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What Would You Do, If You Were Me? NO BRIDGE JUMPING!

I am TheUnendingCurse.

Why would I choose such a name? Because I am a rare, very young woman, with a nearly unheard of, and not yet explained medical condition. I have constant periods. Yes... constant. Every day of every week, for the last 6 months, I have had a heavy, constant period. No breaks from bleeding... ever. I bleed, have PMS, and suffer everything that goes along with a period. Every... Single... Day...

They used to call a period "The Curse" and mine is unending.

Recently they discovered, many cysts, on both of my ovaries... as well as fibroids in my uterus. A little over 9 months ago. I got an IUD... we thought that THAT would be the simple cause, and its removal would be the simple solution...

Sadly it was not the cause... nor would its removal help my condition.

"What a horrible existence", many women say. But, I'd have to say, that I live a happy life, I work out, write, and have an understanding, and very brave man, and future husband to love me. I have grown used to it, and sort of adapted my life accordingly. It's happened before, after all.

At age 13. The day after a dislocated shoulder. The trama caused me to get my very first period. My first period lasted for 6 months straight. Causing the 13 year old me to believe, for some time... that once you became a woman, that you would had your period constantly... until you became pregnant.

My mother inquired about my extensive use of pads... and after hearing my story, and correcting me... saying "Periods should only last a few days." She promptly took me to the doctor. I'd just been there for a dislocated shoulder... so he wondered what other catastrophe could be up.

I was put on birth control at 13, regardless, I bleed for 6 months... until finally, I became so uncontrollably depressed. That I just quit eating. I became anorexic... I suppose focusing weight loss, was a way for me to get my mind off of the bleeding.

I lost weight, until I was too thin to even have a period. Much to my liking, and my family's dismay. I began to get heart flutters and was forced put the weight back on.  I meet my future husband during this time of putting back on weight, when I was 14 or 15… we became best friends, and he helped to save my life.

I then lived life normally, and dramatically, as any teenager would… I had heavier, longer periods than my friends… they’d last about a week or so… but I was grateful as hell, to have them end. Period. (Pardon the pun.)

I am now 20 years old... and the dreaded, fabled bleeding (Its "fabled" as it was a much shuddered at drinking story among friends) has returned... and it's brought along with it, some friends... ovarian cysts and fibroids. WHOO HOO!

They have put me on different birth controls... stronger birth controls... I was even on TWO birth control pills a day, for a few months. And still the bleeding still couldn't be stopped. I am now, going to try Yaz, one pill a day...

I was on APRI before... I don't take a week off either. I just take hormones constantly... still the bleeding won't stop. For 6 months, no break from birth control pills, no week off. Any break from birth control just causes it to be heavier. THIS amount of birth control would cause most women to never have a period. It can't even stop mine...

When I got the IUD installed, the guy didn't examine me. He cut my cervix with surgical scissors... on purpose. To make insertion easier... I was in immense amounts of pain. And had to go back to the hospital that day... in a wheel chair. I was given hospital style pain killers, and sent home. To lay on the couch for the next 3 days.

My gyno, said that putting an IUD in my uterus... as it is tilted backward, would be very difficult. So if the guy who put it in WOULD have examined me... he would have known that. And perhaps, I would have been saved some pain.

I have wicked bad pains in my sides now, basically the worst period cramps you'll ever feel... and am dizzy and need to take B12, and Iron because of the blood loss. I'm always tired... and just feel drained, all the time. I still work out... I go to school now.

I’ve kept all of this from my friends, due to the fact that I despise being a pity case… and many peoples more than judgmental views against IUD’s.  I’ve told one or two people, only to be treated as if I DESERVE to bleed constantly. Just for getting an IUD…

I had to quit my physical job, because my boss threatened to fire me, if I couldn't do the work any faster. I didn’t bother telling her about my condition… she was the type who wouldn’t care in the least.

I've had all the blood tests, swabs and pee tests in the world. And still they can't stop the bleeding. I’ve never bothered telling those outside of family.  As it’s a rather gross, unheard of and lonely subject. Even my pharmacists have treated me badly. For getting large amounts of birth control all the time.

