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9-month headache, ear ringing + popping

Hi Medhelp,

I'm hoping somebody can help me.  I have been having headaches along with several other symptoms since December 2007 and it's become very hard.  I'll try to give a history of the progression of these symptoms.  It's a long story but I wanted to be thorough.   Note: I lived in Japan from 2006 until very recently, so most of this was in Japan.  If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it so much.  If you are a doctor or know a doctor, please forward this or respond.  Thank you so much.

November 2007
- Got a bit of a chest cold; chest pains were very sharp, visited doctor and took antibiotics.  Felt generally better.

December 2007
- Before falling asleep many nights, I noticed that my jaw would often "snap" shut.  It was quite forceful and often woke me up.  Went to the dentist but was told it was a muscle or neurological problem.
- Noticed slight ringing in my ears at this time.
- I flew home to California after staying up the night before the flight, sleeping very little on the flight, and not sleeping until the next day.  In California, I was very tired and jet-lagged.  I developed a headache that persisted for my entire trip.  Excedrin did very little to alleviate the symptoms.  I felt tired and "out of it" for much of the trip, about a week and a half.  

January 2008
-Return to Japan, increasingly stressed and anxious about my symptoms.  I noticed on the flight and once I reached Japan that I felt very "out of it."  What I mean by this is I felt mentally slow.  I could hardly concentrate on anything that wasn't in front of me (ie, very hard to even picture where I had just come from - California.)  I felt disoriented, almost as if I was surprised to find myself in Japan.  It was a very strange feeling that I'd never had before.  In addition to this, I noticed that my vision was significantly worse than before.  Being outside, I felt as if I was in a tunnel or had blurry filters over my eyes.  I could see clearly, but only if I focused on what I wanted to look at exactly.  In addition, I noticed at this time less mental recognition of what I was looking at.  It was as I said, I felt surprised to be in Japan.  Normally, when I change locations it is a bit jarring, but mentally I can easily process that I am in Japan now and home is far away in California.  But this time I just felt disoriented, slow, and fearful.  A dramatic difference between a few weeks before!

-During January I went to visit the doctor several times in Japan.  Several kinds of doctors did several tests, including hearing tests and a CT scan.  Everything came back fine.  I was given headache medication and a few other medications, none of which seemed to have any positive effect.

February 2008
-My symptoms had not improved by February, so I went to a neurologist.  He thought that it was likely due to stress, but after several visits he allowed me to have an MRI done.  It came back completely clear.  In February, my headaches decreased in frequency significantly, though my vision was still a bit shaky, I was still feeling mentally slow with slow recall, and my ear popping and ringing continued.

March 2008
- My headaches returned by early March and persisted through the month.  No new developments.

April 2008
- Visit another ENT specialist, who checked me out again and inspected my ears.  Couldn't find anything unusual, though I'm not sure what he really checked.  Performed another hearing test which I passed fine.
- Visited India on a volunteer trip.  I felt a bit better in India, surprisingly.  Though, I did experience several painful headaches at night.  Other symptoms continued.

May 2008
- Finally visit a psychologist, who prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.  I told him about how stressed, anxious, emotionally numb, and mentally slow I'd been feeling, and he thought that my body's brain chemistry was out of whack.  I reluctantly agreed to begin a mild treatment of SSRI's.

June - July 2008
- Continue taking SSRI's, with little effect at first.  However, after several weeks the headaches began to subside and my mood lifted moderately.  Other symptoms continued, but I felt better than I had in months.  Began to notice mood swings, however.  I would feel quite happy and then horribly sad.

August 2008
- Discontinue SSRI's due to stomach pains.  I had been told they could upset your stomach.  Headaches have returned and are daily though not completely constant.
- In late August I returned home to California for good.  My headaches, concentration, vision, ear ringing + popping, and depression are as bad as ever.  
- I am in the process of applying for health insurance now that I no longer have Japanese insurance, but I would really like to hear some people's opinions.

