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Suggestions or tips on weaning off of Oxy

Hello I am new to this forum, I have not tried this but I am desperate and I need to communicate with others who can relate or understand what I am going through.
I have been taking approx. 15 a day of 30 Mg. Oxycodone, and at night forced to take Methadone during the night t avoid or help with night sweats and wd symptoms. About two and half years ago the meds helped tremendously but NOW my tolerance is so high the pain is there and stronger than before. My family is forcing me to get off the meds as they wish I have been trying to wean my dosage down so when I can stop alltogether I dont end up in the E.R. just like every other time I have tried to stop taking this medication. If anyone out there can relate I would love to talk to you to find out what has worked for you in the past or has not worked. Help me. My family doesn't understand everyday is painful and emotional rollercoaster so many feelings I dont want to let my family down BUT the pain is real and is not going away ever... I want to be less and less reliable of the meds everyday. If my angel is out there speak up. Wish you the best.~ Mo 81
14 Responses
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Hello All today I went in to see my Dr. We discussed my weaning he gave me some good ideas and suggestions I am going to try them. On a negative note he is being investigated and license is being threatened all because of three abusers it really ***** for the rest of us who actually needs his help and he has given me the ability to get up everyday and try to function like a normal person picking up my kids the smallest things get taken away so quick and withought the help of my DR I would be lost and in bed majority of my life. Any suggestions on how I can approach my letter I need to write for the Town Hall meeting we are having on his behalf on the 6th. Thanks for the support. It is so hard to find a DR that is willing to help you now a days withought passing there own judgements. He saved my life! I want to help save his license he is a great person and knows what he is doing He isn't doing anything wrong it is those abusers who are going to ruin it for us who actually need and can't get along withought his support and help.

That is all for today.

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765775 tn?1366024691
I am glad to hear that your doctor is going to help you wean off by using another drug.

I also understand now how being on such a high dosage lands you in the ER when you try to quit taking the medication too abruptly. The blood pressure factor alone is very serious.

Best of luck to you and please keep us updated on your progress.
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hi Mo,

Thank you for the update. It is so good to hear from you. You are never alone because we are here for you. I know it's only a computer connection but we are real ppl, with real pain and will do our best to listen and support you.

I was not hit by a drunk driver. I was driving my little red sports car when I was hit head on the drivers side by a loaded dump truck, my son was in the passengers seat and I had a moment to turn my car so it would hit on my side rather than his. I have not lived one day since that fateful day without horrid pain. The good news is my son's injuries were minimal.

Have you been through counseling? If not I recommend it. It took me a over a year before I realized I was suffering from PTSD. I am not saying that you have that disorder but a pain management therapist or good trauma counselor can be very helpful. When no one else could understand I poured my heart out to a wonderful therapist. He helped me put things in perspective and though it has been years his words of wisdom often come back to me.  

Have you applied for SSDI? If not and you are not able to work I encourage you to apply. Laws and benefits are changing but after you are on SSDI for a period of time you will be eligible for medicare.

Methadone is not only helpful in weaning from opiates it can be a good chronic pain management medication. We'll be thinking of you. Please continue to keep in touch. Good luck to you and as always,
Take Care,
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Thank you all for your feedback, well to fill you in this weaning is what my family wants and I want. I know I am on a high dosage it doesn't seem to help anymore. All three times I tried to quit cold turkey I would start throwing up, everything even water after 4 days of it not getting better I would be beyond exhaustion. This all started in 2005 right after I had my daughter driving home from the grocery store and was hit head on by a drunk driver, they found my unconcious and the driver fled. To this day my life has never been the same. I struggle everyday pain or meds?  I appreciate everyones feedback and support you are wonderful to take the time to express how you feel about my situation.
I know I will have this pain injury for the rest of my life. Every time I tried to quit cold turkey i would end up in the ER malnutrition, blood pression thru the roof, vomiting everything even water, and at one point the doctor said my heart could not handle what I was putting it through too much trauma. My family is pushing me to be off the meds before the end of the year. They do not understand that I cannot get out of bed withought the meds, nor can I eat, or even complete my day to day tasks with my children and of course take care of my husband. Stress has had a major effect on me as well I have been out of work since FEB therefore I pay out of pocket for my expensive medication. So many factors and honestly I dont have ANYONE TO lean on and to pick me up when I fall. Thank you so much all of you. I will continue to discuss my long term goal on weaning with my doc. BTW he gave me 10 MG Methadone to help with WD symptoms.

