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I have patm for almost 3 years now, can you help me?

I've watched my life go away knowing that there was something wrong I've went to the hospital telling them there was something wrong with my hands they were all red that's when I started to become paranoid about my surroundings the gloves that this last gave me had some kind of infection on it cause my hands are still kinda red from them I was a cook eventually lost my job for a dumb reason but I know it was because of me. But as I was a cook I've noticed people getting sick around me bronchitis and flu's people would talk about how they itch I choosen to ignore it though I lost my job and started to work with temp agency like 5 of them still same thing was happening people getting sick and heat flashes my body was just hot and getting this stomach feeling that hurts soon enough it became some kind of acid reflux that won't stop every night trying to find a way to sleep but once I sleep everything is alright and when a wake if comes back. Also notice fungus started to come in afraid my toe nail is going to come off I had gotten a couple warts too I don't know what I touched. Which brings those gloves which I think has caused this madness. I can't breath through my nose there's some kind of infection on there. Am I paranoid is there anything that could help me in tired of people getting sick because of me I've separated myself from my family and tried to keep myself from friends but people seem to always want to be around me even though I've try my hardest to be away to not hurt anyone but my family feels like I don't love them also this is crazy I want to see my family and niece and nephew I want to be around but can't. This life ***** I want so much but I don't want to make people sick and destroy their life. Help me??  Can anyone here my cry patm is real.
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I have to wait till the 2nd  to get those things thanks for responding what remidies
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We hear it brother!  I've had it for over a year and have done my best to cope with it.  You deserve to live your life normally.  I've tried different remedies and yet to have find one that works perfectly.  Many here believe it has something to do with a fungus infection, specifically candida.  Read the recent posts regarding remedies they may be onto something, try one at a time to see if you notice any help.  Currently i'm on liquid chlorophyll and desiccated liver pills, just started candida forte pills and have noticed a slight improvement.  I have oxy powder pills, brown rice protein powder and bone broth in the pipeline.
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Thanks to ray2502 for the bone broth revelation!

I am doing the bone broth protein powder by ancient nutrition- got it from amazon

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