In summary, these are my symptoms:

-Concentration problems; it is a bit hard to think clearly, and I feel a bit "slow."  Mental fog.
-Ringing in the ears
-"Popping" sound in both ears when I swallow
-Occasional difficulty swallowing: I have to "deliberately" swallow at times
-Slight feeling of mucous at the back of the throat, as with a cold
-Very slight muscle spasms in feet or hands occasionally
-Headaches, mostly around eyes and forehead, but with pain all over at times.  Not constant, but nearly constant.
-Feeling of pressure in my head; pressure in my cheeks and face
-Dizzy feeling within my head; exacerbated by moving my eyes and changing focus
-Vision is slow and bouncy and focusing is sometimes difficult
-Peripheral vision is worse
-Eyes are more sensitive to bright sunlight
-Ears are more sensitive to loud or sudden noises
-General malaise and depression

In general, I just don't feel like the same person I was 9 months ago.  Some of these symptoms are more severe than others, and I generally feel better in the morning than at night, but overall I don't feel that great.  I know the stress of worrying for so long has real psychological and physical effects, but I feel there must be some physical reasons too.  

Thanks to anyone who can help,

13 Responses
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Do you have a leak in your home or where you work? I have had mant of these same symptoms that progressively got worse over 11 years. It turned out that i had mold in the crawl space of my house due to a leak that was there for years that i didn’t know about. My whole ventilation system went through the crawl space. I would check your house and maybe even think about getting an air test. I had to move to a new house when i found out. I moved 6 months ago and i already feel 10 times better. I hope 2018 brings you better health! Good luck to you!
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we are in 2014 and most of the people here might have found a solution... Hopefully.
I m writing about my experience that is very similar to yours.
4 years ago, it all went wrong, meaning strange feeling in mt head, woke up dizzy with severe vertigo, extreme fatigue, then days later ears started to ring, then fuzzy vision ... Went to the dr. She thought something was wrong with me. It scared me even more... Finally all tests were clear after many ER visits. Waking up in the mid of night covered with sweat. Thought i was entering menopause... At 40. i m gonna be 45 now and not menaopausal at all.... All my weird symptoms are still here... Some days worse, some days better. Some days symptom free!!! I am now convinced that stress plays a big part in them. It took me a LONG time to accept it, but i have because i have researched... I had tests done... ER... Hospital stays... And i observed myself a lot, and still do. Stress!!!! Before these symptoms started, i went through a lot of stress (which i did not really feel actually) and i had a traumatic news given to me... 6 months adter the news, my symptoms started. I did not feel stressed, just worried, i did not feel sad at all. Sadness came long after. Disappointment because i had to leave my work for i was unable and am still unable to work full time. I have moments of deep sadness but not very often. I was put on antidepressant a year after it all started. Was totally against it as i did not feel depressed. Did they work. I m not sure.  I still have physical symptoms, same ones as before, but i know that when i have a busy day, or any stress (even sports can be stressful on ur body), my symptoms get worse. Unablero focus, weird feeling, ear ringing, fuzzy vision, tired, not wanting to go out, out of balance, night sweats with palpitations... So what i try to do is limit my stress as much as possible (my stress level is very low, unlike most of thepeople around me) and it shows by physical symptoms, not mental. It s tough!!!! But wanting to put a name or a disease on these symptoms is sometimes a big source of stress. I now understand that my disease is mental. Now i have to talk about it around me instead of avoiding social situations.... Hopefully this will help you.
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This is the first web site iv found, that match my symptoms. Iv been to a gp so many times, and basically, he told me I get dehydrated a lot. I started to really stress about my headaches, so I ended up getting an MRI. This came back completely normal. I have candida, and a lot of my migraines and headaches, match general candida symptoms. But sometimes I feel like my ears are popping too, and decided to search ears popping, and found your post. I also have times when my jaw is very tight, like I'm clenching my jaws shut for no reason. My vision is also affected sometimes. Manic depression matches some of my symptoms too. Where like you said, I feel depressed at times, and fine at other times. When I feel kind of manic, I take a half an antidepressant, also one at night, and some nights I sleep fine, others not well at all.
  Since you wrote this in 2010, I'm just wondering- do you still have the same symptoms? Did you get a diagnosis? I put my symptoms down to candida and manic depression, but sometimes when my ears pop, I feel like maybe I have some sort if ear condition as well. I even stressed a few months ago, about having a brain tumour, because the kind of blurred vision at times, and headaches, but thankfully everything is normal, so I can only think my ears as well as candida, and manic depression, all together are causing the varied symptoms. Have you had ear tests??? If so, what type?
I was kind of relieved(sorry), to hear someone else has the same symptoms, and I'm not just being manicly obsessive in feeling like there's something wrong with me. Then reading all the replies you got, with so many with the same type of symptoms, I wondered- do they also have manic depression- or with the headaches- candida. It's hard to get diagnosed with candida, yet it matches so many of these symptoms- except the popping ears.
Anyway- please let me know if your ears were the cause of your headaches and other symptoms, as I'd ask my gp for ear tests. Thanks in advance. :)
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I have had the exact same symptons as Jay since July 09, and have been through plenty of tests (MRI, ear exams, blood tests, eye exams) and found nothing.  I am really interested in what Cath was saying about PTC.  I recently had an eye exam and they didnt see any burst blood vessels from what I understand.

