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A short story about myself so you understand I am not troll

First, let me say I am not against you, PATMERS, and I totally agree that PATM is true 100%. I once was a victim and I truly know how it feels to be affected with this mysterious condition and it's extremely miserable to suffer from. Nobody would comprehend the term PATM but ourselves, which makes it very difficult to solve because doctors wouldn't understand one bit and think we are a dulsional maniac lol. I was affected for nearly 4 years dealing with people allergic reactions everywhere I travel whether it's family or not, upclose or from distance (Man, even though closed windows and phonelines). WTF!!! That was seriously bazaar to me lol. For me, PATM gradually started off slow with little reactions and it grew stronger and stronger as I continued getting more depressed and searching for answers on this website medhelp.org regularly. Almost everything that I was reading from this website, I collectively gathered all the info and interpret that into my mind thinking 'I bet, this is my problem' and unfortunately it wasn't. Everything failed on me. I spent hundreds of dollar on all sorts of liquid and pills and nothing seem to work. I even went to different doctors numerous times and ran all the test that was suggested on this website and everything came back negative. I always felt something was wrong with me even though I didn't have any symptoms besides people are allergic to me

On how I got cured 100%

Luckily, I was blessed enough to meet a local healer in my area and she FaceTime me every night to heal me. She doesn't charge any money or expect anything in return. She uses electricity (universal engergy) and send postive vibes to me while I pray to Loung Minh Dang and Quan Am (Vietnamese God). My healer tells me in order to get cured you have to really focus, stay positive and truly believe in yourself otherwise it wouldn't work. I was skeptical & told her, "You know how many times I tried staying postive and eventually I gave up because I felt like it wasn't the right solution?" She was like 'Trust me, I can solve your problem!" Guess what??? PATM is completely gone and I can live a full life again meaning doing whatever I like, eat what I like without being paranoid of PATM. Without her, I think I wouldn't been able to cure myself because I wasn't strong get over the reactions. By the way, everytime when she tranfers her energy over to me I felt enlightenment and felt happier.

It sad to say that many would say that's not a cure! You know what? The one's that disagree and say it's not a cure are the one's that's still affected by PATM. Apparently, it is a cure and many times over and over again the ones that are cured would say so. Everybody has their own belief and only you can control your own thoughts. I just want to spread the news that PATM is defeatable and you can do it. It takes time and effort and meeting the right person. GOOD LUCK!!! STAY POSITIVE!!! & REMEMBER WE WERE NOT BORN WITH IT SO IT'S DESTRUCTABLE            
4 Responses
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i trying to get help from local buddest monk but itsnt work me
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could  you  tell  me  the  process   of  finding  the  people  who  help  you.And  who  is  she   .a  doctor   ?
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Also, I was eating alittle bit of raw Sauerkraut daily.
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How can we reach your healer. Can she help us. Did the sauerkraut work
Not sure if Sauerkraut(kimchi) contributed but it taste good so I ate it everyday and still do. I'm Asian & I like the taste of kimchi lol. Ummm to contact my healer you might have to come here. If you need an assistant on healing I'm pretty sure you can head out to a local buddhist temple and speak to a monk (healer) and explain your problems. Try if that helps
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Good! I guess this is the cure for you, lucky you!
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