My explaining that I bleed constantly, and take two pills a day. Cause many of them to look at me like I am an alien. One even found amusement in my misfortune…

That's my story... if you'd like to hear about the other horrors of my uterus... you may ask me.

I'm so thankful to have a place, to talk about this... and perhaps find someone who can relate with my distress.

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NEW same old news... IUD got removed months ago... and still bleeding, it'll be a year straight in one month! Hoorah! I wonder if I can get into Guiness Book Of World Records "World's Longest Menstration." LOL... (Definately not one's life goal.)
Going to see another specialist in a month. Hmm... What do you guys think their new plan of action could possibly be?
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No I had absolutely no idea, must have done it in my sleep.
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Do you realize that you're blogging in a Q&A Forum?  
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Have you done an endometrial biopsy?
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Haven't posted in awhile... nothing new, don't feel like seeing doctors for awhile, getting better, but still a bleedin'... but what else is new?
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The cat came back... the bleeding has commenced once again. Me and my boyfriend have parted ways, due to this, and other issues... I'm pretty darn sad.

And to top it all off, I hurt my leg really bad last night. I think I dislocated something, (I put it back in myself last night) I was reaching for something, and lost my balance and it got twisted, and I couldn't move it, without it hurting like hell for an hour or so. Finally I grit my teeth and straightened it... and felt something pop back in.

It was excruitiating. Needless to say, my dog was licking my face and sniffing, cause I was crying so hard. And my mom was trying to help me move it. (I NEVER cry... so if I cry... it HURTS!)

Today after school, I went to get my leg checked out... and got turned away from every medical outlet I went to... half of our doctors in this city left. So I can't get in to see one.

And there are always TONS of old people in the waiting room. Who appear to be having coffee. None of them ever seem sick. It ***** when you actually NEED to see a doctor. (I'm sure they have legit reasons... but COME ON!!!!!!!! CRUTCHES!!!!!!)

I don't think the nurse thought I was sick. Cause I'm usually very polite, or try to be. And was pretty happy, when I went in, cause I got an extension on my project. :D I'm always pretty go-lucky. If I'm not, I'll go CRAZY!

I went to every single clinic in the city, on crutches, and even the hospital, and got told to go somewhere else, or to call my family doctor. At the hospital I guess I could have waited for 3 or 4 or more hours... but I'd rather not... they have an outbreak going on there... some flu or virus or something.

Everywhere told me to call my family doctor. And see if I could get in. I finally called, after getting turned away from everywhere else...and was denied. (I knew I'd never get in) He'd left for the day.

I'll have to call tommorrow, at 9:00 am. To my family doctor, and MAYBE I will get in to see him. I told the reception that I hurt my leg really bad... and that I'd like to make an appointment for tommorrow. She said if you want to see him, you'll have to call tommorrow at 9:00 am. And the promptly hung up on me... as usual.

Why?! Why can't I just make the appointment for tommorrow TODAY!? If I can make it tommorrow morning at the beginning of the day?! Why can't I make it at the end of the day?! Today?! You're not allowed to sleep in in this city. But I write/ work at night. (My new job is published author.)

I don't sleep more than anyone else... actually less. 5-6 hours maybe. I just keep different hours.

Reception has no sympathy for me... cause I was forced to talk to the gyno's organizing lady, about getting something to reduce pain at my IUD removal. Infront of them. WHY COULDN'T SHE HAVE TAKEN ME IN PRIVATE! The receptionist is SOOOO snoopy! And now knows WAY too much.

The chick never even mentioned to the doctor about pain medication. So I had to call and talk to a nurse at the office. They never sent the memo. So finally, I had to get my pharmacist to call in, to get it. BLARG! Now everyone knows everything about my reproductive choices, and uterus issues. GREAT!

I should just makes a website. MY PERSONAL INFORMATION.com... I don't even care anymore. GRRRRRR! I'll just heal my own damn leg. What else can I do, if I can't even get in to see a freaking doctor!
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WHOO HOO! Today... I'm not bleeding! AT ALL!!!!!!!! :D Yay!!!!!!!!
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GOOD NEWS! Shocking for my usual pessimistic typings, I know.

