2000931 tn?1401563007


Is there anyone who is trying nutritional strategies to mitigate symptoms? I've started following some dietary guidelines, and it would be nice to know if there are other having any success with this. I could kill for a slice of pizza right now, but ... no wheat!
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1734735 tn?1413778071
I guess I'm now up to four cents worth,

Some healthy discussion here and more than a few laughs thanks to the super SuperMum and the one with the golden Guitar. I love the 'regular as a goose' quote.

Yes, I am happy to say you may be right about diet, but I'm hoping you're wrong about a holistic program to stop the progression of MS.

I am still planning to be on the forum after five years of OMS program in Sept 2016 with either a pie and beer in hand or a delicious gluten free, vegan plus seafood treat. It all depends on whether I can still walk.

I hope I'm not being too pessimistic here but with my symptoms and progress I am fairly confident that I was ' lucky' enough to draw the PPMS strain. Nothing can be officially diagnosed until my 12month anniversary in August.

So as far as averages go for males developing MS in mid forties I think a fair measurement of success would be walking without assistance. Yes, I know even that measurement is going to be open to criticism given one copaxone study of 100 people suggesting that 85% of people with MS are still walking without aid after a long period. But PPMS sits in the 10% of cases.

I'm coming up to my 12 month anniversary of the developing MS and I notice a few changes. Today I had the day off work because I was a little unwell but also caring for my sick child. In the fridge I have home made pumpkin and lentil soup, fresh korma balls made of veggies and spices, and I have just finished dehydrating a fruit and nut delight to fight the kids over.

Diet is just one aspect of my recovery. Today I lay in the sun and meditated to a bit of classical music and felt at peace. I also hobbled to the shop with my sick daughter to get exercise.

Since being on the OMS program in September last year my liver enzymes have returned to normal, I have experienced periods of wellness of 18 days and 26 days that I hadn't previously,  I regained feeling in half my right foot a couple of weeks ago but now it is numb/tingly again. I've also had other symptoms disappear but then annoyingly come back.

Most of my symptoms have stayed with me and I have picked up new ones with subsequent relapses. I've now had seven relapses in 12 months.

MS is one tough puppy of a disease and I do believe that I have MS with MRI and O bands to prove it. Unlike all the other people from the research who get well and then 'disappear' for various reasons, I plan to testify as to whether or not the program has worked.

I don't expect to be cured. I expect to be 20% better than I was so that means I should be walking.

If the program doesn't work then I don't believe that I have lost anything in trying it out  but what I have gained from MS and the program is a whole new perspective on life, love, and living with a chronic progressive disease.

I just wonder if I will go back to my old eating habits. Will I enjoy eating a pie and beer again?

Only 4 years 4 months till we find out.

27 Responses
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1710955 tn?1309446473
Whatever the reason being, I have no appetite until dinner.  One of my docs recommended juicing.  I've only been doing it for 2 weeks and only with fruit.  Now I think I'm going to start veggies.

Idk if it's working on lessening my sx, but it sure cleans me out...tmi...lol At least I'm putting something good in my body, rather then not eating anything until dinner.

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2015036 tn?1332997788
Hi Phyllis,  

I'm not currently doing anything like that, but I actually went online this morning to see what I could do nutritionally- to help with symptoms.  Can you share what guidelines you're following?  


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2000931 tn?1401563007
Yeah, my appetite has been really low for the last six months. I think my tongue has been affected and I'm not tasting things properly. Dropping weight like crazy,

I juice, too, as part of my nutritional regimen. It makes me feel good generally, but who knows if it's affecting MS? We'll see.
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2000931 tn?1401563007
I've read a book called The MS Recovery Diet and another called Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis. There is also plenty of online chatter about nutritional strategies. One of the most popular stories is from a doctor named Terry Wahls, who used diet to recover. Here's a link: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/12/23/overcoming-multiple-sclerosis-through-diet.aspx
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1734735 tn?1413778071
I Phyllis

Yes, I'm on the OMS program since Sept. I think it is working But far too early to crow about yet. Natural method will take 1 to 5 years before I can verify. For most people this is too long to deny yourself, especially since MS makes us feel atrocious at times.

Best of luck with whatever you choose but don't give up your DMD.

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I'm trying an MS Diet, that I can't remember the name of right now, but I am not very good at sticking to it. :)
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2015036 tn?1332997788
I will look into the plans you listed. I will also research OMS (Thank you Alex!)  I definitely plan to stay on my dmd though.

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory.  I wonder if it could help with minor flares?

Take care.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Hmmm well my special diet is, to eat food because of the time of day lol i dont actually have any memory of feeling hungry, never ever and that goes back to being a babe in my mothers arms, i really can't be the only person on the planet with this lol. I've always lost weight too easily, now the issue is more so because my body is constantly moving and burning energy. Food has ruled my entire life on some level, lol even my kids need special diets and DH just needs to diet lol foood grrrrr dont get me started, I have a life time of useless though interesting food facts swimming in my head.

