359574 tn?1328360424

Brain Annie report-good stuff

I went back to Johns Hopkins at the end of January for my second angiogram and follow-up with the neurosurgeon and neuro-ophth there.  They verified that my ophthalmic artery does, indeed, originate from the wall of the annie on my left carotid artery.  It is still the only one I have.  Its largest dimension is 5mm, not the 8.1 that was measured locally.  They are confident it has nothing to do with my eye pain and are blaming some "migrainous process".

At Hopkins, they consider 3mm annies ones they would prefer to treat, but since mine is in a terrible to reach location, and because treating it would have a 25% risk to my eyesight, the risk of surgey is greater than the risk of it bursting.  They'r recommending annual CT or MRI angiograms to monitor it.

The actual angio process was kind of fun.  The previous one I was drugged up and given versed, so I don't remember anything about it.  This time I remember everything, and it was fascinating feeling the heat when they injected the dye and seeing the blood vessels light up in my head.  Maybe it was the ones in my retina, but it was weird, wherever they were.  I also felt like someone was messing with my toes on the side where they were working.  Maybe some nerves were being nudged by the catheter or something.

The neurosurgeon suggested I find a headache center.  I will ask my MS (now TM only) neuro for a name at the same University neurology practice.  Once I get my work caught up, I'll start pursuing that angle.  Meanwhile, I'm experimenting with some self-accupressure.

I started taking yoga classes to work on my strength, flexibility and balance.  The neurosurgeon says inverted poses are OK, but I couldn't talk her into letting me go on roller coasters.  I guess when our little granddaughter-to-be is old enough, hubby gets to take her on them.  If he can convince her mother it's safe.

Lulu, that's where my annie stands.  I hope yours stays stable.
2 Responses
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667078 tn?1316000935
You have such a good attitude. Sorry they can't fix it safely.

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I almost missed that update.  Good for you - that is such a better number than an 8mm annie.  But that lower number for surgery makes me wonder about mine - I won't get another MRA until June unless I have problems before then.... I really am trying to not think about that little time bomb .

Yoga should be great for you - I'm glad you got the ok to try it.

I know what you mean about watching - seeing my heart catherization was surreal - I loved seeing the inside of my heart beating.

hugs, Laura
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