I got my dastardly IUD removed yesterday. And it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The strings were infact, intact... just cut short. So he just had to go a tiny ways in, and it came out as it normally would.

It was literally like a 2 second OUCH! And some very mild cramping after... The gyno gave me a year perscription of Yaz, and even did my Pap test while I was there. He's a nice dude.

I'll be taking my birthcontrol to a new pharmacy.

The bleeding this morning, was shockingly light. Almost unexistant. I have a feeling that my bleeding will stop. And even if this isn't the solution. I'm on the road to addressing my other matters. My pain has gone down significantly since being put on YAZ.... and my PMS symptoms are basically gone. Reguardless of a 9 month period.

Yaz... is the best birthcontrol I've been on. It's nice not being a grouchy bear all the time.

I'm alittle soar today, and feel sort of blechy... my sedative wore off... but all in all, I'm very happy. I still have the flu... but even that's getting better. A normal existance is within my grasp.

After 9 months of heavy bleeding... this morning was a very welcome surprise.

I found being asked, "date of last period" to be hilarious. Me and my mother had a little chuckle. It was like uhh... it started 9 months ago... and just hasn't quit. Well... we found it to be morbidly funny.

I'm pretty happy with the results. And my worries of having a period indefinately are pretty much gone.
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We have an pretty good idea who sent the note, because me and my mother had demanded that anorexia be removed from my file... and the grouchy pharmacist (Read above to hear her story) refused, so we went back and demanded again. As I have been healthy for 6 years, and don't like to be treated like an anorexic... when I am no longer one.

(I wondered why I got looked at funny.) I DON"T EVEN LOOK LIKE AN ANOREXIC! I"M BUFF!!!! I'm a weight-lifter, and have abs, and freaking big biceps! How do you get buff?! How do you build muscle?! YOU EAT!!!!

Anorexia is a sad, sad and very sorry part of my past. I hurt many people who loved me, and brought myself to a very unhealthy state. Which my boyfriend helped save my life from.

I am not private about it, mind you, I am not ashamed of it, persay. But it is still something which I don't appreciate thrown in my face, or brought up with each and every pharmacy visit.

It's like... being a smoker. People treat you badly for things that you do to yourself. Certain people like to blame you for your medical problems. Blame everything on that. You made yourself not eat... so all this is your fault... why should we help you? Or treat you with respect? But my whole life, is not, and should not be based on a mistake I made as 14 year old.

People think anorexics are liars. I wasn't a liar. I was pretty open with it. Did you eat today? "No..." I've never been a good liar. People give them a bad rap. Vainity, laziness, selfishness. And these labels, atleast where I'm from, stick with you...

It's actually the opposite, really. It's a deep rooted hate for ones self. A slow and painful death. But in a way... it becomes your only solace. Getting thinner is everything. It's all that life is for... but it's all that's killing you. It's a love for becoming nothing. Low self-esteem. Trying to disappear. Trying to feel better.

It always begins and ends with a tragedy. Mine began with years of little tradegys, and lucklily it never ended with one big one. I have my family, and tough love to thank for that. As well as a strong will to get my life back. It took about three years to completely form a positive relationship with food again.

I don't want that part of my life relived... I don't like being looked over. People who know get more obsessed with my weight than I am. I got better. But it seems that some people never got over it. Haha...

But it's so much easier to blame, and insult, than it is to understand. I am a person, people can go through very dark times. But they can get better. They can even get completely over it.

A constant period caused my anorexia, in part. I've been bleeding over 8 months now. Still eating normally, still living a healthy life. :)

Weight lifting is actually very healthy for people recovering from eating disorders. You quit focusing on your weight, gaining weight is a good thing, it builds up appetite, makes you calcium sapped bones stronger, and helps you gain back the muscle you lost. I've found it to be something very positive for me.


The pharmacist we've gotten mad at, is the same one who has treated other members of my family like they were abusing their medication. And she says everything (which for me, is usually very personal.) VERY LOUDLY! The pharmacy is always crowded, so everyone thus, hears your medical history.