Useless fact 1: E927b Carbamide - Browning agent - Used in: wine, pretzels, yeast foods, mouthwash, antipersperant, hand cream, fertilizer -
Made from: Urea from human urine or animal origin.. URINE!!!!!

Technically i'm healthy lol discount all the things that say otherwise but my diet works on the basics of whats classed as healthy nutritional levels. Seriously just go back to a simpler time, in grandmas time food was actually nutritional, now a days cardboard has more nutritional value than half the stuff on the supermarket shelves. Hands up who thinks cheese is orange and stretchy enough to make a hammock out of, lol its simply not cheese if you can flapp it about for half an hour, cheese crumbles, breaks and does not have the colour of a mandarine lol who came up with cheese in a can?? lol

Useless fact 2: 920 / E920  L-Cysteine - Flour agent - bread making flour, chicken flavouring, hair products, hand creams etc
Made from: boiled animal hair or chicken feathers, uggggggg!!!

lol i wont go on making you gag, (but i could rofl) point is go back to basics know what you eat, get colour from the food you eat, natural foods that is, be wise, be concous and keep it balanced and basically you will be healthier but not necessarily MS healthier.

My food for thought..........JJ    
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2000931 tn?1401563007
Thanks, Alex. I'm sticking to it. These are very healthy foods, so it can only do me good. I was already a semi-health-nut before my diagnosis, so I think I can stick to it.

I'll keep posting every once in awhile about my experiences.  
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2000931 tn?1401563007
Keep at it!
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2000931 tn?1401563007
Yeah, yuck! LOL ... But not much surprises me.

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1831849 tn?1383228392
It seems to me that what is a healthy diet for mere mortals should also work for PWMS. The healthier I can make my body, the better equipped it is to fight  MS.

I don't follow a scripted diet. I have made some changes to what I eat since being diagnosed last October.

I eat more protein and fewer carbs. (i.e. eggs, not cereal or bagels for breakfast)
The carbs I do eat tend to be whole grain.
I eat lots of leafy green vegetables.
When possible I eat organic foods.
I don't eat prepared foods.

Making these changes, and adding exercise, has resulted in dramatic weigh loss and dramatic improvement is how I feel.

Just one man's opinion :-)
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2000931 tn?1401563007
Kyle, your diet sounds really good and is very close to what I'm practicing. The only difference is that I don't eat any grains, except by accident, LOL ... I'm watching and waiting to see if this has any affect on symptoms.

Your diet is the one that is recommended for most heath challenges, and if everyone would adopt these protocols, we'd all be a lot better off.
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I'm on "everything in moderation".  when MS society tells me a particular diet will work, then I'll consider switching!  Until then I love me food too much and my labs are not out of line!
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Interesting that you should post this.  I have the same book, although I have not read it yet.  I just posted a YouTube address that is discussing exactly what you're talking about.   I AM trying to eat much better, although not perfectly.  Lots of suppliments, rest and physical therapy exercises.  

It may not cure you, but then again who knows.  The doctors sure don't seem to be able to.

Check it out if you like.
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It's just too funny that I was posting my comment and the exact same link about Dr Terry Wahls.   I clicked "post"  then went to the forum and saw YOUR post on the exact same thing.   Hmmmm....coincidence?    If nothing else, it will help us be a bit healthier, but her YouTube post was truly amazing.   A friend of mine who also cured her MS in the same way was the one that sent me that post months ago.  

If it helps anyone that's fantastic!
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I'm not trying to offend anyone BUT that said
there is NO cure for MS at this time, so yeah, the doc can't cure you

there is nothing wrong with exploring diets, BUT no one has been
cured from MS by a diet, I don't care what they claim on the internet
or utube or whatever.

going back under my rock
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1981227 tn?1336328438
I'm currently trying out the swank diet, which is a low-fat diet. I'm trying to up my veg and fruit intake. If I don't feel healthier from it, I may try other diets. There is a link between metabolism and MS that I don't think can be ignored. Plus I agree, its only going to make me healthier and that will help me cope with my MS!!

I watched the youtube vid, inspiring!!! I'm off to eat a plate of salad right now for lunch :)
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1045086 tn?1332126422
I'm with Kyle that a healthier body is always the best place to start when dealing with MS.  Diagnosed or not, eating and living as healthy as possible is a prescription we can write for ourselves.

And with Sarah that it is NOT possible to claim a MS cure as been obtained - by ANY means.  The disease is too variable in presentation and severity to claim cure from any source.  In fact, those are the characteristics that make it such a HUGE snake oil target!

Anyone claiming cure better have Vatican quality proof to offer.  I haven’t seen any of that yet.  The most reasonable claim (imo) would come from stem cell transplant but even the top success stories from that procedure don't pretend to claim cure status.

