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Effervescence Pop Rocks Noise at base of skull

Every day or so, I hear AND feel a sound that can only be described as if I've got a carbonated drink in the back of my head.  It can be heard from outside of my neck if someone uses a stethoscope as well.  It seems to be located at the absolute top of my spine, near where I belive the "blood / brain barrier" is, and the Medulla Oblongata.  It has been going on with no major issues for as long as I can remember, though recently it seems to happen more often. NOBODY can tell me what it is, I've only met one other person who has this experience and they've been unable to get any assistance either.  General MDs just are at a loss as to what it is, and don't seem to think its serious -- I'm fine with that answer, but I'm extremely curious if there's any explanation, and if so is there any thing really wrong?  

I'm on blood pressure medication (Benicar and HCTZ) and I've had two episodes of what I guess are Migraines.  I get a visual signal about 30 minutes prior to getting the most stomach turning "headache" though it doesn't really "ache", there's more of a sickening feeling as if my brain has been injured somehow and the thought of that makes me ill.  The only thing that's worked to solve those episodes is to shut myself in a cool, dark, quiet room and take Ibuprofen and sleep for several hours.

Thanks for any help you can give.


This discussion is related to Strange Sound in Neck.
59 Responses
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi..I saw some other posts here asking the same ?....I believe the dr may have said it could be CSF moving......the fact u experience a sickening head ache, I would suggest u see a dr...and possibly get a brain MRI w/wo contrast just to be sure u don't have a blockage.

If I can locate the original post I will pass on the link.

Good luck
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620923 tn?1452915648
here is a link to one of the posts...to find others...go to the top right and type in ur phrase in the search box.....


good luck
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Yes, that happens to me too! Althought not really on a daily basis.  Sometimes when I sit quietly, I'd just hear that fizzling sound at the back of my neck, or at the base of my skull... I really hope this is nothing serious... I've tried research for this weird thing that's happening to me, but unfortunately, only a handful have reported to have been experience this.  Please if you have any information, email me at ralamis(at)yahoo(dot)com

Thank you so much!!!
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620923 tn?1452915648
And RedRobinRed...if u use the MedHelp search top right of ur screen u can locate other disscussion here on Medhelp on the fizzy sounds.

