645800 tn?1466860955

The further misadventures of.....

This has been a kind of stressful weekend for me in part because of what was going on with me and also my friend Dave. This is also a kind of rant against the VA hospital here that both of us get our health care through.

For those who don't know about my friend Dave he is my only friend here and his health is a lot worse than mine.  Due to several hernias he gets intestinal blockages fairly often but usually waits too long before calling for an ambulance and usually requires emergency surgery to save his life.  Friday he called me to say he was sick again and I was able to get him to let me call for an ambulance this time. It turns out that was probably the only good thing to happen all weekend.

Normally it takes only about 15 minutes for the ambulance to arrive but for some reason they changed who covers where we live. As a result it took 45 minutes for them to arrive and I had to talk to the ambulance company to tell them how to find us. That sure doesn't bode well for us the live in this area. Dave later told me that the driver is a speed demon and it was the fastest trip he ever made to Columbia and that the paramedic in the back with him kept telling the driver to slow down.

Once they got him stabilized at the hospital in Columbia that VA had them transfer him up to the VA hospital in Nashville and that is where the real nightmare started. By this time it had been over 12 hors since he had anything to eat or drink and being a diabetic he knew his Glucose was getting very low. He told the ER doctor about the diabetes but they would not give him anything because they were trying to decide if he would be needing surgery or not.

Finally after several more hours they had decided that they would try to clear the blockage via medicines and enemas and not surgery so they transfered him to the ward. As so as he got there he told the nurse he was diabetic so they checked his glucose. It was so low he was almost to the point of going into a coma and he was really losing it mentally. They literally pours two glasses of sugar water down his throat and his glucose started to come back up.  Once his mind was starting to work again they asked him why he hadn't told the ER he was diabetic. But of course he had!  Then they came back into the room and pumped his stomach as they didn't know if he would need surgery or not.

Next he had to fight with them over his diabetes again. They wanted to give him metformin which doesn't work and makes him violently ill instead of the insulin he has been on for about 6 months. They also refused to give him another of his regular medications because it is not on the formulary and was the weekend so they could not get approval for it. But he has a RX for this drug through the VA as it is the only drug that works for him.  You would think that would be an automatic override on the formulary rules.!

In the mean time I am taking care of his Lab Buddy while he is in the hospital as usual. Buddy is very dependent on Dave and gets depressed when he is not around. He doesn't eat or drink and the only way I can get him to eat is by playing catch with him a lot and bringing takeout food.  When you are not use to playing catch with a dog it wears you out quickly and makes you sore. So I'm not sleeping very good due to pain.

Sunday morning Dave calls me and says they are going to discharge him by noon so I head up to Nashville to pick him up.  As my car is low on fuel I stop at a gas station to fill up. I end up standing there at the pump for 3 or 4 minutes because I can't remember how to get my gas tank lid open. You just push and it pops open but I don't remember that and am looking all over for a release. At this point I am beginning to think I should not make the drive as I had already stopped at a green light. My brain just is not functioning today.  But how else is he going to get home so I head up to Nashville anyway. The rest of the trip up to Nashville was uneventful and no deer for me to see. Boo Hoo :(

When I get to the hospital Dave tell me he is in a lot of pain and the thumb print  system for dispensing pain meds at the VA is not working so no one is getting their pain medications. You would think they would have a key over ride so they can access the medication in case of system failure.!

So Dave then asks the nurse how much longer until the paperwork for his release will be. He wants to get home as soon as he can so that he can take some of his pain medications. The nurse agrees with Dave that he was suppose to be released today but say the order isn't for today but tomorrow. Turns out that the nurse was thinking that today was the 7th instead of the 8th. Makes you wonder if the nurses are taking the pain medications themselves instead of giving them to patients for that kind of mistake. So instead of getting out of there by noon it was more like 1 before we left.

The drive back home was murder on me. I had to stop to rest several times because my vision was getting very blurry, my legs were cramping up, and I was getting very sleepy. This makes the third time in a row that I have had a lot of trouble on the return drive from Nashville. I guess I should start looking for some other way to do my trips up there as each of the returns have been worse than the previous one.

Well I guess that is about it for this grip session.


16 Responses
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645800 tn?1466860955
I forgot to mention some of the further adventures of Dave's dog Buddy that you might like.

For a long time Dave would by cases of bottled water to drink. But he was going through it like crazy but didn't think he was drinking that much water. Then one day Dave and I were sitting on his couch and Buddy waked over to the case of bottled  water and grabbed one. He then went outside and carefully twisted off the cap and drank the water. Yes I said twisted and not chewed!