Other people I know, avoid her completely, if she is working. They'll come back another day, later in the day, when she is not working. She is very loud, and very rude, and very accusatory. She's fairly new... I know I don't like picking up perscriptions. She treats you like you're stupid.

I asked the pharmacist who called me today, who sent the note. She said that she didn't know. I asked what the notes said specifically. She said that she had no way of finding that out. So I suppose I'll never know who sent it.

All in all, I'm going to start going to a different pharmacy. I told her on the phone kindly, but frank. That I have had horrid service at their pharmacy, and don't appreciate in the least, being made to look like I abuse my medication. I don't appreciate my birthcontrol consumption being monitered. I don't appreciate having to jump though hoops to get it.

This is WHY I was reluctant to have my IUD removed. Because they mess with your birthcontrol pills. And I wanted a back-up method incase they did.

I told the pharmacist that I would likely be moving to a new pharmacy. She said "That's completely up to you." Likely my family will come with me. If not, I am definately not giving them my buisness anymore. And will tell anyone who asks me, precisely why.

I'm not taking peoples crap anymore. I've had PMS for 8 months straight... it's time I start acting like it. With the people who deserve it. Did you know that your mood angers get gradually worse? The longer you have a period?

Or perhaps my anger is due to a completely real source. But I'm not taking crap anymore. I'll get my perscriptions from them. And then I'll find a new pharmacy. One that isn't so accusatory. BAD WAY to keep your customers happy.

The birthcontrol druggie... getting high off of an empty uterus?! WTF! She told me that the perscription is accountable if I get too much estrogen. As it can cause a blood clot... That's supposed to make me less mad about a pharmacist blatantly lieing, and putting me into this mess which I must now fix.

My word against a gynocologist, and a pharmacist... doesn't look too good on my part. I'm not sure how I can prove I've only been taking one a day. Not sure that I should have to. But I HATE having my birthcontrol controlled... when I did NOTHING WRONG!

Terrible service!

How do I know this? I have a diploma in Pharmacy Assistance. I'm not a pharmacist. But we had an extensive chapter on customer service. They failed. Goodbye. I'll write something positive... and tell you all how the removal was.

What do you all think of all this? Sorry to write so much.
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Yesterday I went to a walk in doctor, for my flu symptoms. I told her about my situation, and she offered to write me a perscription for a refill of birthcontrol, along with my anti-biotics. YAY! She also talked to me about Minera, an IUD which could actually help my period issues. And it usually eliminates periods completely. But... hoorah, I found someone who wasn't a stickler about my birthcontrol.

Good thing too...

Today I got a call from my pharmacy. The nice pharmacist called me. She's young, and usually quite understanding. She said that the doctor who is filling in for my family doctor, while he is on holidays. Sent them a note back, that he would give me Lasrazipan... (I have no idea how to spell it... but it's in the vallum family.) for the IUD removal procedure. (As it doesn't have strings, my uterus is tilted, and it will be likely painful.)

And that he would fill a perscription for ONE pack of birthcontrol.
But... the pharmacy was not to fill it, until I had finished my other pack. YA! So Basically I can only get it when I'm close to being done, so if I'm on holidays, or can't find the time to make it... I might get it late, and miss a pill. Thus ruining it's effectiveness for an entire month.

BIRTHCONTROL PILLS SHOULD NOT BE A TIGHTLY CONTROLED SUBSTANCE! And they have no right to treat me like a Yaz junky, as I have only been taking one pill a day, ever since my Family doctor informed me to.

He's been grouchy/ frusterated with me lately, as I changed my mind about getting my IUD out, and wanted to see a second opinion specialist before I did so... faster than 4 months from now... couldn't get into one quickly enough... so I thought I'd try another... didn't see the harm.

But he feels it makes him appear to be a stupid doctor... which was not my intention. So I must rule out the IUD as a cause of the bleeding, before any other specialists can be seen. So... I finally agreed to have it removed. It will be out in 5 days. It's remove it, or live it all. So given those options... it's coming out.