Highly restrictive diets have never worked well for me but dietary supplements instead of Pharma solutions?  I'm all for that.  I relied on supplements to keep myself going for almost 20 years before I was diagnosed.  I stuck with them after MS was diagnosed because they still worked.  My docs know about everything I take.  I've just had to add in a couple of their prescribed recommendation now - almost always in a lower than average dose.

Don’t we all strive for similar solutions in the end?

Diet well.  
Keep moving (or make somebody move it for you).
Find your peaceful balance inside.
Medicate carefully.  
Accept your life and live it fully.

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Thanks for your comments Mary,
My apologies to you, SarahL and anyone else upset for my poor wording about  claims of a cure for MS.

I was referring to the words used by my friend who since changing to a very   strict diet has had no symptoms at all for over 15 years.  Again, those were her words referring to herself. She claimed the SHE cured HERSELF and she's the person who showed me the artical I posted.  

I was inspired by the You Tube artical, and wanted to share it. I do understand the "snake oil" aspect of internet posts.  I guess  I get a little careless with my wording sometimes, and again, my apologies.  

Now, I will find my own rock to go under and try not to help anyone else with unvetted information.

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1734735 tn?1413778071
My two cents worth
I think once dx with ms you have it for life, sort of like an alcoholic.
But I think that there is more than enough credible evidence of people who have stopped the progress of disease and even experienced improvement through diet.
I have personally met 3 people and know of several hundred from research who have experienced benefit.

Prof George Jelinek is ONE living miracle.

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987762 tn?1671273328

Forget about hiding under rocks people, your tremors will give you away lol

The thing that never fails to ruffle feathers is the word 'cure' when ever its attatched to diets etc but what ive always found 'interesting' is that the one's usually ruffled are the pationate one's. It doesn't matter if the person is hearing that they are missinformed or if its the one pointing that out, please dont ever ignore scientific 'facts' because you want or would like something to be true!

I've told this story before its OT for MS though relivant to diet, i'll say it again trying to make the point more personal, because I really understand the desire for 'cure' and the diet connection. Both my kids are dx ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder, specifically Asperger's) our youngest was a behavioral nightmare on legs but he was also 'gifted' and even as a toddler could articulate like an adult. I was focused on finding 'anything' that made a difference and we hit on his diet very early because simply he told us, or his reaction was self evident.

I learnt pretty quickly that i was 'alone' in helping our son, I couldn't even mention what I'd discovered negatively affected him, I can't tell you how many times i've been verbally flogged by medical professionals in the world of Autism, lol teachers, therapists, psychiatrists, psycholgists, GP's and even other parents, all jumped down my throat for believing that milk, preservatives, colors, flavors and additives in all things, being the 'route' cause for HIM, him not Autism but HIM!  

'Food cures' was a burning volcanic hot topic, gosh at the time there was no science to back up what 'some' of us anacdotally discovered and there was Wakefield and the MMR concerns happening at that time too. Research for diet was slim pickings, focused on ADHD and sugar, Autism focused on lactose and or gluten and what I was talking about was 'all' of it plus more combined. LOL no offense to the 'professionals' out there, but you dont 'live' through the consequences of your advice but we do and sometimes your opinion is wrong, you 'can' learn from your patients experiences too.

Anyhooo, our sons Autism behaviors dramatically changed not just because of diet because that would be a lie, but it was the biggest eliment.  He went from special school to top 2% in state academic competitions even with dysgraphia, chalk and cheese behavior etc the list is almost endless though despite what my mother and others believe, I did not 'cure' him of Autism by changing his diet!

Mimic's, thats what its about people, if someone is 'cured' of 'any' condition by a special diet, or some other 'holistic' approach, then your talking about a mimic and NOT the real deal! I've actually posted about my noted 'theoretical' connection between Autism and MS, to me its absolutely fasinating so on that founding theory and others. It would be illogical of me to doubt the 'possibilities' that some will eliminate their MS (or Autism) type sx's if they change their diet and others will just minimise their sx but 'cure' absolutely not because there is no cure for the real deal!!

Open and honest and ready for another flogging.............JJ      

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738075 tn?1330575844
Wow, I disappear for a few days, and look at what I miss!

I'm with the others on this bus who say diets have never been scientifically proven to "cure" MS.  I personally believe those who wrote OMS, and Terry Wahls had the great good fortune of going into a really good remission after following these diets for a while.

All that said, though, I went down the "Paleo" route about a month ago.  I've stuck to it about 86% of the time, and I've got to tell you, I'm feeling a little better!  I still have MS, and there isn't a single day I DON'T feel symptoms, but my digestion has never been better, I'm regular as a goose (lol!), I've lost 7 lbs (I needed to), and the couple of times a day I'm hit with the ol' Lassitude Blues, well, they don't hit me quite as hard.  I still get them, just not as intense.  I feel pretty good with this, so I'm sticking with it for a while.  

And you know? I don't miss grains or any of their derivatives in the least!
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