Buddy was also doing something similar with the dog treats Dave would buy for him. He would go over to where Dave kept the treats, open the bag and take a couple of them and then close the bag back up so that you would not think that he had been in it and head out the door.

Buddy also has this thing when it comes to paying catch with him. Well actually a couple things. When you start to play catch with him he will go get his ball and bring it to you, Actually he doesn't bring it to you he throws it  to you. Once he has selected which ball he want to play with if you try to switch to another ball he will not bring the new ball back. He will just stand there glaring at you until you throw the original ball for him.

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1548028 tn?1324612446
Buddy sounds hilarious!  What a funny dog with a great personality!  As far as the nurses, hum... that should not be tolerated.  I am a nurse and would never dream of doing the things they did to him.  How very sad and rude!  I don't work for the Feds (wish I did!) but I would be fired at our hospital for treating a patient like that.  I am so sorry for Dave this happened.  I do hope he is doing better and I am so thankful he has a friend like you.  You both are lucky to have each other.  Please let the VA know of the treatment Dave received.  I bet they have a "Complaint Committee" of some kind.  They need to remember that without all you guys they wouldn't have a job.  So sorry things like this have happened to both of you.

Saw a Tom turkey strutting his stuff for the 7-8 females.  He was out there for hours posing for them and they seemed to have little interest in him.  They just kept eating. LOL!  Saw 2 baby deer out back (probably checking out all my loaded fruit trees) but no parents although sure they weren't far behind.  They were bucking and playing and then I sneezed and they were gone!  Darn allergies!  Going mushroom hunting today.  I hear they are out but I have yet to find any!  I am not a good mushroom hunter.

Please take care.  Wishing you the best!
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Yeah, that deer ranch is not something I would want to see. Poor deer.  I would want to go set them all free.  :-(

Buddy sounds like a real character!  
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My neighbors dog used to sneak into our yard and help himself to our tomatoes on the vine. He only picked the red ones.  Very smart and good taste. We knew when Copper had been there because his owner would leave bags of fresh tomatoes as repayment.

That is fascinating about a deer ranch. As for venison, I have never acquired that taste.  Didn't like buffalo burgers either.
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2034625 tn?1392643292
Reading about Dave's experience at the VA has me really concerned for him.  I can certainly understand his fear of the consequences of reporting that soul-less nurse while still under her care, but I do hope that he will do so now that he is out.  I can't imagine choosing to work in healthcare and then doing so with a complete lack on the care part.  Doesn't sound like they were doing very well on the health part either.  To repeat what has already been said, you're a great friend to stand beside him and  help him out as you've done.  

Buddy sounds like a trip!  You definitely got a chuckle out of me! :D  I'm amazed that he picks blackberries as well - and only the ripe ones!  And tomatoes?  My dogs love apples, bananas, carrots, but wouldn't have the sense to pick anything in the wild.  :)  
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645800 tn?1466860955
Actually the fence is just a standard fence you might see around a cattle ranch but they have an electric fence line along the top to keep the deer away from it. This is the same way I keep deer out of my garden. I think when they get close enough they can smell the electrical charge and naturally stay away.

As for migration, deer migrate for food. Since there is plenty of free food given by the owners of the farm to them they have no desire to leave. They give the deer a lot of food so they will bulk up quickly and be ready for the butcher block sooner than later.  Venison is a premium meat and they rancher gets a very good price so they can spend a lot on feed and still make a large profit.

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Buddy sounds smart and strong enough to push the grocery cart and bring home more than one bag at a time.  I have a friend with a Great Dane who has a n appetite that might match Buddy's.  

That made me chuckle but I smiled even more at the image of a deer farm.  How freakin' high do they build those fences to keep them in and how do they control the urge to migrate?
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645800 tn?1466860955
What no chuckle about Buddy?  I still chuckle a little when I think about that 40 lb puppy carrying a 25 lb bag of dog food to the car.

Dave said he wanted to report that nurse, but he was too worn out by then just from being sick that he didn't have any fight left in him.  I think he might have also been a little bit afraid to say anything as the last time he complained about something they locked him up in the Psycho ward for a week.