But reguardless... in the end, it is all my own desicion. And my choices, in no way, can tarnish his reputation as a doctor. Hopefully when he returns from holidays, he'll be over his personal quarrels with me enough to straighten this out. And clear my name of these ridiculous accustations.

WHAT WOMAN WOULD TAKE EXTRA BIRTHCONTROL! IF SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO!!!!!!! It doesn't make it more effective, it just hurts your stomach. And makes pharmacists treat you like you're lieing.

Earlier... for those who've forgotten. A pharmacist from my regular pharmacy... sent a note to my doctor, in a very accusatory tone towards me. Asking why I was going through 2 packs of birthcontrol a month. She thought I was still taking 2 pills a day.

(When actually, since seeing my family doctor, a few months ago, I have only been taking ONE a day, continuously, no week off. I'm on Yaz now anyways... so you only take 4 pills off normally... I just start a new pack, at the beginning of the 4 days.)

My gyno the allegedly sent back a note saying, that he had told me to cancel taking all oral contraceptives. On my last appointment. (When we found my ovarian cysts.) NO HE DID NOT! He simply told me that he would monitor me, and see me in 4 months, when I did not want the IUD out yet.

I'd talked to my family doctor since that appointment, and the alleged informing. And my family doctor had told me to go back to taking one pill a day. Since it was hurting my stomach, it wasn't helping, and that I was concerned if it was healthy. Since then, I still take them continuously... (no week off)... but I only take ONE a day!

I've been to my family doctor, two times or more, since then. And not ONCE was the cancellation of my birthcontrol pills mentioned. You'd think, if the gyno and the doctor been communicating... that my Family Doctor would have known and informed me. When we were talking about birthcontrol...

I just pick up, what they give me. I never thought much of it, until now. I just take a pill a day. Until told otherwise. Didn't think I'd have to proclaim in detail to everyone, what I was taking, and when, and why. Maybe next time I should. Save myself some annoyance, and accustations.

There you have it! I am innocent, in the court of accusing pharmacists! I only take one pill a day!

Something... that the accusatory pharmacist could have simply ASKED ME. Yes... ask me... just say "How many of those are you taking?" I'd say "One a day, continuously." SIMPLE! DONE!

Instead of sending a note to my doctor's fill in. And making me appear to be abusing my medication. When I am bloody asking for vallum for a painful procedure. This all just makes me feel awful. I'm not a liar, I'm not a person to abuse medication.

I just did what the doctors told me. But didn't feel like discussing it, with all the pharmacists, and everyone else around me. But would have, should they required the information. Well now, I had to tell them everything.

I am certain that I informed someone, when picking up my perscriptions, that I was only taking one pill a day.

But even if I had not. I don't think that I should really have had to. If she was concerned she should have asked me first. My parents pick up my perscriptions too... they could have asked them. They could have asked my family doctor, the one I see more than one every 4 months. But no... this pharmacist felt the need to make me look as bad as possible. And I think I know why...

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New news... I went to see a very nice walk-in-doctor, the other day... and she gave me some antibiotics (for my flu/ coughy phlem issues), and a perscription for birthcontrol pills. As my gyno had canceled my taking of oral contraceptives, for some odd reason. And my family doctor was on holidays.

She said, "Well you need a good birthcontrol, when you are young. I'll give you a refill... what kind are you on?" She then informed me that anitibiotics will affect my birthcontrols uses as a contraceptive, and informed me that a backup method should be used.

I was then able to go to the pharmacy attached to the doctor's office, and get them filled. The pharmacist and assistant we very kind to me. I picked up my antibiotics, and all 3 refills, just incase my other doctor would not write me a perscription for Yaz... or my other pharmacy caused friction... whatever.

I now had 4 packs of Yaz, enough for 4 months. Hopefully by the time they run out, I'll be able to straighten all this birthcontrol mixup out. I need to talk to the doctor about taking them continueously... since it's not stopping my period anyways. I'd prefer to just take them normally.

Huh... wasn't that easy? Like getting birthcontrol pills should be?