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Have him check your ears. My ears got cleaned and I took color for ten days and my symptoms like yours disappeared.
Sorry, I took cipro
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Ok I have this fizzy feeling. I also have the following...migraines,depression,hair loss,tingling/numbeness in all upper body,bone pain,weak muscles,fatique,dizziness, and joint pain. I know this is a huge list. I have been checked for thyroid and had alot of blood work that always comes back ok.. ANyone with ideas or suggestions please please email me at ***@****. My doc doesnt know whats going on so any ideas to bring along to the next visit would be great ,
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Check for a cavernous malformation I have alot of the same problems an more I'm 27
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I have this exact feeling/sound of poprocks and soda..
I get this on a daily basis almost probably every hour..
But it gets ALOT more intense if I get the blood flowing exercising or whatever..
It goes non stop every minute or so untill I calm down & cool off..
I think my body cant regulate its temp very well I overheat really easily,
and when this happens I go all "fizzy"..lol
I do have spine problems & need to go for surgery next month.
I think I may make another apt for this before the surgery tho..
Just incase.. =/
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I've had this same fizzy noise and have felt it permanently along the base of my skull for 9 yrs, along with some other very unpleasant sensations in that area. I had a migraine like headache with aura, flashing lights for 7 months resulting in my having MRI scan that revealed some UBOs, but clear when repeated 2 yrs later. Can still feel and hear this all the time, also can hear it when I move my whole scalp around with my hands. It sounds like fluid.  Are symptoms of my having ME/fibro and in early stages of illness, the fizzy noise/feeling escalated into disabling, stabbing pain which permanently worsened with activity. I had to keep my head as still as possible for 3 months so that it improved somewhat, but have had to use a wheelchair for the past 6 yrs because what goes on in my head. My Osteopath who treats me with manual lymphatic drainage (an ME treatment), says that many people she treats for migraine complain of this noise of fluid along the base of the skull and back of head.  
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omfg i have this too and i have headaches almost everyday on my left side of my head and no one believes me they laugh at me when i tell them ... im not able to sleep on my left ear bc when i wake up in the morning it hurts so much and my top of my spines feels like pop rocks and i can hear it too ....
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I believe you. I have it almost everyday for awhile and now its kind of random. I get severe vertigo and can barely walk with it.
728282 tn?1258258587
I have no idea what it is but I have it too. Another poster said something about flashing lights, I see those too..and floaters but my eye doc said my eyes are fine..it is an EYE thing right? Maybe I should ask my doc (which I did already) and she reffered me to an eye doctor who said I was fine. The 'cracking' in my neck I only notice when it's very quiet but on a daily basis, when I turn my head in any direction.
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I too have had this fizzy noise at the base of my skull for years.  Everyone just thinks I'm a weirdo when I try to explain it.  I have periods of vertigo and carry alot of tension in my shoulders, and neck.  My physio releases the pressure and usually the dizzieness and noise go.  I have had CT scans and MRI's. All clear. So happy to hear other people experience the same noise.
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I have a history of migraines over/behind right eye, which came on just over 2 yrs ago, as well as headaches all my life.  MRIa negative.  Migraines controlled w/ prophylactic (daily) meds and then I take meds for breakthrough migraines when needed.  But migraines have gotten worse lately, I think maybe due to stress??  I can pretty much count on several a month...and they wipe me out. I get tired and cloudy in my thinking.  And with the last one, my meds didn't help at all and I needed to go to the ER for a toradol injection.  It kind of frightens me that the migraines are this much out of control at this point.  Otherwise I am normally a pretty healthy person, except I'm not exercising as I was due to the colder weather.  

Just two weeks ago I noticed this crackling sound- seems to be coming from the vertebrae at the base of my skull and occurs pretty much with any movement, but seems most associated with the movement of the right side of my neck/head or with the use of those muscles.  It is somewhat uncomfortable and tense, and even ibuprofen doesn't seem to help.  I've been using a warm pack when I remember.  

I just finally googled the problem now, and found your forum.  I'm curious as to what the problem could be.  Haven't talked to an MD about it yet as I'm in the middle of insurance changes...and thought the problem would resolve itself. Now I'm beginning to wonder!  Will watch this forum...any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks!  
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This is amazing. The reason I am here is because I have this fizzing/squishing at the base of my skull where my neck connects and I happened to Google the symptoms and found this. I also have the stomach gurgle that follows immediately after the squish. Now I have a few theories - I'm noticing that many of you seem to also suffer stress and anxiety (as do I).  Stress tends to be linked to the Amygdala which is, you guessed it, at the base of the skull. Could there be some minor issue there that makes affects the Amygdala, or the Amygdala is the cause of the squish, hence why those of us with squishing also suffer anxiety?
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Wow, I have most of the ailments people are describing here. Definitely migraines, depression, fibromyalgia. I also have what is called thoracic outlet syndrome. My fizzy head sounds are always accompanied by a gurgling or growling stomach. One day doctors will know what this means, but I think it is pretty interesting that so many of us have the same symptoms. Thank God for the Internet--I thought I was the only one!
I have this too! Crackling/ gurgling/ bubbles in neck (usually back of neck) and often coincides with stomach gurgles.
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I have this noise as well. I can also make the noise happen by massaging my scalp in a certain place. I also notice the sound when my stomach growls! WHAT IS THIS!!!
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FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have this too! I have asked med profs about it and described it as a feeling of my spinal fluid being sucked through a straw like a milkshake is...lol...but I like the pop rocks explanation better! It is hard to describe and no one ever answers me, just look at me weird! I have fibromyalgia, heart probs, diabetes and asthma(or so they say...I think it is just a severe allergy prob) and have had a cervical fusion and migraines. When I get in a stressful situation such as last winter when I was nearly hit by another car, that same area tenses up badly and will throb so bad my head moves. It takes a few mins to recoup.
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i have this too but in ok im healtly but when i get bad posture it start but with a crack crack in the neck it stop i dont think is something bad cuz i have this for a long time i belive that is bad posture

