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Has anyone tried xfaxan?

What is rifaximin (Xifaxan)?

Rifaximin is an antibiotic that fights bacterial infection only in the intestines.

Rifaximin works differently from other antibiotics because it passes through your stomach and into your intestines without being absorbed into your blood stream. Because rifaximin treats only the intestinal tract, it will not treat infections of other parts of the body.

Rifaximin is used to treat travelers' diarrhea caused by E. coli in adults and children who are at least 12 years old. Most people get this infection by eating food or drinking fluids that have been contaminated with the bacteria.
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Thanks for your response soiledsystem!!

Was looking into investing in this drug because like you mentioned it's very expensive. I don't know if my insurance will cover the drug either worth talking to my doctor about. Also need to figure out how to get it prescribed to me.  Did you notice no difference at all?
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tried it for SIBO, didn't help for SIBO or PATM (save your money, VERY expensive, at least in U.S.)
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