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I Fell and Hurt myself, Need some Help!!

Hi Everyone,

I need your help once again.  This morning while I was getting ready for the day, I tripped and fell in my room. FORTUNATELY, it was on the carpeting and NOT the tile Floor.  My Autistic Granddaughter was here with me and was VERY UPSET that Nam had fallen and wanted to "call and ambulance and an adult" as I had told her a couple of years ago that IF I fell and she couldn't "wake me up" that she was to get an Adult and they would call an Ambulance" and she remembered that all of this time.  :)

I'm SORE all over my body. My knee is swollen and bruised as well as bruises on my hands and arm. I CAN'T do ANYTHING that involves heat because of the Fentanyl Patches so that eliminates andy Baths or Showers and that's what I REALLY want to do. However, I haven't even been in a tub except to take a shower in over TEN YEARS as I CAN'T get up out of them safely at all.

I need any and ALL suggestions that DON'T involve heat IF there is such a thing!! Needless to say I am taking my BT meds but this pain is ENTIRELY separate from my NORMAL hip and back and arthritic pain. My ENTIRE BODY is aching and throbbing from head to toe.

Thanks for any and all suggestions!!........Sherry  

PS I'm normally NOT clumsy like this as I'm VERY careful at all times to NEVER fall.   :)
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547368 tn?1440541785
Our Poor Sherry!!

I am so very sorry that this has happened.

Can you apply ice to your knee? Remember what I always say RICE? I know that you have repeated that so please try to follow that guideline. Do you think you may have done more than bruise it? If you have any doubt than please see medical treatment. Don't wait for it to get worse.

Only you know if you can add an NSAID to you medication regimen. If you can I would do that also as Sandee suggested.

I think that you and I have talked about ThermaCare. It comes in all different styles, for your back, shoulder, arms, etc. It would not be considered heat IF you did not apply it right next to or over your patch. It will not raise your core temperature. It provides a heat sensation for up to 12 hours. I beleive it would be safe to apply but be sure to consult the pharmacist.

In fact your pharmacist may offer some better suggestions. They know the OTC products much better than we do. The pharmacist may be a very good source for you right now. I assume you have not contacted your PCP. Please don't hesitate to do so if you are not able to manage your pain. A diagnostic study may be required on your knee...I am very concerned that you may have done damage to it.

Usually your "entire body" hurting means you took a good fall and it will take time to heal. However if anything becomes pronounced such as an area of increased pain, increased swelling or bruising, difficultly with motion, anything that appears out of the ordinary from the normal contusions and aches and pains from a fall...Contact your physician or a medical provider asap.

If it helps to know that we are here for you, you know that you have that. I hope this pain will leave as quick as it came. Please let us know how you are doing. We all care so much about you. I wish you a very speedy recovery.

Take Care of yourself our friend,
21 Responses
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Glad to hear you're feeling better!
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Happy you're feeling better!
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I'm so glad you are feeling better.  That must have been so scary!  Just glad it wasn't worse!
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Meant to add that the bruising is the only thing that will probably be around for a few more days but it is GREATLY improved too. It's mainly a small amount on my knee.

Group (((HUGS!!))).....Sherry
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Hi All,

Thank yo all so much for all of the suggestions. I've used ALL of the suggestions and I'm SOOO much better today.  

The major portion of the swelling was gone this morning when I awoke. I used Tuck's ThremaCare on my LOWER back and that worked wonders back there.  

The main thing that bothered me this morning were my shoulders. I was surprised at first until I stopped to think how I fell and I TRIED to break my fall with my forearms and that caused my shoulders to tense up when I hit the floor with full force. The ONLY way that I can describe the way that they felt this morning was it felt as if I had OVER DONE s STRENUOUS workout. VERY SORE and they hurt. By the end of the day the WORST of that is gone and I  would imagine that it will stiffen overnight but by the end of the day tomorrow I think I should be back to normal. I not it will ALMOST be there.

Thank you Dear Friends for ALL of your concern and thoughts and Prayers!! Your Thoughts and Prayhers played a BIG part of my getting better so quickly.....Sherry

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1275919 tn?1279836004
Sherry, I really hope you're feeling better and the only idea I can offer that hasn't been mentioned is vkcks vaporrub. It really helps bruises heal faster. I don't know why or how but it gets rod of them real fast.
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Hoping your knee is getting better. Did you call your doctor, or were you able to rest it today?

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1324871 tn?1288981706
I also am sorry to hear of your fall.I do hope you get to feeling better soon .We are all thinking of you and wishing the best for you .Take care my dear Melissa
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Sherry:  Any better sweetie?  I hope so.  You really didn't need this.  Let us know!
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655875 tn?1295695107
Oh my Sherry, my heart goes out to you.  I pray that you heal up very quickly.  I also hope you found a way to ease some of the painful symptoms.  I don't have any ideas what could help other then ibuprofen(which you can't have) and ice(which you've done).  There are some creams from the store that you can apply, but I believe they are along the lines of NSAID's and are really for muscle pain.  Please take extra care of yourself.  I hope you are feeling better soon honey.
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1322157 tn?1279656681
I am so sorry for your pain - I can't believe you fell...Please get some rest. I hope the meds help and you are able to sleep through the night.

best wishes for sweet dreams!

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I  REALLY appreciate ALL of the ideas that you all have given me AND the GOOD THOUGHTS!! It all helps so much!

