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How do i get rid of the weird taste in the morning?

I have already tried some things like a oil diffuser, airing out my window, sleeping in an area where i would get fresh air, etc. I am still not sure how the taste comes back but somehow there is patm in your lungs(evidenced by the fact that patmers breath is foggier than normal) and that patm is slowly diffusing into your mouth and throat over the course of the night. I havent tried an air purifier but does anyone know a way to get rid of this? My best guess is that you need an air purifier to clean your room of your own patm then clean out your stomach with an acidic substance then finally somehow siphon out the patm air out of your lungs but i have no clue on how to siphon the air out of a persons lungs or if this is even the correct way to get rid of it.
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:/ now that i think about it, it might be phlegm that has mixed with patm which might be why smoking makes patm worse, its because of the increased phlegm production. 2 days ago i was able to smell things again and it was weird because i have partially lost my sense of smell after patm but i had gotten rid of the phlegm in the back of my throat that day so im guessing phlegm does have something to do with patm. Also when im doing very intensive exercise or when im laughing a lot i am able to smell a burnt smell which is presumably just phlegm. Maybe the way to get rid of the bad taste is to just get rid of the phlegm in your lungs which doesnt make it easier than siphoning gas but at least its a step in the right direction.
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