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Blood test for PATM and Overactive thyroid?

Hey guys,

I have the same PATM issue.  After doing a series of blood tests in April 2008, it was found that I have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) and it is also causing my hives.  What do you think?  I am on a gluten free diet (it's good for hive prevention) and I havent noticed people coughing and sneezing as much.  I stopped eating baked goods, canned or boxed anything.  I only eat fresh veggies (frozen veggies with NO sauces is fine too).  Rice (gluten free of course)..no more ****.  It's a slow process but it's really been working for me. What you think?
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I'm very interested to know how your PATM symptoms have been since your diagnosis. I was recently diagnosed with Hashimotos and Celiacs and have come to realize that this is the cause at least in part for my symptoms.

It got me wondering how many others have been diagnosed with
1. Autoimmune disorders
2. Diseases of the GI tract

It seems you had the answer six years ago but no one paid attention. Someone else (Why1) also brought up the possibility of thyroid disease or leaky gut three years ago as well but no one paid attention to that either and I guess they'll ignore me too lol

If youre still around. I'd love to know how your treatment is going and what has happend in the past 6 years.

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     Why did you have to do a series of tests for thyroid function? I thought there was only one test to determine hypo- or hyperthyroidism..................... Unless my Dr. is lying, which is possible, I just took the thyroid blood test and it came back fine..................... f you have a Gluten intolerance, which is possible, you should be looking into Celiac disease..........
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