I've iced my knee as suggested and it helped the swelling quite a bit. I know from experience,( as I did this one other time when we were in TN where that time I fell down 4 stairs leading from my bedroom and  the Dr. had me fit for a knee brace as the injury then was VERY bad), that this ISN'T as bad as that, THANK HEAVENS!!

The biggest problem now is the OVERALL aching that comes from a hard fall. My teeth actually hit together when I hit. I fell without being able to break the fall at all so I hit full force on my knee and the palms of my hands and actually have carpet burns (just like a kid  -  LOL). I have to tell you all though that the older you are the LESS able you are to JUST shake it off!!  Used to be able to do that NOT any more.  :(

I checked with my Dr. and the OTC meds are out for me because of the heart, BP, and other underlying problems that I have. Can't have anymore NSAIDS, as it is I take 400 mg's of Celebrex a day and my Breakthrough meds and they won't let me take anymore than that. My Dr.'s are pushing the limits with those as it is.  :( (The limits for me!)

Tuck, the ThermaCare was allowed and I've got it and it has REALLY felt good. I haven't been able to have any heat on my body in so long and I ALWAYS loved it with my Arthritis. I LOVED my Electric Blanket most of ALL and I REALLY miss that!!  Thank you so much for suggesting that!! I'm, also, alying back on my pillow with my knee propped up on pillows!!  

So far EVERYTHING is just the normal things that go with a REALLY hard fall. Aches and pains and bumps and bruises that will take a few days, it looks like now, to get over. The good news is that they WILL go away!!

I've actually taken the equivalent of 2 full BT meds (Percocet 10/325. 4 - 1/2's') and will take 1 more 1/2 when I lay down in a few minutes. (It's 8:30 pm here in AZ - we're on Pacific Time.) I've NEVER taken that many before, but I really did need them. So glad that My PM Dr. has it set up for my flexibility and needs in taking them.  It sure paid off today and I'm sure it will again tomorrow!! I expect to be pretty STIFF tomorrow, if I remember what it's like the day after a fall. I'll know for sure when I wake up!!

Again, I really want to thank you all for being there for me!! It means a lot!! I wasn't even thinking cold I was ONLY thinking that I COULDN'T have the heat. You know how you focus in on what you CAN'T have!!

Thank you my Dear Friends. I'll give you an update tomorrow......Sherry

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230262 tn?1316645934
so sorry you had an oopsie! I know how you feel! I ran myself over with a golf cart about a month or so ago (dont ask, lol) and OMG extreme pain on top of my normal pain! luckily i healed fast from that injury and I hope you will too! Youve got some good advice up above. Just thought Id share my little antic to let you know we all have oopsies sometimes!
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1187071 tn?1279369698
Oh Sherry I am so so sorry you fell but I am glad your granddaughter remembered what she should do if you ever fell. I would use ice and call your PMP and let them know you fell they might want to run some tests to make sure your ok, I know I would want that just to be on the safe side. i hope you feel better very soon you don't need this added pain to you.
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356518 tn?1322263642
Oh I am so sorry you fell and hurting even more!
You really need to be taking an anti inflammatory for the swelling, call your doctor or pharmacist and ask is it okay and see what they recommend.
Ice will help with the swelling and there is this stuff at GNC that's called tiger balm that will help with the bruising and pain.
I HOPE your feeling better soon and please be careful")
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Mama Sherry,

Please try the ice as I suggested, wrap it with the ace bandage and see if that will help you a little.  It will be cold and my hurt but see if it works at all.  Thanks for taking such great care of us all the time, I'm hoping we can all help you out.


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Oh no!  Now it's OUR turn to be worried about YOU!  I think if the swelling doesn't go down soon you may need to go into the ER.  I have done that before when I injured myself on the patch and they ran some tests and gave me a shot of dilaudid, it helped with the temporary worsened pain and made me feel better when the tests came back okay.  
Other than that, ice helps me sometimes.  It's good for pain and to reduce swelling.
Please keep us updated (if you can).  I'm praying for you.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Oh Sherry!  This is awful.  Can you call your doctor to recommend something?  Maybe a muscle relaxer or some smelly Ben Gay?   If you put an ice pack on your patch, you may be able to try heat.  You'll know pretty quick if that doesn't work.  I am so sorry dear.  I really am.  If I think of something I'll let you know.  But at least call your doctor.

(((((((((((((((((MEGAHUGS)))))))))))))))))  and prayers.

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Oh no I'm sorry! We all fall down sometimes and it's when we least expect it. I haven't fallen down in about a year so I'm probably due. Can you take any sort of Advil or something with a NSAID in it for your knee? Putting ice on it and elevating your leg should help the swelling go down. Other than that I would say stay off of it and hopefully your BT meds will help out. I wish you could use heat because it is the best for it but I don't want you to have an adverse reaction with the patch. I hope you feel better!
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Hi Sherry. I'm SO sorry that you fell! Your granddaughter is so sweet! Awwww:)

Can you call your doctor to tell him/her what happened, and maybe ask if you can take an Advil with your medication?

Can you use ice for your knee? That should reduce swelling. If you don't have an ice pack, you can use frozen peas or other veggies and wrap a towel around it.

Rest. Rest. And I think that you're supposed to elevate it above your heart (your knee, I mean).

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation--Can you wrap your knee with something soft?

That's all I can think of right now. I hope that it feels better soon! I'd definitely call the doctor if you can.


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