I read that PTC can be caused by obesity and up until last year i was quite heavy.  I have recently lost 60 or so pounds (still heavy) and this is when this all started.  Should i be seeing a neurologist?  I'm a little worried about a lumbar puncture (since i've heard horror stories) but if thats the way it has to be to lead a better life, than so be it.
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I just wanted to say that I've had a similar problem.I'm 19 years old and a college student. It's going on three months now of a constant headache but it's located near my left temple only, I have constant ear ringing and also blurred, fuzzy vision at times. Sometimes pain and weakness on my right arm and leg. I have been to several different doctors and have had a CT scan that came back as clear. I have trouble sleeping because of the pain, trouble focusing during my classes and trouble remembering things now. The headache doesn't seem to respond to over the counter meds, I've tried Advil, Aleve, IBuprofren, and also naproxen sodium and a few other types of pain medicines.  
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Hi jay i just wanna say every symptoms u describe i have it all..im still seeing dr for this i have been to many dr to specialist and neurologist nothing been found.I'm miserable right now i dont know what to do anymore.i'm just waiting for death to take me, at some point i feel like giveing up on this sickness i cant sleep it's soo hard for me to go to sleep i dont know what to do, i've been sick for over a year and nothing been treated i desperately need lots of help please any advice would help!
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397460 tn?1268533736
Hi John. I saw your post and thought I would give you a brief history of what is going on with me in the hope you can pull what you need.Ok?
I have IIh/PTC.that is,Idiopathic ( of no known origin)-Intracranial ( with in the head) Hypertension( increased cerbrial spinal fluid) nothing to do with blood pressure!
It started two yrs ago with blurry vision and headaches.I also seem to have had a balence problem.After many mths of going to my local Dr.and being told it was migraine, I ask to see a specalist.He told me it was migraine and my" nerves!"
A few more mths passed but I  knew something was wrong so asked to see  a neurologist.She booked me into hospital where for three weeks I had all the tests done.All can back clear, as thay do with IIH except the lumbar puncture which gave a  opening pressure reading of 48-4800.Normal opening pressure is between 11 and 18.It can be as high as 25 in a very overweight person( which I was not). That is the gold star test as regards IIH.I was then seen by a ophthalmologist and a neurosurgeon.I have papillodema in botheyes.That is swelling of the optic nerves from the pressure. I was put on the drug of choice Diomox.After a few mths it was deemed, because of my eye sight, that I need a VP shunt, which I had done Dec 08.
I hope you can pull something from this that might help or at least point you in the right direction.Bottom line? Trust yourself.You will know if something is wrong.The next thing to do is make the drs listen. A lot of time was wasted by my drs because 1) IIH is quite rare.2) a lot of drs dont know about it or dont reconize it.
I hope you find answers and I hope that you dont have IIH.Its not a nice illness to have.The best of luck and of course if you need any help in the future, just drop me a line.I will do my best,Cath278.
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I have had these symptoms for 7 months now, and it began after I used Preparation H suppositories for 6 weeks, which contains a vasoconstrictor.  My symptoms began with a horrible headache (I never used to get headaches), and progressed with increasing ringing in my ears.  Shortly after I experienced dizziness.