I told the walk-in doctor that I had been taking 2 birthcontrol pills a day, for a few months of my bleeding, as informed by my gyno, and that it had hurt my stomach, so I was now back to one pill a day, as informed by my family doctor. Since I couldn't get into my gyno to talk about it.

According to my pharmacist, and to the alleged note my gyno sent them... the gyno informed me that he told me not to take ora contraceptives anymore. What I remember from my appointment. That we decided on not removing the IUD yet, he told me to take extra pills if I have breakthrough bleeding... and that he would monitor me, and see me in 4 months.

That was the day when we found my ovarian cysts. He DID NOT tell me to stop taking oral contraceptives. My pharmacist seems to not believe me, when I say he didn't. But... any woman would remember having her birthcontrol cancelled. DUH!

Especially when in 5 days, they are removing my IUD...

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I guess the one "less than friendly" pharmacist faxed the doctor, asking him why I'm going through 2 packs a month, or something... then he faxed back in FEBUARY, to cancel my pills. Luckily I'd gone and got them before... and have one month left.

I would LOVE to find out, exactly what she said. And exactly what he said. And I SHOULD TAKE THE NAMES, of the people I speak to on the phone.

This is the woman, that I demanded to have my Anorexic label removed off of my pharmacy file. Because I've been healthy for SIX YEARS! And it popped up KAPOW everytime my file came up.

WTF! She always treats EVERYONE like they are abusing their medication. Who in their right mind would abuse birth-control? Or would think that someone would abuse birth-control?! Who gets high off of, or abuses birthcontrol!!!!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!!! Why?!

Because it's bloody birth-control!!!!!!!!!! What a stupid, stupid thing to think. I take one a day, cause I was told to only take one a day. Thank god. Two a day, hurts your stomach.

OH... and to top it all off. My mom's perscriptions had no more refills. They faxed them TODAY, and they replied TODAY! WHAT ABOUT MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!
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Oh... and my family doctor is on holidays... and may or may not be back in time to phone in my pain relief by the 14th, or 15th... HOW CONVEINIENT! FOR EVERYONE BUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Eye twitches with rage... and confusion...*
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OMG! They are taking out my IUD... on the 15th... my mom went in to fill my birth control, and get my pain pills, or vallum, whatever they are giving me... for the 15th. And my GYNO who is removing my IUD, sent a note to my pharmacy (I'm not sure when) saying that I was to stop taking all oral contraceptives.

WTF! Now if they take this thing out, I'll have NO birthcontrol! So I got on the phone with the pharmacist. The pharmacist said "He told you on the... that you were to stop taking birthcontrol. NO HE DIDN'T! I WOULD REMEMBER SOMEONE TAKING AWAY MY BIRTHCONTROL PILLS!

The pharmacy still thinks that I am taking 2 pills a day. When actually I am taking 1 pill a day, for months, as instructed by my Family Doctor. So I had to explain my very personal, and private, details of my reproductive life, and birth-control usage to my pharmacist!

I told her, I've been bleeding for 8 months now. I am getting the IUD out, in hopes to stop the bleeding, as bleeding for 8 months is UNHEALTHY! And I take birthcontrol continuously to stop the bleeding. And that they are trying to stop my period. That's why I take it continuously. GOOD LORD! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!

YES, with an IUD I would not require oral contraceptives. BUT THEY ARE TAKING IT OUT IN A WEEK! The birthcontrol is to stop the BLEEDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then when they take it out,,, I WILL STILL NEED IT!!!!!!! ARGH!

I told her, I am 20 years old. I may be getting engaged soon. I should have my reproductive medical needs met. I told her to send a note to the doctor. I want my pain relief for the removal, and my birthcontrol. I was very frank with her. I said the procedure will be excruitiating, and that I will not be able to get it done without pain releif.

ALSO I left a note with the nurse I spoke to on the phone, telling her that I NEED pain relievers or atleast something to calm me down for the removal. As the strings  of the IUD are cut off. Go upward to see the insertion story. He also cut my cervix... and cut the strings off. Basically it was as painful as an IUD insertion could ever possibly be.

