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1322157 tn?1279656681

gas bubbles in spine????

I know this is not a pain med question, but I have posted in the other forums.. and no one even responds. You guys have been beyond wonderful helping people with their symptoms... and I am just at a loss. It would make me happy just to hear from someone who understands what I am talking about - maybe someone who experiences the same thing.

Here is the symptom: Sometimes, when my back is hurting a little more than usual (let's say I've been cooking for a few hours as I did yesterday), I will sit and rest my legs on an ottoman. Then I begin to feel what I can only describe as gas bubbles popping in my back (always lumbar where my issues are). They do not increase the pain - but I can feel it popping.

If I were to describe the bubble popping feeling, it would be like when you are pregnant (and I am NOT..LOL) and you get the bubble popping sensation in your stomach (but I feel it in my spine)...

The bubble popping I feel is ABSOLUTELY in my back and even feels like the bones are moving - but I am not moving.. I am just sitting there.

I know this is hard to put into words so others will understand what I am physically feeling- and I will mention it to the doctor next week, but I don't think he will understand what I am trying to describe. (He certainly has NO CLUE what it's like to be pregnant and feel a baby move...haha).

Anyone here ever feel the popping bubbles in their spine? Can you shed some light on this?

Thank you all in advance. As I said before, this forum is the most active AND most understanding!
29 Responses
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547368 tn?1440541785
Thanks for the update....And I am glad you are on the forum today it's always good hearing from you. You were missed!

I still find this so interesting....actually a bit fascinating.  I had a little time and did some searching and reading on your symptoms. I may have found an explanation. At the very least I think this is interesting. From an Internet article:

BEGIN: "Inside each (vertebra) joint is a liquid called synovial fluid that contains gases like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. This liquid exerts a certain amount of pressure against the ligaments around the joint (called the joint capsule). The stretching causes the pressure inside the joint to drop. When the pressure drops, the ligament gets sucked into the joint and a bubble of carbon dioxide forms. The formation of the bubble creates a popping sound as it comes out of the synovial fluid (cavitation) and increases the volume of synovial fluid temporarily (by about 15%). The increase in volume pushes the ligament back into place creating another popping sound (these occur so fast you hear only one sound). You cannot repeat the snap, crackle, pop for about twenty minutes or until the bubble dissolves back into the synovial fluid." END

I cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. It sounds feasible and was written by a physical therapist that specializes in sports medicine who is also a published author.

So for what's it's worth I thought I would share this with you. I'll be interested to hear all your comments.

My Best,
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It's so true that they don't really have answers or concern for things that don't cause pain.  Which, I understand, as the pain is the bigger problem, but I often have little things like that come up and completely forget about them or see them on the list and don't bother with them because they seem so small compared to all that's going on.

I know we're all glad to have you back, Mum!
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1322157 tn?1279656681
The popping was constant while I was in PT - I haven't had it for a while since I was ordered to stop PT... Although I have the cracking in my back - this was absolutely a bubble popping feeling.

I am so glad to hear that others have had the same thing. I forgot to mention it to the Dr the last time I was there. I go again next week and will ask. I am sure, however, he won't have an answer or be concerned since it doesn't cause pain, only a strange feeling.

By the way - I have been off for a while. Missed talking to you all~~ I will read through some of the older posts, but I pray everyone is feeling ok!!!

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655875 tn?1295695107
I have had this happen in my neck.  I have asked about it and the answer I get is the popping noise is due to inflammation in the spine.  Prehaps it could be, I just don't know.  For me it's like a crackling noise and sometimes I hear popping.  I can feel it too.
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I have had the same thing in my legs.  It's like a twinging or like little bubbles popping or kind of like a TENS but on a much smaller scale and in a bunch of places as if the muscle was carbonated and all of the bubbles were passing through it.  I always thought of it like the fat was getting zapped off my thighs.  It doesn't hurt, just feels like the little cells are popping like tiny balloons or something.
I am guessing it's the muscle building itself, since when we build muscle it creates many tiny tears that re-build and build muscle or something like that.  The TENS works to fatigue the muscle so I'm guessing it's the muscle being tired and rebuilding itself.
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I have frequent indigestion.  When I lay down I feel bubbles moving in my back as well.  It is actually when I take a deep breath.  I've had it for some time and can't figure it out.  Do you think yours could be gas that you are feeling in your back?
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