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Those types of threats from a member of the staff at the VA center should definitely be reported - and done so immediately.  There is no excuse for this mistreatment, anywhere.
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645800 tn?1466860955
Is a were nurse anything like a werewolf? LOL

I think I would rather not see any deer than see  a rigor deer. :(  There is a farm near my brother out in OR that raise deer just like a cattle ranch. In some ways I think that would be a great thing for me to do except, and it is a big except, I could never kill and butcher them like they do on that farm. But to walk outside every day and see all those deer would be like heaven to me.

Dave has an appointment coming up with his Shrink at the VA and he wants me to come with him and talk to her about all of the garbage treatment we both get at the VA.  Today he was telling me that while still in the ER at the VA he asked one nurse if he could get something for his dry mouth. The nurse said OK but never came back with anything and after 1/2 hour another nurse came in and he asked her about it. A few minutes after that nurse left the first nurse came back in and told Dave that if he bugged them he would not get any care while there.

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645800 tn?1466860955
Buddy is the very definition of a chow hound. When Dave got him from the shelter he picked up a 25 lb bag of dog food and started to carry it to the car. That was the first indication Dave should have taken the other dog at the pound. Dave bring Buddy some form of takeout almost every day, plus Buddy will eat half or more of what ever Dave makes at home for himself, and still eat 2 or 3 bowls of dog food. Neither of us can figure out where he puts it all as he is still normal weight for his type of dog. So Buddy hasn't got me trained I just get him takeout to keep things somewhat normal for him.

Buddy also loves his fruits and Veggies. When the wild blackberries get ripe Buddy will pick them off the vines and eat them when he and Dave go for a walk. I don't know how he does it but he picks just the ripe ones. He will also eat dozens of tomatoes at a time from Dave's tomatoes plants.

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645800 tn?1466860955
Normally I don't have any trouble driving even the long distances and I usually don't drive when I am not up to it. For these last three trips I have not slept good the night before and it has been very bright and sunny out. I think between those two thing it was effecting how I drive. But at least I recognize it when I need to pull over and rest.

The one thing I am going to do immediately is no longer take the morning appointments when the VA schedules them for me. When ever I have them I don't sleep good as I can't hear my alarm when it goes off. As such I wake up ever couple of hours during the night to check the time. If I can get the stuff from the VA which includes a bed shaker then maybe I will be able to trust waking up with the alarm and sleep better.

I'm also hoping that the new glasses I'm suppose to get with the transition lenses will help my eye not getting so tired in bright sunlight ( or any bright light for that matter). My pupils don't adjust very well to light changes and I am hoping the glasses will help with that as they change in light faster than my pupils do.

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I "were" a nurse and the medical care scares me even more!

That said, Dennis, i only saw one deer this trip and he was in full rigor, unfortunately.

You two have had quite the time, that's the stuff novels are written about, perhaps a new career for you two!

Take it easy (look who's talking) some of us just have to keep the medical staff on the straight and narrow
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The VA sounds about like the medical service we get out here in Colorado.  Dave shouldn't be waiting to the last minute to go to the hospital because one of these days it may be too late.  I'm glad they were able to help him this time and the other times.  Good thing you were able to convince him to go.  You're a good friend....


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Hi Dennis,
You and Dave could write a book at this point about the inefficiencies and errors with the VA Medical System.  I keep hoping one of these times it will work right for one of you.  Jeeez, what an ordeal for Dave (and you).  I'm so glad at least they didn't make Dave stay until Monday and you didn't have to make a return trip.

I Buddy a Wendy's or Burger King fan?  Oh nevermind, he's a dog and will probably eat anything except his dog food.  He sure has you trained  LOL

Every time you write about Dave, I can tell how much you care for your friend and it makes me feel good that you two look out for each other.  Everyone should have one good friend like this who they can count on, day or night, to be there if needed.

Oh dear, no deer?  Come to think of it I haven't seen any around here in the past few weeks.  I asked DH last week if he had seen them in the yard lately, and he hadn't.  My plants - especially my hostas - are all growing now and I am sure they will be back soon for a snack.

hugs to you and give my best to Dave,
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987762 tn?1671273328
Dennis, i'm sorry this keeps happening to both you and Dave at the VA, it really really su_cks!

I'm not sure if this type of thing is available out your way, but is there a church or community group that have volunteers for taking people to and from hospital? I'm thinking if the driving was done by someone else it might not be so horrid for you. Lets face it, you already know you probably shouldnt be driving, and definitely not driving long distances alone, when your brains not connecting properly.

Is there someone who you can ask around for you, never hurts to ask, right?!

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