NOW without pain relief. IT WILL BE AS PAINFUL A REMOVAL, AS IT COULD EVER POSSIBLY BE!!!!!!!!! My uterus is tilted, and I have never had a baby. So the IUD removal, which I was pressured into, is going to be excruitiating!!!!!!! I personally don't want it removed. But am doing so!  I should not have to feel it! I should not have to feel pain! It's unnessesary, and cruel not to give me something. When I specifically asked for it!

MY DENTIST GAVE ME VALLUM ONCE! Cause I'm deathly afraid of needles, and had to get some cavities removed, and was terrified. Why can't I have something when they have to shove forceps up my uterus?! And dig around for my IUD?!

It's simple... I DON"T WANT TO BE IN PAIN! There are simple, harmless ways to make me not in pain! WHY CAN'T I HAVE THEM!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!

If the strings were left intact, it would have been virtually painless. But since it can only be seen with an ultrasound, and he has to go up there and get it. I wanted ATLEAST vallum to calm me down.

It will be done in the small doctor's office, where everyone looks at you as you leave. And can hear you scream, or whatever if you do. So I don't want to freak out, or shreak hearably on the table, or be seen walking all teary eyed. When it was inserted I had to lay on a hospital couch for almost an hour before I could walk to the car.


What do you think? Of all this crap. Simple innocent mix up... which it could very likely be. Or complete B.S.
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I was a pushy person. It will happen on April 15th... and I have annoyed them to give me some drugs. Since there are no strings, and they gotta go digging. YAY! Or at least something to calm me down. Like vallum... so I don't freak out, or most likely chicken out.

I chickened out last time... and coincedently made my doctor mad at me... and bleed longer.

I hope this stops the bleeding... if it doesn't I'm gonna be really pissed off. Hopefully I don't get knocked up. That would entirely suck... as if the bleeding stopped, I could finally cease my celebacy. Even get engaged.

Honestly after all of this... I have no interest in babies, or pregnancy, or ever being trapped by my own body again. I wonder if they'd tie a 20 year old's tubes.

I'm getting it out, as it's the only way anyone will pay any attention to my cysts. And the only way I will be "allowed" to see more specialists. THIS BETTER STOP THE BLEEDING! RAWR! Or someone is gonna be Laim Neeson throat punched.
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I don't have a useful answer! I hope the removal goes well from you when it does occur.
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I'm still waiting to get my IUD out... I haven't even heard WHEN I can get into the gyno. My doctor told me that he will not refer me to anymore specialists... until I get my IUD out. I have been bleeding for 8 months. Straight. It's basically like. You didn't want to get pregnant... so you must bleed for 9 months instead. FEEL A WOMAN'S PAIN! MWAHAHAHHA!

I doubt that's the case... but it feels like it.

They were VERY urgent, and pushy that I get the birthcontrol device removed. But now I have to wait months to get it out. And have no idea when I will go in. There are so strings that the gyno can see. So I wonder how they will get it out.

They can only see it with the ultrasound. Likely it's removal will be very painful. I asked to be frozen, or given some pain releif during it's removal. Maybe frozen... he just sort of looked at me.

Why should I feel pain, while getting a birthcontrol device removed, like it's some sort of punishment. I don't care if a woman can handle having babies... I shouldn't have to suffer the pain of removal... as well as all this other crap.

It's not that hard to freeze, or drug up someone. It'll keep me from jumping off the table. Or shreaking in pain, scaring the other paitients.
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Went to the doctor, basically got yelled at... to get my IUD out... so I guess I shall. Made the appointment.... bye bye fool-proof-anti-pregnancy plan.
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I just watched the movie Precious... my life officially is awesome, and fabulous in every way.
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You think reading about it is stressful, imagine being me... BLARG! Atleast I'm come to terms with celebacy...
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Ok, then.  But this is one exasperating medical system you have over there.
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All my blood tests usually come back normal. So that's good. I feel better today.
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Emergency wouldn't do anything, but tell me to go see my GP. Anyways... I have a doc, appointment, on Friday... to get referred to someone else. It's not murder to delay medical care. I don't think... the most would be medical neglect.
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