood test shows okay (prior to blood work I had already just started taking B12 supplement). I believe I will be having another Brain MRI shortly to take another look at those lesions. Neuros think they have been there a long time. Thank you so very much Lulu.
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hi Teri, Welcome to the MS forum.  Congratulations on your sobriety - shame on the doctor for wanting to attritbe your problems to prior history and not look thoroughly if perhaps there is another cause instead.

I'm not a doctor, and I still am learning about MS, but my instinct says this is something other than MS.  The big thing that jumps out at me is the bi-llateral symptoms.  MS usually doesn't present that way - symptoms can appear on both sides but normally don't - they tend to be one side or the other.  

Several of our members will be along later and I'm sure they will give you more of an explanation.  Its late for me and I'm off to bed but I'll check your post tomorrow and make sure you get a more thorough explanation.

my best,
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