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Could it be Rhodotorula mucilaginosa?

I now lived in 3 different appartment and there always appeared this pink scum around sinks.

First I thought it was caused by Haematococcus pluvialis because I took an Astaxanthin supplement back then.

Then I found out that supposedly a bacteria called Serratia marcescens can cause this pink slime.

Now I read that the pink slime can also be caused by a yeast called Rhodotorula mucilaginosa.

Coincidentally this yeast was also found in the (yet only) 2018 japanese PATM study 'An exploratory study on "people allergic to me" syndrome based on measurement of trace gases released from skin surface and microbial species in nasal cavity of a patient'.

Only under my copper-coated faucet there doesn't seem to be any pink stuff, it doesn't seem to like copper.

Did you also notice this pink scum in your sinks?

Also read this article:

"Is Pink Scum Affecting Your Patient’s Health?"

And this forum post:

"Not CFS, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa infection"

Did anybody here ever get intravenous Amphotericin B or the oral version Ampho-Moronal?
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Interesting passage from the article "Deployment of precise and robust sensors on board ISS—for scientific experiments and for operation of the station":

"First experiments in space have been recently performed in the Russian “Zvesda” module of the ISS. The aim of these investigations was a technology demonstration of the developed E-Nose under realistic environmental conditions on the ISS for several months performed in three campaigns. In detail, three different locations (working table, sleeping cabin and toilet lid) were probed with the E-Nose in each campaign (see Fig. 19). After the end of the last campaign, all locations were swabbed with Q-tips, and the samples swab probes as well as data from the E-Nose were brought back to Earth for analysis. On Earth, the in-space measurements were compared with an odour database containing four organisms, but a consensus odour could not be identified. Microbiological results also could not provide clues to the smell that was actually measured. After a literature research, the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was identified as the most likely candidate for the unknown odour. Further investigations showed that the smell of R. mucilaginosa matches very well with the data obtained inside the ISS. Finally DNA from R. mucilaginosa was proven at Q-tip 2 taken from the sleeping cabin of the cosmonaut and which confirms the assumption that the yeast R. mucilaginosa was actually measured in space by the E-Nose."
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I found out I get super sick when the cleaning lady uses a specific cleaner to wipe the floor in our office.

The ingredients are : <5% anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, fragrances, alpha-isomethyl ionone, citronellol, geraniol, hexyl cinnamal, linalool

Most of them are in all cleaners, but the alpha-isomethyl ionone seems to be a rare one. I think it causes the sickness because it is an antifungal. It supposedly has a clean smell similar to violets.
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I also found out I can't stand it when people wear perfumes that contain tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa).

Read the study "Antifungal Activity of Tuberose Absolute and Some of its Constituents" on sci-hub.
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Just my opinion, but I think we have advanced cases of Candida, and in some cases our bodies have excess ammonia in our bodies which comes through our pours which is what causes the itching, sneezing, and coughing reactions in other people.
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Basically I don't have any infection, nothing at all, my skin is fine and it stays young, many tell me how my diet is to keep me that good. My skin if I have an accident and it scrapes or I have a cut or similar heals quickly, that also catches your attention ....... Basically I don't have anything out of the ordinary in my skin. Apparently, when you despair, you read everything and draw your own conclusions to self-medicate and spoil your body ........
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