any way is good to know that im not the only one
if some one find the anwser plz tell em
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Ok i was reserching about this and i find by i guy that also have this say that this is muscle stress ok you know that we have only one big muscle  that manage to pull the skull back so we can see up dont? ok now when you stay lay down or just relaxing this muscle try to take a new posture but  is so hard to this muscle cuz you have strees or other problem that make this noise every time that your muscle want to take a nother position

i think he is right cuz this only happens to me when i m lay down in my bed triying to relax me after a making homework for like 4 5 hour in the pc so im pretty estressed
well the only cure seen to be relaxing yoga and a more heatly life i guess

oh and think about this you know this sound is more to the part of the muscles than in the veins or other stuff in the middle of the neck ......or maybe im wrong i dont know wat do you think?
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I have had this cracking, popping sound at the base of my skull, so irritating every time I turn my head to the left. It's been going on for a month and a half. What I noticed is that, in the morning it is not that bad, but towards the end of the day, it is getting worse. Nobody can hear it, but I can feel it. Help. Thank you!
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I have had these crackling, fizzing, grinding noises in the back of my neck on and off for some time now.  It first strated right after knee surgery.  It comes andgoes for no reason.  Although I fell and hit my head recently and have 2 bulging discs with a pinched nerve C6-7. My stomach is rumbling and gurgling all night long also. I think it is some allergic response.  I often take benadryl and zantac and it helps.  Simethicone (gas relief pills) often help also,  
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i have this too..its a strange pop rock sound that travels up my spine and goes into the base of my skull. Most often is triggered by hunger pains (this is when its most active) Thinking back (maybe 14 years ago) I first noticed it when I was going to take a sleeping pill and noticed the pop rock sensation on my tongue and immediately spit it out...I'm clue-less and need answers aswell cause its starting to take over my whole life!!
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I notice mine when I’m hungry too!  So happy not to be alone in the pop rocks in my head situation. It might be Brain Tonsils. I’m not sure how the hungry fits in yet but I’m still trying to figure this out.
Have you found anything out??
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Snap! Searing headaches on the left side of my head, mainly behind my ear and running all the way down to my neck. I have these on a daily basis, and they don't get much better with aspirin or other pain relief pills. The common theme here is the "popping" noise I hear in my neck every time I move my head. I am otherwise healthy, athletic even. The pain has got so bad that I am going to the doctor in the coming days. But if anyone has a clue what this might be, I'd be most grateful for information, thoughts and theories. Thanks in advance.
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I had 3 months of intense dizziness, following two evening spells of vertigo in february. Over time I felt very strange sensations in the base of my skull, that would really show up when I laid on an armrest on a couch or whatever. Now it's converted more to dull pain that shoots up behind eyes, and I get these very short pshhew noises when I lie down.  Sometimes my head feels like a drum, as walking around just makes a lot of thumping behind my ears.
Had an MRI which has come back negative for anything with/without contrast.  I don't get any headache spells when I do any yawns or coughs - it's just base of skull pain that seems to always be there
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LOL........guess I am not the only crazy who googled crackling sound at base of neck.  I have it as well........but no headaches like many of you....or other health problems that I am aware of, other that arthritis coming on from an active life.....now 56.  Wanted to add that I also have ringing and some sensitivity to certain sounds which I have noticed along with the "pop rocks sound" (excelent description by the way) in my neck.  Guess we are all just basically getting old??
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i have this too! had it for years. i'm 22 so it's not an old age thing. it gets very loud when i take a bath and my head is partially underwater. also it only ever happens when my neck is relaxed, when i'm lying down. i almost never have headaches or anything, so i think that's unrelated.
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