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146298 tn?1258712247

headhache for 9 days and counting!! WTF?!

I've had a headache for 9 days now. I wake up with it and fall asleep with it. Today is the first day the pain has been radiaating out of my right eye. Yesterday it was coming from my right jaw. The days before it was from my left eye. I don't know what is going on. I see my doc this month for the first time since getting coverage, so I can get a referral no. Who should I be referred to for this tho?

Could this be considered an MS flare up? I've had increased tremors, spamsing, leg weakness and dizziness this whole time too.

Thank luvees for any help
7 Responses
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I had headache from sept til 2wks ago. It was my first symptom, I feel for you. Hope you feel better soon.
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Nothing new to add, except I hope you feel better fast.
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1260255 tn?1288654564
Headaches seem to be one of my longest lasting problems along with dizziness and balance problems. I have now had daily headaches since February. I wake up with them in the morning and go to bed with them at night. They vary in intensity throughout the day, but never go away. This time, the pain starts behind the temples and wraps across my forehead and up into the top of my head. Pain or pressure can change continuously throughout the day. Analgesics do nothing.

No  triggers identified (light, noise, smells, etc.) that increase pain level.

A few weeks ago, it felt like a migraine without any pain for several hours. Head almost felt completely numb and I felt drained, like one does after a full blown migraine (I did have a handful of migraines 30 years ago when I was on the pill).

I went through a similar thing a few years ago with daily headaches that were accompanied by needlelike jabs of pain that would last for several seconds up to a minute. Not bad enough to fit how others describe cluster headaches.

Can't wait until they go away, as this is the longest continuous spell that I have had them.
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hope it gets better for you.

i hope your meds help you to sleep some. not sleeping is incredibly frustrating and unhealthy as we all know.

i've had severe heaches that have lasted days and a few periods of my ms history, lasted for months. the kind that make's one think they are insane.

i cannot say they were/are a ms relapse but certainly could be from my perspective.

and like you, over the years i have found for these type heaches pain meds typically do not phase them. throwing up has helped and as to why i donn't know. it hurts to throw up but they make me so nauseated i have too, but for a brief time will feel better.

nerve meds and a sleep med helps some and most movement is limited to just hanging about the house horizonitally.

sure hope you get some consistent relief soon
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146298 tn?1258712247
See, I was wondering if that might be a flare up. It's been downhill with a few bright shining days of being able to sit and use my hot glue gun ever since that everlasting headache. A few night ago I had my spasmy thing happen after a dull headache for just a few hours and I was twitching and not able to speak or swallow, so it could be that a longer than usual headache marks a flare for me, huh? that seems good to know

My PCP gave me valium so I can just sleep through the pain. My oxycodone does nothing for my headaches, so it's useless, but I plan on seeing a pain specialist soon myself.
Sweetie I feel ya on the ibuprofen; I did the same thing before I was seeing docs.

I took neurontin for psych reasons years ago and it made me hallucinate and have nightmares; I cannot take that. I get headaches like this a few times a week or once a week depending on if you consider it a new headache just cuz it's a new day ( i don't) and I've found that since I used to just stay up for days in pain before I had the valium, i've found that there's no difference in the headache. The valium only puts me to sleep so my body gets rest and that's only a few hours of relief. I wake up and it just climbs back up there. Still, if it keeps you from sleeping that's not good for anyone. You might try takig that after talking to you doctor about it. I stopped eating MSG and that helps to make them shorter, so 1-2 days usually instead of 3-4. If you've been in mind numbing pain for days, then trying to not eat MSG is worth it. I say trying cuz it's in sooo many things; you really have to search for it on the ingredient list.

I'm doing better in that I don't have a headache right now (knock on wood)
Did your nuero refer to the eye doc, or not? I have many eye issues myself and was wondering if I should wait to see the neuro or get a referral for a eye specialist when I see my PCP next.

thanks for the info, sympathy, and support =]
much luvs to you = )

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984138 tn?1359813073
Hey when i had my first attack and was on no medicines that pain stayed with for a very long time. The head pain was the worse its was all around my head eyes/jaws/ears/cheeks/everything!  with all different types of pain also with tremors/numbness/weakness in my body. I ended up going to a neuro for this.

when i have an attack ,bad flare ups,  bad symptoms, the head stuff always pops up but atleast it aint every day it only recently started getting bad this month(head pain,eye pain, body pains) and am going to see if i can get a referal to pain management cause im not one for pills and would like to see how they say to deal with it!And also have a referral to an eye doctor i got back in JAN just to establish one my nuero said but am looking forward to it now because the eye pain has got alot worse thats in end of april.

I would consider it an MS flare up  i can go a week a day or a month of shaking then a week a day or a month of fatigue and a week a day or a month of head pain all varies greatly Hope you feel better soon and i understand how frustrating and annoying it can be to wake up and fall asleep with that pain. I didnt have a good morning for months until i got nuerotin...now i just have to deal with the ear ringing to get to bed lol always something!  Watch taking alot of IBprofen i know i did when i wasnt on medicine and learned that aint good at all
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I had something similar last year.  I thought it was a migraine.  The pain was on the left side of my head, in back, just below my skull, and along the jaw line, cheek, and eye.  I would have "jolts" of pain, with a constant underlying pain.

None of the migraine meds, nor oral steroids worked.  Neurontin (gabapentin) did work, but it took a while to get up to an effective dose.  I ended up being told it was trigeminal neuralgia and occipital neuralgia.

Good luck.  See if you can get a referal to a neurologist.

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