Take care have a nice night.

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765775 tn?1366024691
If I am reading your post correctly you are taking 450 mgs. of Oxycodone a day. This is a very high dosage.

As others here have stated you need to see your prescribing physician and get on a weaning plan. You will need to be on the plan for a very long time if that dosage is correct.

My doctor told me that a safe weaning plan is a reduction in 5mgs. every two weeks until you are down to 10mgs. and then you take 10mgs. every two days for two weeks and then off.

There are other options to get off faster as Tuck explained. I don't think any of us here take a dosage quite as high as yours.

Molly gave some good advice about the SA Community, but you really need to talk with your doctor. I am surprised he or she let you get to such a high dosage without switching you to another drug such as the Fentanyl Patch.

I am curious also as to why you end up in the ER when lowering your dose as Tuck asked.  
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356518 tn?1322263642
Tuck is correct about not cutting tablets in half, this is not recommended at all. the 15 mg oxycodone is not a controlled release medication. You had listed it as oxycontin but it is a short acting medication as the Er versions only come in 10mg , 20mg, 40mg, and 80mg. the 160 mg was taken off the market the last I heard.
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547368 tn?1440541785
OK, I'm confused which is normal for me on some days. Minughman922 and Mo81 are two different ppl, right? It doesn't sound that way from the last post???

Mo81 Sandee is correct and very knowledgeable when she talks about reducing dosage. Please do not misunderstand her post when she says " cutting your dosage in half " she does not mean to cut the tablets. Never do that as it is dangerous.

Now I'll go back to my confusion.

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Thanks so much for you input sandee.  I'm scheduled to see him on the 16th and will definitely talk with him about it.  As you know though, these PM docs act as though everyone is a drug seeker when if fact we're pain relief seekers. If drugs are what can help that, then so be it.  I think I'm feeling a little intimidated to say anything but your right, he needs to know my current drugs aren't working.  If he gives me any grief about it, I'll just find some other PM that will listen to me.  Trust me, they're tons of them where I live right now.  Thanks again!!
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356518 tn?1322263642
I would definitely talk to your doctor about different options you have. I have heard alot of Pt's say that that they have gotten better relief from changing their medications. As you well know there is no drug that is going to take away all the pain but we can strive for a better pain level than we have w/o taking the medications.
I am assuming that this is the first medication that you have been on/tried. If so then you have to understand that this is a game when it comes to finding the right pain medication that works for us. Everyone reacts to different medications. Most everyone has been started on one medication but they rarely find relief from the first one they try, they must keep going until they find what works for them. I know it is frustrating but when you do find one that works well it is worth it. I would suggest talking to your doctor as the medication your taking is not working properly anymore so you need to try something different. Your on a relatively low dose so raising the dose is an option if thats what your doctor thinks will work for you. Do not be silent though if the meds that your doctor is not working then he/she needs to know so they can adjust the dosage or change it.
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I have been dealing with spinal stenosis in my cervical, thoracic and lumbar area for about 6 months now.  I also have a herniated disk at the T 11/12 level.  Along with the back pain, I've had epidural injections for severe pain that shoots down my left leg. The epidural shots helped the leg pain but my upper and lower back spasms constantly and I'm having touble just walking right now.   I'm 42 yrs old and walk around like I'm 80 in the morning.   I've been taking 15mg MS contin x2 along with Oxycontin 10/325mg x 3 per day for break through pain.  The trouble is, now these meds arent really helping anymore.  Through reseach and reading many comments on this forum I've realized that I've built up a tolerance to these drugs.  I also know that increasing the dosages will only help temporaily then I'll be right back in the same boat.  My questions is, should I talk to my PM doc about trying something different or will that be a waste of time.  Is there a good treatment choice for someone like me at this stage.   Has anyone else been down this road already that may have some suggestions for me??  LOL , I know thats a joke because many of you have, but I would really appreciate any input.  Thanks
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535089 tn?1400673519