The strange thing is, is that the symptoms are as strong as ever, and I am getting increasingly worried.  I am going to seek professional help.

Taking Tylenol does help, but only briefly, and not for the entire day.

If anyone else experienced these symptoms after taking Prep. H, or any other drug containing Phenylephrine, please let me know as I do believe this may be the culprit.


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I too have been on long term assignment in Japan and suddenly started with almost the same symptoms as Jay, I have been to the doctor and he told me that I had stress.

This is really worryong as I feel that im out of it most of the time, ear ringing, headache, blurred vision, anxiety etc etc.

Reading Jays post shocked me as I could have easily have written the same thing, but it also lifted me as im not alone in this.

Im intrested in Caths post about IIH/PTC, I know nothing about this, any additional info or news, how do you approach your doctor with this possibility?

Also any update on Jays situation would be appreciated.


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397460 tn?1268533736
Hi  Jayship..I saw your post and thought you might like to have a look at my page.I have IIH/PTC. I went thru a long journey until i was diagnoised properly. I share a lot of your symptoms but that is not to say you have this illness. But sometimes the drs need a push in the right direction!! I hope things improve for you and you get some much needed answers. Cath278.
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I have the same problems as you, and they also started around August 2008, they continue today. I've been to every doc you can think of and they all say anxiety. I take xanax at night and that seems to help until about 6pm the next day, then it all starts again. I dont feel like I'm the same person I was nine months ago. I didnt take any accutane or anything like that. It pretty much started when I had to wait 2 weeks to get some test results back on a mass I had removed and that put me under a lot of stress and anxiety waiting for the results and even though thay came back fine the anxiety stayed. The first 10 minutes when I wake up are pretty bad but then I'm good until about six or seven pm. Then the ears start feeling full and popping and the ringing starts mostly in my left ear, I cant remember that last time I was relaxed enough to take a nap and at night every dream is a vivid bad dream which usually has something to do with my past.

I wake up about five times at night and pretty much only get back to sleep half way.  I fiind myself clinching my jaw for no reason and for the most part have lost my short term memory. I also feel like I'm watching myself from the inside like its a movie or something. Sometimes rooms I've been in a thousand times look different to me.

I could go on but those are the symptoms that drive me crazy,,,
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Omgsh. i have been feeling these as well!
i have been told its my sinuses, i was just told to take decongestants for 10 days. Im hoping its just that. I dont feel the same, it feels very weird, and is disturbing at times. and my symptoms started 9 months from august 2008.

Its so weird to hear of someone else going through this, it seems like the doctors dont know what it is, and its very aggravating.
Some days i felt as if i wasn't doing anything i was doing, i felt drugged up and completely out of it. The buzzing would get louder at night, and my vision is kinda off balance.

Do you listen to music? i realized that some of my symptoms get worse when i listen to music, which is starting to make me think it has something to do with my hearing/ears.

My peripheral vision is also terrible and its hard to focus at times, especially around town. Its like my eyes are forcing me to look out my peripherals and when i try not to, everything gets fuzzy and i get eye pains.

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My son has the exact same symtoms, but only after six weeks of using Accutane a medication used for acne. We are in the midst of waiting for a Neurologist appt along with a psychiatrist.  He has been diagnosed with everything from sinusitus labrynthitis bronchitis and mono nothing has worked to subside symptoms what have you done?
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