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Nematod/Pyemotes+Biofilm bacteria/mushroom=PATM ?

I think this disease is related to mold; biofilm mushroom with a micro nematode of cotton or a pyemotes acarie mite; the new studies tell us that bacteria produces electricity and communicated between
We now know that bacteria can communicate electrically, and we should be concerned.

They are organized. "

David Nield 17january 2017

it I am french excuse me for my english.

3 Responses
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"We now know that bacteria can communicate electrically, and we should be concerned.

They are organized. "
David Nields 17/01/2017
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Based on the research I looked over, I think it's important to remember that bacteria only communicate electrically within their biofilm (i.e., within a colony). Yes, sometimes these electric signals can also 'recruit' bacteria from outside of the biofilm (even bacteria from different species), but these recruited bacteria still need to be in relatively close proximity to the biofilm.

In other words, it's unlikely that bacteria in a PATMer's body could send out electric signals that affect bacteria in other people's bodies, causing them to show an immune response (if that's your argument?). The research does not show bacteria sending electric signals across that kind of distance.

Another simple thought experiment is this:

Some researchers (.e.g., Dr. Gurol Suel at UC San Diego) suggest that the electrical communication between bacteria within a biofilm is analogous to the transmission of electricity between neurons during an epileptic seizure. If you think electricity from bacteria could cause PATM reactions, then surely the electricity from an epileptic seizure could also cause reactions. In fact, since neurons are much larger than bacteria, it would seem reasonable to expect that they would generate far more electricity than bacteria could. In other words, PATM reactions should be ubiquitous around people having epileptic seizures, and this doesn't seem to be the case (a doctor would've noticed this by now).
Iam disconcerting I provoke scratches a distance instantaneously I even the impression to do it by webcam or phone I produce static electricity all its strange there is a history of magnetic or static electricity added to a parasite
The Trouble with Electromagnetic Radiation
Dr. Johansson, who is a professor at the renowned Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, recently spoke in front of an audience of health professionals and medical practitioners at a seminar on Environment in Health in Barcelona. He opened his lecture by going over the known negative health effects of EMFs, which include:

• Hypersensitivity to EMFs • Increase in allergies and allergy symptoms • Potential link to certain cancers • Reducing the efficacy of certain drugs (such as Tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast cancer) • Radiation damage • Long-term DNA fragmentation
Dr. Luc Montagnier and five other researchers published on December 23, 2010 a paper entitled "DNA waves and water" abstract: Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions

Physically separated bacteria could exchange information, according to Professor Alan Parsons and Dr. Richard Heal of the QinetiQ ltd Research Center (Great Britain).

American researchers of univercity of california have developed a method to grow bacteria that incorporate microscopic solar panels into their bodies. These mutant organisms will be used to produce fuels and plastics by mimicking the phenomenon of natural photosynthesis
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otherwise there is a link with the quantum physics and recent teleporation see in google
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PATM is a symptom of a much larger sytemic issue. Call it Morgellons if you will, but after two years, I have beaten bacck the PATM symtoms and left fighting other symotoms.

Through experimentation, here is what works 100%:

Get megadoses of Vitamin C / L-NAC and Co Enyzme into your sysetm , the kicker is : VIA TOPICAL APPLICATION.

Most of the stuff is out of my system and any small PATM reactions are from my clothing and not my body.

I had this stuff , fibres coming out of my mouth, ears and scalp.

I tried various ways to get Vit C into my skin pores . My first mixes were crude, but worked.

My latest mix is simple : Disolve a boat load of pure Vit C powder into pure water . Disolve that into lectithin.Pour the lectithin into a carier oil of choie.

This morning, I feel like my joints have had a work out at the gym, but zero crawling sensation. Zero snapping and popping sensation in muscles and joints.

I have the firbe literall peeling off of me . They hide out int he poures of the extremeties : arms, fingers and such . The face , neck and scalp is a big area.

I repeat. Topical Topical Topical Vit C or any other strong anti-oxident. It just works.

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be careful with scalp though...i applied a strong vit c solution to my scalp and it burned my hair off at the root
Amount of preparation? Amount of intake? I am taking Acetylcysteine twice a day for 600 grams, vitamin C for 2.5 grams twice daily. How to prepare the cream with vitamin C? I currently do not feel any change, I'm already taking it for 2 weeks and nothing, it's still the same.
Thanks for the info, but could you please be clear with what you are using specifically? I'm pretty sure the average person doesn't know what L-NAC and co enzymes are. Please name specific products that you use for topical application. Thanks
Looks like you did spell out a solution in the end there. I plan to try Vitamin C powder > Water > Lectithin > Coconut Oil > Topical Application. Thanks again!
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