I should add that the Substance Abuse Forum is geared for emotional support. Tuck is correct in saying that when weaning off of opiates, you should be assisted by your Doctor. They have medications that can help you through the process. Tuck also got me thinking who's decision it was to stop taking your medication.
I'm wondering if this was your family's idea or yours? You are the one to make the decision on whether you can live without help from the medication.

There are other meds on the market that may be of more help to you other than the Oxycodone. I use a Fentanyl Patch which has helped me tremendously. The Oxycodone was not working for me either and had to switch. It was the best move I ever made. The Patch works around the clock with less side effects....you feel more normal and without the euphoria. You may want to discuss this option with your Doctor.

What ever you decide to do, this forum as well as any other is here for you........
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356518 tn?1322263642
I know the pain your going through. I have been there, I have detoxed myself when I get to where I think I am taking to much medication. I know it is hard. I cut my meds in half or even more to keep my tolerance down and I go thru horrible times doing this. My previous doctor used to really get upset at me for doing this but I feel like I need to control my intake as I will be on these meds for the rest of my life and I do not want to get to the point where I have no where else to turn.
I would strongly suggest that you talk to your doctor and he/she can help you do this much more comfortably. I always taper myself off by taking less and less each day. I am not taking the amount your taking though. if you start by cutting your dosage in half and then take one less each day it will more comfortable than going clod turkey which I do not suggest.
Please ask your doctor to help you.
You really need alot of support right now and I urge you to educate your family on chronic pain and what it is like to stop these medications. There are many sites that will educate them if you would like I will refer you to some.
We are here for you so anytime you need us please let us know.
Mollyrae is correct, you can also post in the SA community too. But your more than welcome here also as we understand what your going through. We have all been there at the point where we want to throw all the meds away so we understand.
What were you taking the meds for?
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello Mo,

Welcome to the Pain Management Forum. I am glad that you have found us. I hear your frustration and pain and we can relate to your struggles with pain management.

Is your physician agreeable to you weaning off the opiates and is he/she assisting you with this weaning process? If not the first thing you need to do is discuss this with your prescribing physician. Why have you ended up in ER when you have tried weaning off the medications in the past?

Family and friends often do not understand chronic pain (cp). It is difficult for others to comprehend what we go through if they have never been there. I would try to educate your family. There are great articles available on both CP and whatever your pain causing condition may be. They may help you family realize what you are experiencing. It might also help if you took your closest family member on one of your physician's visits.  

You are not letting your family down. In my opinion they are letting you down. You do not have to apologize because you have CP. It is not your fault and it is not a short coming or a sign of weakness. It is a disease that can happen to anyone, old young, educated or not, it happens.

Please let us know how you are doing. We are here to support you and offer information. You are not alone. I will look forward to your updates.

Best of luck to you and take care,
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535089 tn?1400673519
Hello Mo81:

Your post is so heart felt that I had to respond. I can hear the pain in your voice both mentally and physically. MedHelp has an excellent Forum for ppl trying to wean off of opiates. It's under " Addiction-Substance Abuse". The Forum has chronic pain members who have successfully stopped using opiates and they might be of some help to you.

Family members and ppl in general just don't understand what it's like to live with chronic pain such as yours. You need to be strong right now. I too suffer with chronic pain and have been in a similar situation regarding family not understanding my pain. I have never had to think about not taking my meds. I couldn't function as a person without them.

I strongly suggest that you visit the Substance Abuse Forum. I know they can help you.

Please take care and it will get better.....

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