1394601 tn?1328032308

Whose the Blame

Whose the blame?  Is it MS that puts us in wheelchairs or is it our own lazy *****?  You tell me.
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987762 tn?1671273328
Sweet pea,

But it does matter what you feel, sorry but it is a big deal to me (your why i'm still up and its 1:30am) what this thread has done is educate others to the simple fact that some people find the sound bite "use it or loose it" hurtful so use it correctly and use it wisely.

And no you shouldn't of kept your mouth shut and smiled, you will not be the only one who finds it hurtful but maybe the only one brave enough to speak up and i dont see anything wrong with speaking your mind when your feelings are involved.

28 Responses
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987762 tn?1671273328
Wow i never thought that would come from you!

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1394601 tn?1328032308
Next time I see an ALS patient, I will remind them.  It seems to be the thing to say.

Use it or lose it.

I am sure they, too, will find it uplifting.
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1394601 tn?1328032308
I guess I can be sensitive.  Use the term all you want.  Should I have kept my mouth shut and smiled?  I think we should be allowed to voice when our feelings are hurt.  It doesn't bother me if none of you agree.  I am Sumanadevii and those are my feelings on the issue.  Big deal.
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987762 tn?1671273328
But isn't that the missunderstanding and missuse of what that term means? You know it, I know it and thousands of others know that it doesnt mean you put yourselves in the chair...a MonSter DID do it!

We only know of anyones fight from what we give of our selves, you dont know mine and I will never assume to know yours!

I actually feel miffed sometimes when someone states I need to exercise more, eat better, have my fillings removed etc etc what the heck does any of that mean and should I even care. What they think when its wrong just isn't my problem, i am all about educating each other but banging my head against a brick wall sometimes seems like too much effort. Exercise makes me weaker and the more i try to do the weaker I end up, so does that make me lazy and bringing this on my self, no it doesnt at all.

What about the MSers who have both spinal and brain lesions, why seperate and assume one group doesnt get the other? where would it all end? Seriously, I am loosing my cognitive mind, my ability to communicate and my mobility and yet I still manage to laugh and be happy with my lot so which group would you slot me into?

I do think you are being sensitive to this, and believe me or not I do feel I understand where your coming from but I still think you are reading blame when no one is actually openly saying it or implying it when they use the term "use it or loose it". You are interpreting it as an emotive concept and thats not what it means or suppose to ever mean.

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1394601 tn?1328032308
There wasn't a post that was about the issue.  It was just said in passing on one of the threads.  My point is, we do  use it and lose it.  When that happens it is not our fault.  Why another MSer would use that term is beyond me.  Or do I just not understand the term.  To me it means, if you haven't use those muscles, you are going to lose them.  It is your fault...It has nothing to do with having MS.  You lost because you did not use them.

I guess it doesn't bother others but it does me.  I am me own person as you all know...lol...I hate the term.  I find it hurtful.  
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Obviously I missed a post somewhere recently that got you going. As for separate forums, it has to be three, then,  because I have brain and spine lesions!  :-)

If you point me toward the post that got this going I would be happy to read it.  I do know that more than once I have returned to the theme that we can't just wait for MS to take over.  We are in charge and have to find a way, whatever that is, to stay active.  If you listen to any of the talks, webinars, etc. you will hear the same theme repeated - we have to keep doing whatever it is we can do.  Stopping is a horrible option.

That is what HVAC does with riding, what you sumana are doing with the bike, and what I am doing with the assorted activities I do.  Just stopping and giving in to this MonSter is not a good option and will only lead to a faster decline.

best, Lu
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