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Ask me any question about patm

If you need to know something about patm then i will give you an answer that will most likely help you out and it can be about anything at all. I have very little knowledge about diets and different supplements simply because i am not willing to sacrifice my diet or money trying to find something that might only help me slightly but ive gone a long way in reducing my symptoms.
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It happens to me that my own PATM affects me in a way; When in a locked room I start to feel short of breath, I have difficulty breathing, I get dizzy and my head feels heavy. Has it happened to you? Do you know how that decreases without taking it?
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Its funny you mention that because just yesterday this exact thing happened to me. How long has this been happening? Because for me it lasted a day but its because i tried something weird. My guess is that you arent breathing in enough oxygen. Patm is a gas and since you are breathing in your own patm im guessing you cant get the oxygen you need. For example instead of getting something like 60% oxygen you get 30% oxygen and 30% patm gas so over time you get light headed and all the symptoms you mentioned.
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