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Has patm filled you with hate?

At firSt i started to hate myself, how can I become such a disgusting human, literally making people vomit. But now, I hate everyone else as well. All the comments over the years and forced self isolation is making me really despise other people. Guess I'm just envious as to their perfect smell free lives. Sorry just a little rant I needed to get out.
12 Responses
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It is most definitely a gut problem. Which causes other symptoms like sinus and allergies. It is a proywith the liver. Google liver  Problems I was and body odor. I was on the internet this morning and I found a site well actually a forum. There were people on there talking about their spouses whose body and breath was so bad it made the feel like they wanted to vomit. I will try and find it again and post it here.
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Why do you sound so angry? If we are smelled ourselves but others did not. Then maybe cut could be psychological. But it is the total opposite. I don’t believe anyone on the forum has said anything about vomiting as a symptom. If I’m not mistaken someone did say that they cause others to vomit due to the smell.
Yes, angry. It’s okay for your feelings to be all over the place. I have been there too. Sometimes angry, sad , hopeless, but I won’t give up. I also will not dismiss this as a psychological problem.
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Ok you people have a good day .
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Did you know the cactus gives a fruit its like water melon but better in colors of green. Red. Yellow . theres another its these mini peach looking fruit its good fiber and tasty .Theres things that will eventually make it to walmarts
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Mexico is a good place for fruit. And vegetables. There are some you cant find in the u.s. but everything you can find in the u.s. you can find here.
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I in mexico have access to mangos and other fruits not available in the u.s
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London girl what kind of foods are you used to in england. And to the other guys any body wanna share info about the common foods they daily usually have
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Its some of our digestive organs. It requires proper diet. I practice a little fasting. In the morning i only have a cup of cofee. Then i will eat at noon . but i drink alot of water it helps.
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Lol! What a discussion you guys are having here. I have to side with the people who are saying it's a gut problem. Whenever I stick to a strict diet my symptoms and people's reactions lessen. Our body is out of whack and it's up to us to get it right again. Due to our medical condition not being widely known no one can help us or even believe us. So I can see how that can effect a person psychologically. There are arguements to be made for on both ends of the spectrum, but the reality is if you don't care for you body 1st your mind will suffer from this experience.
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So if your body is suffering from an advanced yeast infection which will only go away if you do  a strict diet, do you honestly believe that you can will it away with your mind?
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I emphasize again for those who still do not understand: PATM is active because a mental psychological cause is psychosomatized by some trauma from the past. That they cannot discern? I say how it can be interpreted or explained: PATM increases if you get anxious stressed right? When you have stress and fear anxiety your intestines make noises and the PATM is magnified. That real reactionary act of the body does not let you understand? There are several studies where our body suffers certain disorders due to our prolonged mental state, all or most in this forum tell their past and their social fear more or less, they also comment on certain traumatic experiences and I read several, so it is not that PATM be mental only as they interpret it superficially, as well as stress and anxiety generates change in our body and even has the ability to alter the intestinal flora, because PATM is the same, it started with our prolonged mental state and that is psychosomatic, now, the solution is not overnight, this is for years or months, everything will depend on how you can control your emotions and other reactions in addition to healing that traumatic alertness that you suffered in the past, it has to be constant, just like that. will reverse ........ There are several writings as the mind influences the body under a state for a long time, example; some suffer from lack of hair and fall, some from the appearance of allergies, some from the appearance of pimples on the body, etcs ... all of these are mostly psychosomatic mental causes that become physical over time since when the mind is in tension takes over the body reaction reaction ................ Is it really so difficult to understand that? having so many writings and even the doctor himself explains to you. I am not religious or anything like that, I am not to invoke imaginary friends, but if I can say that PATM you have to take it seriously if you want to eliminate it, that starts from your psychological state, go to the psychologist if you need help to find some trauma and start from that. At least I can say that I drop 60% of my PATM or more, there are days where I only hear a sneeze and with my plan or thought applied I started about 1 year ago. Otherwise wander from here to there buying possible solutions without result to such an extent that they will spoil your body of both antifungals and other antibiotics supposedly magical positions ....... Some may help, but the real solution starts from your mental state, too read how the Placebo solves certain supposed diseases ........ There are so many examples that you are sinking into something ......... Greetings and get tough.
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Vuelvo a recalcar para aquellos que siguen sin comprender: EL PATM esta activo por que una causa psicológica mental se psicosomatizo de algún trauma del pasado. Eso no pueden discernir? Digo el cómo se puede interpretar o explicar: PATM aumenta si te pones ansioso estresado verdad? Cuando tienes estrés y ansiedad miedo tus intestinos hacen ruidos y el PATM se magnifica. Ese acto real reaccionario del cuerpo no les deja comprender? Hay estudios varios donde nuestro cuerpo sufre ciertos trastornos debido a nuestro estado mental prolongado, todos o la mayoría en este foro cuenta su pasado y su miedo social más o menos, también comentan ciertas experiencias traumáticas y las leí varias, entonces, no es que PATM se solo mental así como lo interpretan superficialmente, así como el estrés y ansiedad genera cambio en nuestro cuerpo y hasta tiene la capacidad de alterar la flora intestinal, pues PATM es lo mismo, empezó con nuestro estado mental prolongado y eso se psicosomátizò, ahora, la solución no es de la noche a la mañana, esto es para años o meses, todo dependerá como puedes controlar tus emociones y demás reacciones además de sanar ese estado de alerta traumático que padeciste en un pasado, tiene que ser constante, solo asi se revertirá........ Existen escritos varios como la mente influye en el cuerpo bajo un estado por largo tiempo, ejemplo; algunos padecen de falta de pelo y caída, algunos de aparición de alergia, algunos de aparición de granos en el cuerpo, etcs.... todos esos en su mayoría son causa mental psicosomática que se hace física con el tiempo ya que cuando la mente se encuentra en tensión pasa factura reacción el cuerpo................ En serio es tan difícil de comprender eso? habiendo tantos escritos y hasta el mismo médico te explica. Yo no s religioso ni nada eso, no estoy para invocar amigos imaginario, pero si puedo decir que el PATM tienes que tomarlo en serio si quieres eliminarlo, eso empieza desde tu estado psicológico, anda al psicologo si necesitas ayuda para asi encontrar alguna trauma y empezar de eso. Al menos yo puedo decir que baje un 60% de mi PATM o mas, hay dias donde solo escucho un estornudo y con mi plan o pensamiento aplicado empecé hace como 1 año. Caso contrario deambular de aquí por allá comprando posibles soluciones sin resultado a tal punto que estroperaràn su cuerpo de tanto antifúngicos y demás antibióticos posiciones supuestamente mágicas....... Algunos quizás ayuden, pero la verdadera solución empieza de tu estado mental, también lean como soluciona ciertos enfermedades supuestos el Placebo........ Hay tantos ejemplos que ustedes se hunden en algo......... Saludos y ponganse duro.
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I recommend the word of god. An act of disobidience is more costly than any act of obedience.  Never break the law. I did once and it deprived me of a free ride.
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Londongirl is covid19 making your life different. Bad or Good
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All you wanna do is say your 110% healthy and then sue the one who tried to do you wrong. The judge will never accept a patm disorder as existing. Patm is a key to an uncommon harvest. You have to have faith and also take actions quickly. Remember the best defense is a good offense.
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