17489628 tn?1458796338

Any of yall breaking out?

I never had an acne problem, but now ive been breaking out in the past couple months.  It isn't really full blown acne, but im getting bumps on my face that are the color of my skin, and sometimes itch.  They go away and they come back.  Seems like maybe it could b toxins in my body from everything we have all discussed.  Whether its due to candida/parasite, autoimmune system not functioning properly or whatever organ that may not be up to par. I DO get that crawly feeling all over my body sometimes after i eat certain foods.  1 guy who went to a doc and was tested suggested an autoimmune problem, like the body is fighting itself and may be the root to why we send off these odorless signals that cause reactions.  He explains more in detail, and idk if that may be related to how ive been breaking out.  In just wanted to see if yall are having the same issue?
16 Responses
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hey Dj

Your assessment seems on point ( never experienced this particular symptom myself)

It appears to be part of your body fighting - are you continuing to stay with new and better food choices ?
Remember it takes TIME for our bodies to get rid of the toxins, junk etc that we have in our bodies after possible years of "abuse" - so please be kind and patient with yourself and your new healthier practices !

The coconut oil ritual that you have begun should be very effective for your face and skin IF you are consistent !!!!

All these things take time and are not microwave solutions  !!!

The planet needs your music , never ever give up!

God Bless and have fun !
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Appreciate ur advice and positivity!!
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Too much alcohol or caffeine can set this particular condition off. Ease up on either of those and the bumps will go away.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I use to drink ALOT, but i stopped about 2 months ago completely. Well, there was 1 special occasion about 2 weeks ago and i DID drink a good amt of grey goose, idk if thats what still has me breaking out.  Idk, maybe my body is still recovering still from all the previous alcohol consumption.  
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If you have patm then one drink is all it takes and it will increase your reactions for a good week or two.
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Yep, 100% same here. Never had acne in my life. Now get random zits on my face.. They aren't extremely noticeable but they are to me. I always took pride in my skin.. Same boat bro and I look forward to hopefully getting to learn more about what you're experiencing and we are gonna kick this mystery illness's @55... Stay up bro, hope to hear back on one of these posts.
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There is a female poster here who told me that clear liquors are safe for us to drink. Caffeine is still off limits. She knows what she is talking about and hopefully she'll post here again to give you guys the run down.
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Where are you from Dj_Choppa?
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17489628 tn?1458796338
If thats true then that's the best dang news ive heard in the past few weeks.  Idk bout that tho, I drank w 1 of my buddies that came down the other day, and that weird odor I've talked about in the past came back.  I can smell it, idk if its cuz its related to my sinuses and only i smell it, and maybe thats why other ppl always tell me they dont notice anything.  Wait, i drank some Coronas also lol dang it.  Maybe that's what did it.  Oh and the liquor was grey goose, non flavored(vodka).

Anyways, interesting to know Darth, It'd b cool if that other person u mentioned could share a few tips.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Im from Texas
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Interesting that u are experiencing the same symptoms as me.  Whatever works for me has got to do sumthn for u too, i would say. Ive been noticing weird stuff like that.  The more we observe and share the better bro.  I believe we will beat this crap soon, just like ive mentioned in other posts.  There are so many theories out there for how our bodies got to this point.  I feel like different ppl react to diff things, but ultimately we are in the same boat regardless.  Ill b commenting more tomorrow, gotta take myself to sleep.  Peace brutha
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  I recently drank too and had a weird odor coming out of my pores. I think that the aroma is ammonia or something similar to that. That's the reason why people cough and sneeze when your reactions are stronger.

I've heard different reasons why people believe our bodies react like this and I can't say for sure which one may be correct, but in my opinion our immune system has been compromised.

When we do something like drink alcohol or caffeine our body attempts to release the toxins within our body. For some reason those toxins come out of our pores like ammonia or something similar to it. The how and why are beyond me and if the human body does release toxins like this on a regular basis for people without patm, then our bodies are doing it far more than the average person's does.

Could it be liver failure,  some bacteria, or fungus somewhere in our body? Possibly, but until we get a doctor to confirm this we'll just be left wondering what the heck is wrong with us.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I agree that its possible our immune system or organs.  Darth what did u drink exactly?
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17489628 tn?1458796338
So i was out w friends last night, drank nothin but straight grey goose.  Gonna wait and see if im effected in any way.  Its gonna suck if I am cuz that odor was already down to a minimum.
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I was at a party and decided to mix it up. I drank gin first, then some vodka next, and I finished my night off with Joose. I had one hell of a buzz come the end of the night.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Jesus Christ Darth what were u at a rave? Lol jk, ya i bet u had a buzz, if u didnt than it's probably cuz u were passed out on someones front lawn.  

Joose is high on sugar and grains, maybe thats what made u react the way u did?  I didn't have any crazy reactions w the grey goose i drank a few nights  ago like i did when i drank coronas the other time b4 that.  Maybe the yeast from the beer triggered my symptoms, but beer is off limits now.  Kind of a relief cuz i rather drink liquor than beer anyways.
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You're correct about the yeast and sugar causing reactions. That's why Stevia is suppose to be a better substitute to sugar, because it isn't processed. My reactions were really bad the next day, and I'm better now, but they are still there. Clear liquors don't have the same effect as beer does, so you are correct on that point as well. This is one messed up condition that we have.
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