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Does PATM make you smell bad?

Does anyone know if having PATM make you smell bad? I've been struggling with PATM for the past 3 months and every time I see people coughing or snezzing I wonder if I also smell bad or if Im just releasing a toxic that is odorless?
sometimes people give me weird looks like I smell but I have never have anyone complaining about me smelling bad. Do people also give you weird looks? Also does perfume make the symptoms worse? whenever i wear perfume or any other essence the coughing gets so bad. I also feel people's reactions get worse when i sweat. The only thing that has helped symptoms a little little bit is not wearing any perfume or lotions.
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Does your Patm gets worse after you eat?
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Yes, IF i eat the foods that trigger my symptoms.  It's been tial and error for me in figuring out what's good/bad for me.  Now i mainly just stick to a couple of different foods until i start working from home, and then maybe ill experiment a lil more.
Yes, in about 2 - 4 hours. On average it takes 3 hours for food to reach the intestine. There isn't much digestion in the stomach which is why patm only increase after 2-3 hours.. It's all preparation for digestion in the small intestine. If your patm worsens around one hour after meal then something is happening in your stomach.
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I don't know about other PATMers but i have a odor that i notice started in 3th grade and gradually got stronger. travels faraway.
it's like i have TMAU + PATM
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I have a similar condition where it's like TMAU + PATM combined. Some of the people here may have variations of the disease.
I have a similar condition where it's TMAU and PATM combined. Some people on here may have variations of the disease.

I believe we all basically have the same disease but we individually look at it and interpret them differently.

I claim to only have patm. Some say they have patm and tmau but if you ask them whether they been diagnosed official to have TMAU, they say no. If you ask them if anyone especially the doctor told them specially that they do smell, they’ll also no. They’ll also claim that all doctors they’ve seen have dysfunctional noses.

They’ll also interpret people gasping and holding their noses as a sign of smelling bad odor. But if you ask them whether they asked, they’d say no.

I’ve asked unlimited people why they hold their noses and mouth, and many would respond it’s because they can’t breathe as if the air is hot or too cold and unbreathable... their entire throat/nose area is itching like crazy or they’d throw up, cough or sneeze violently. It’s an intense feeling that comes together with some sudden headaches and confusions.

For the first ten years of patm, I believed undoubtedly odor was in the heart of the problem but gathering my wits and asking friends and relatives to help me by telling the truth, proved very successful. My education helped me even more. You’ll go through the same journey and experience what we went through.

Here’s one-piece information that you’d be amazed to learn. Some people will look at you at first and have no real idea why. It’s hard to believe but it’s easier if you learn about pheromones. Humans don’t respond well to pheromones anymore at least that’s what we think now but discoveries have been made to show that humans do respond to sex pheromones. For example, you can wear a pheromone and a lady passing nearby can suddenly get attracted to you with no apparent reason. She’ll probably glance at you with desiring eyes without thinking at first. The pheromones that I’m talking about are unscented, I couldn’t smell it either. It’s looks just like water in a glass bottle.

I once had the belief that this is some evolutionary remnants built to recognize certain molecules produced from a variety of gut bacteria that may indicate an alarm/problem such as epidemic disease present and to avoid or flee as soon as possible. We know some animals respond to these signals almost unconscionably but I’m not aware of humans having the same subconscious ability.
But whatever the cause, I think we have the same illness but we just see it differently. I’m glad my patm is not so bad as before but I’m expecting to improve it more hopefully.
17489628 tn?1458796338
I looked up ORS, very interesting that it seems to pinpoint exactly what me and others are claiming to have.  I appreciate ur post, i did not know this term existed.

Ill entertain ur opinion cuz im assuming u are referring to everybody on this forum as having a mental disorder.  The only thing that seems out of place is u commenting in this community when u do not even share the same problems.  I sure as heck would not even know about this forum if i wasn't experiencing the same issues, nor would i even comment, but maybe ur just trying to help us.

So back to ORS.  Im gonna cut a long story short, if im crazy than so is every other person that ive proven this to, who also thought i was crazy before.  Friends who are normal ppl w great jobs.  Ive literally walked w ppl at work and outside of work to show them how ppl react.  Sometimes i wouldn't get reactions, most of the time i would.  I tested this out at work, at the gym, grocery store, and at restaurants.  When I saw  the other persons facial expressions change once they finally realized, it was very comforting to me cuz it gave me assurance that i wasnt crazy.  BUT, my mother thinks im still crazy lol.  My sister too.  We actually have been planning to go out n about so i can show her.  If i can make my sis a believer, i guarantee u that is ALL the proof ANYBODY needs.

I cant really say its an odor thats causing ppls reactions.  I dont think any of us can truly say its an odor.  With that being said, ORS doesnt apply to us at all like u might have been suggesting.  These are just observations from ppl, not a diagnosis. Why are humans allergic to cats?  I dont want to explain cuz u can just google it.  Cats can also be allergic to humans for the same reason we are allergic to them.  Human dander, which is hair and flakes of our skin can cause cats to have allergic reactions.  Is it crazy to say that maybe a very small percentage of humans can have the same effect on other humans? Idk, but i think it would be premature to cross that out as a possibility.   Im just giving an example.  I think there are a few possibilities.  Maybe it has to do w our immune systems, or secretions from our adrenal glands.  ORS suggests an odor.  If i say its not an odor will that keep me out of the crazy house?  Although a padded room might b fun, for a little bit as long as i can take a bottle of Grey Goose.
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olfacatory reference syndrome. look it up on wikipedia
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I hate people who claim this disease as a mental disorder. For me it started with bad breath during middle school. Then it progressed to people having small, but noticeable reactions in high school. Now as an adult, the reactions are worse.

I have tried just about every tooth paste and mouth wash available because the toxins come from from my mouth and nose, but nothing affects it. I assume that it's an intestinal problem, or a throat problem that is causing this. We need the help of the doctors to truly be PATM symptom free. The nonsense about God, meditation, or positivity won't solve anything.
17489628 tn?1458796338
The feed is called "The PATM Cure is Here."  He lists the products and even explains what they do.  1 of them i already had, which is the oxy powder.  It basically cleans out ur stomach.  Works like a laxative, u have to take it at night before bed on an empty stomach or it wont work.  He explains more and lists the links.  If u have any questions feel free n ask.

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17489628 tn?1458796338
Kare, i dont feel sensitive myself towards certain things, but OTHERS do pick up more on the fragrances we wear or odors we give off.  The 1 thing i WILL notice is when that weird odor is comin from me.  I say this in my own experience, as well as others that have mentioned on here.  For me, i stopped chewing gum cuz others were telling me can u not chew gum it is so strong.  So i told them why dont u shut ur mouth, and mind ur own business. Jk!!  So i figured out that the odor we are giving off, mixed w another strong smell would not make such a great smell.  It would amplify the smell of gum, perfume, cologne or wutever we were wearing.

Ya a couple days ago i was having a regular patm free day, no weird smells, ppl would rub their nose, but nothing serious.   Other days, just like u said, it was like dang man wth.  Im still observing, but so far it looks like i have control of it, I THINK.  Ya mainly ppl are rubbing their noses now than b4 when they would sneeze.  Seems like some ppl have it worse than others.  Ive heard of much worse symptoms that blew my mind cuz it could get that bad.

We can take all we want to help, and it WILL help, but to b cured completely where we dont ever have to worry bout this crap ever again, we may need some extra help.  Which is what im workin on right now.
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